ZZ just my opinion, I like them best in as found condition, and unrestored. But the Kidillac has a cool body style, that looks very nice restored too. Mine was in about the same condition as yours, when I found it. I restored it for my daughter's second birthday. It has chain drive, a horn, glass head and tail lights. I'd also try and find an easyer to come by body style, to use to build a Kustom. { YOU HAVE A GREAT WIFE } by the way! Keep us posted on what you do with it. Ron....
Thanks, { zz Top Chop } my wife puts up with me too. I'm always drag'en stuff home. I need to start getting rid of some of it. lol Not sure if I posted this, but I also like the old pedal car size gas pumps.
A few pedal cars and projects pedal cars I have. The first two pics are of the one I restored in 2017. It’s a late 60’s AMF Jet Sweep. The original chassis was too beat up so I converted that chassis to a false floor to be used as a stroller. It was used in my wedding for the ring bearer. I found a chassis in good condition on eBay and did a full restoration on that chassis and they can be swapped back and forth. The two red ones are future restoration projects. They’re all AMF Generic pedal cars. The more flat grille is a 63 model, the “V” grille is a 64 model. The last pic is of the fiberglass 1959 Buick pedal car body I recently found on eBay. I’m really excited because I’m restoring a 1959 Buick.
What to do with 3/4 of a pedal car? My buddy dug this out of a Minnesota Junk Yard 40 years ago. I cut it in half and made wall art out of the leftover pieces. One is my car club and the other is for my nephew who collects Hot wheels
SAM 0236 by doozzee posted Dec 19, 2010 at 6:01 PM SAM 0227 by doozzee posted Dec 19, 2010 at 6:01 PM Here is one I built as a stroller for my girls. They get a lot of attention at the shows.
A bump to some see more. A couple my old heaps. Notice how a kid cut the hood opened and, then hinged it. lol Sent from my SM-G920P using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Hey Ron, Any idea what the car in the foreground is? I have that exact front half of a pedalcar, but know nothing about it...........
Summit has been sponsoring competitions at the World of Wheels shows up here. I believe these are done by school classes. 2019 Boston World of Wheels show: Here's some from 2018:
Ron, hold on to what you can. Various collections of mine have been decimated because my wife complained about them. I think she understands my love for the kool stuff but feels that I can only have so much around the house. I don't have a pole barn to display or even store the things I love so books, records, bottles, car parts, promo models and my collection of 1933 Chicago World's Fair items are spread across the country, or so it seems. Which do I miss most? My red '69 350 h.p. Corvette. I'll never get over that.
Pullman,{ Great Collection } I know what you mean. I still have my 68 Vette from high school. Here's the latest photo of my youngest granddaughter in her pedal car stroller. Photo from last week. RON... Sent from my SM-G920P using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
There was a car show at our local mall last week... I brought out about 20 of my old pedal vehicles and we set them around our display...
I recently purchased this - one owner from new ! ,he traded it in to a local motability scooter shop to get work done on his scooter as he had no money. It will stay original-I only need to find a steering wheel for it