Ya know Moon, every time I see progress photos of your build I’m truly amazed at the level of craftsmanship. Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Well I got the roof to nearly fit but it just wasent doing for me in the looks department so I junked it and have gone back to my first thoughts for this, moved the screen back about 6″ and made a new dash frame for it to mount on, rear quarters are now slightly lower too and taper down, It flows alot better now in my eyes…………………….
Moon, moon,moon. As I said before, every time I see progress photos of your car I’m amazed at the level of craftsmanship. Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
I had to come back to see what a "screen frame" was, I guess it's something you put above and back of the "bonnet" ?
Have u thought about a screen off a 55 Chevy, nice shape and curves around to the start of the door Sent from my VFD 710 using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Not many 55 chevys in available in england for spare parts sadly so we have to make do, happy with the top frame now but the base shape needs more input
Fabbing the frame and former with the intention of having the glass made, wether I can afford it or not is another matter, cant get a quote until they see the pattern so plastic it may have to be.
Repro '55 Chevy windshields are readily available, inexpensively. I don't know if this is the solution, but I do believe you would far better work out the glass, then build the frame. IMHO, even a tempered rear window would be better than plastic, which can surely go opaque in the sun.
Mo you my well be right, I have never attemped a frame of this sort before so I am treating the first one as my learning curve then as you suggest I can source the most readly available glass and make the frame to suit, I proberbly should have said that the frame bolts on so can be changed if need be and allows me to keep my dream alive of perhaps making a bubble top one day.............................................
That being the case, you might want to see what's available in boat windshields. (Custom trick since the Thirties.)
Thanks Mo, Been looking for a perhaps suitable boat screen for some time now, but not much available here in the uk and most are plastic, as much as want a glass screen if using plastic is the only way I can get the form I see in my head and to be able to afford it then so be it
Is that a door window frame as the grille surround? Liking it! Do you have a pair you can shorten to fit?
Extensive mods, one off, personalization, unique..well on your way to my definition of a custom. Good luck. Thanks for sharing your build.
"keep my dream alive of perhaps making a bubble top one day" I've got a spare bubble, if you want to try it for size someday!?!?
To me, the greatest thing you've done, is the apparent insetting of the trunk lid – making roadster-size passenger compartment while maintaining the existing wheelbase. That way it seems to keep the proportions better in tact than adding another 12" of overhang.
Add on a cool "continental kit" between those rear fenders, instead of behind them, as they normally are...
Reminds me of @Kustom7777 's Telstar project... https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/telstar-it-still-exists.1117810/ ... and it looks like you've obviously seen it already @296moon . Yours is looking good, keep it going!
As I was sleeping last night, I remembered seeing a possible windshield. With Canada having its British Commonwealth connection, the local GM dealerships would sell the odd Vauxhall. Late 50's Vauxhall Crestas had panoramic windshields. I haven't seen one of these for decades!