To those of you who are down there, a little warning. DO NOT, REPEAT, DO NOT BUY ANY GLASS FROM VINTAGE GLASS, LAWRENCEVILLE, GA! He may be set up in Biloxi. I just got today the glass for my 32 Tudor that I ordered and paid for at the Nats South Knoxville back in May!!!!! MAY!!!! It took 90 DAYS to get it the first time, and it was so badly cut it was unusuable. I wanted to get the back glass in to take it to Shades of the Past in Sept. It only took him three weeks after he got my pattern to get me the one back glass. I personally returned the rest of it along with MY patterns at Shades, and it finally got here today, one month later. I've heard all the excuses, all the false promises, and all the BS that I can stand. Hopefully tomorrow, when I get it unpacked, this will all be behind me! Five months is enough!! CAVEAT EMPTOR: L.C. APPLING, VINTAGE GLASS, LAWRENCEVILLE, GA. UPDATE: Got it unpacked and checked it to my patterns. Close and no wavy edges, BUT none of the corner radii match, one piece to its opposite side mate. HOW FRICKIN HARD IS IT TO SAND ONE SIDE TO MATCH THE OTHER???!!!! Maybe it will hide in the channels. I'M DONE WITH THIS GUY!!
Good reason to do a search on any vendor prior to laying out your hard earned money. This experience by hotrodA is becoming all to common. How many posts of vendor rip off's have we seen in just the last few months? Gary
I got my glass cut by local shop(Floyds Glass). It was cheaper than online set and also no issue with fit. I'm sure any local shop can cut flat glass and would be happy to get the business.
Flat auto glass is flat auto glass , you sure dont need to go to a place that calls themselves “Vintage” . We get all ours done at a regular auto glass shop we can trust. Any thing that needs treating for safety glass they send out. I make my own patterns for special cuts such as roof chops etc . We need glass for a 32 at present so will go see them soon. Never had any problems, apart from me installing screws in quarter windows too deep ,”OH CRAP”
Most flat glass for cars is laminated and any decent long time glass shop should be able to do that. As Kiwi 4d said above some glass shops can and will cut and fit plate glass and send it out to be tempered. One of the glass shops within 25 miles of me does that on a regular basis.
They screwed up my vent glass TWICE, so I have 2 sets of glass sitting around, looks like they may fit an older Ford and one set possibly a '55-ish Ford truck. They were supposed to email me a return label... still waiting for it. My glass guy said it fit okay, but one was close to not having the edge covered by the rubber seal. They came wrapped in paper... no clue what the language is. All glass has a code on it with the country of origin, be interested to see where it came from. The windshield I got, ran the code on that. It came from somewhere near Indonesia that I never heard of.
I Spoke to a vendor setup there called "The Vintage Glassman" from Chickasha, OK seemed to be pretty knowledgable, did not see the other guy but thanks for the heads up.
My last phone contact with him was Monday, because he had not sent me a tracking number as promised. He said he was headed to Biloxi. Maybe he didn't set up. Regardless, the facts speak for themselves. Five months!!?? Just trying to save others from the ordeal that I went through.
I have had flat glass cut by who ever was close to me or my work at the time. The last side glass I had cut for the drivers door on my Chevy was $11.00 dollars! Dropped off the old glass as a pattern on my way into work, and picked up a new glass cut great on my way home....... $11.00 bucks !!
FWIW, I tried my local guy on the 32's windshield. He flunked the test, even with stock glass as a pattern. Cut it crooked at the corner, and he even had the frame to check for fit. He suggested filling the corner with black adhesive. Yeah, I know my 32 is a POS, and will continue to be, if I accept half-ass stuff in an effort to correct all the previous FUBABery done to it.
Have all mine cut locally by two different glass shops--both are reasonable and do great work-usually two-three days. Several years ago I had glass cut and sent from a place over by Santa Rosa for a 40 convert-door glass and vent wings weren't even close-trashed it and got it cut locally--lesson learned for me
If you find a good glass guy stick with them. I had some trouble when I did my glass for my 32 tudor. all worked out in the end but it was frustrating.
We used Bobs Auto Glass on EBay. He is out in Oregon and the customer service was first rate, tech support and great price. Sent from my iPad using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
I've been using Street Rod Glass in Riverside CA for tempered glass. I have it in 4 of my 32 Fords with no fit problems to date.
The vintage glass man stuff is really good and fast service. Have used him a couple times and have not been disappointed .
I agree that local glass guys can provide flat glass, 50’s not so much. He is just a middle man for Auto City Glass. You can order direct.
I use my local glass shop ..they even chop down and cut curved auto glass reasonable my 5" chopped 49 Cadillac split screen...used a Volkswagen Kombi 70s' screen ..they cut it in half ..then 10" off the bottom $50....perfect job
Another vote for Street Rod Glass. They did the windshield and side windows for my '39 p/u. Just got the side glass out and I'm going there tomorrow for the glass setting tape and I'm sure some good advice and tips for the install.
Took mine to a safelite. Chopped a roadster w/s ,first question was what is this for? Carried it to my reg glass shop[, was ready 3 weeks later when I said I wanted it.
Good to know... wish I could find a glass shop that can make HUGE curved windshield sections. Vintage RV, takes a bus windshield. Bus was obsolete when the RV was built.
Local 'Antique & Vintage' glass man came to Geno's shop to fit and install the door glass in his '32 Panel truck, fresh black paint, everything clean and fresh. The guy installed the stainless w/brushes 'anti rattlers/window channels' first, aligning and cutting lengths nicely. He was hammering the new tinted window glass in, rubber mallet...I said 'Hammering'! On closer inspection, the window glass was 1/4" thick, brushes/channels were 3/16". This was the night before set up night at San Jose Autorama, 1980. "When it comes to Auto Glass, all the fools aren't dead."
I watched an old glass cutter , he scored glass poured kerosene on the score and lit it with match . He split the glass easily and used a belt sander to smooth edges. He made it look easy !