Can someone tell me of any companies comment that currently still make a cab corner patch panels for the 1940 through 47 ford truck? Howell sheetmetal is the only place I see. That even Carry Them, but they are currently out of stock with no ETA
If you just need the skin stand a '40's-'50's hood on its rear, the bottom outer edges can work cut and trimmed to size... my $0.02.
Try C&G early ford parts, out of CA. They have a good selection of stuff, I've bought from them in the past.
Apparently whoever the supplier was that had been making them for years quit making them, how will sheet-metal started making some, and charged twice as much is what they used to cost, they fit beyond terrible, you have to do a lot of massaging to make them fit. With that said, I did get a pair from howell since they’re the only ones making any , I did get it to fit I just took a lot of work for what it cost .I have a right side one if you’d like to buy it I needed that one for the left
They don't look that hard to make. Plus they are low enough on the cab that a couple minor mistakes won't show. Let's see at $2.00 an hour I have all week to get these right. Think I'll give it a go myself.
Not a problem, The ones that howell sheet-metal is selling it’s not worth buying, , the ones that were being made a few years ago Buy a different manufacture I bought, they fit iperfect, yeah the ones that have are making you’re better off just make it yourself if it’s not too bad, good luck
I just recently fabbed a set for a 40 cab. The skin is mostly flat, and I made the bottom part with a break and ashrinker/ stretcher.
I agree 100% with you, if you have a shrinker stretcher and the sheet metal bender it is a simple piece to make, I have made a couple of pair of myself for my own trucks when I’ve worked on them, But sometimes the people who pay me , want to stamp sheet metal parts cause they think they’re better. All I can do is tell them I could make the part or they can buy a part . if they want to buy a part since they’re paying for it I do what they want
I spoke to Howell on the phone, they said the 41 cab corners were retooled about a year ago. Has anyone tried the fitment on the new batch?
Just looked up Wolf Steel Restorations and they still have the corners listed. Mine were perfect... or so close I couldn't tell. Tried to copy the link but dang computer outsmarted me! Here it is as typed by me... hope it works. Helper Al Update: That didn't work for me. Go to and then enter 'Ford' in box where they ask what are you working on? Then the cab corner came up at same $70 price I paid along time ago. Still trying to help.
I called,,, but they be East Coast, first thing in the morning as I need for two trucks, and for me the time it takes to buy and have shipped, is better than my metal skills
I made my own on my '42, just because noone offered the inner part. Figured if I wanted it all done, why just buy the outer skin?
I'll add some info from my experience. When I bought my 41 a couple of years ago, I went looking for a bed kit. I found a good and complete kit from Midwest Early Ford in Ohio. I picked it up at NSRA Nations North. As I talked with the guys from Midwest ,I learned the old guy who was stamping the bed parts also made cab floors ( 1 piece ),cab corners, "A" pillar cab mount pieces, etc. I bought everything that I needed and that was available. I was told the old guy was retiring and was unable to find a buyer for his inventory and tooling. I don't know the details, but Midwest Early Ford bought some of the tooling and a fair amount of inventory and there were other vendors who did the same. The pieces I couldn't get from Midwest, I got from Howell. All were good pieces ; I think all came from the original inventory. Lucky! BTW, the "inner" cab corners are actually part of the floor pan stamping.
i got mine years ago oregon i think...they had a great range of panels and very good quality at that....from memory they made nearly enough to build a new cab... good luck
So thanks to Hamtown Al I was able to purchase 41 cab corners (L&R) from Wolf Steel Restorations. They were $70 each and $35 shipping to the states. That's still a little cheaper than Howell and hopefully I won't have quality issues. I sent an email to sales @ they replied the next day.