That goofy Buick looks like something from a cartoon, or the inlet of a vacuum cleaner attachment. Ridiculous. But then, opinions are like assholes.... everybody has one and most of them stink.
Great car. In seeing a lot of Golden Sahara there. And from a custom guy, that's very much a compliment!
Some progress just not on the car!, been busy getting a roof and walls on its dedicated new home, my goal was to get it in by xmas which I did with 5 minutes to spare!, going to enjoy a turkey dinner now then back to the new studio to finish the plug sockets and lights, Happy xmas All, Moon
Outstanding job Moon. Looks like you’re on the right track. Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Had an idea for the grill a while ago so got hold of a couple of crap mini bumpers to see if it worked, It will mean buying 3 to 8 new stainless ones at £45 each but even if I have to cut and splice 8 I dont think £360 is alot for the grill is it?
You need to finish the fenders before you can figure out the grill. After all they frame the area, and without a frame the grill makes no sense.
Its a mock up, I call it imagineering seeing things/shapes that are not yet there. You work your way and Ill work mine
I always admire your ambition, and I get Imagineering. I think the two horizontal grill parts are a bit over sized, look a bit heavy. just my thoughts, still great craftmanship
I'm sure you've weighed the options, and will pursue the perfect course for your own vision. Personally, my imagination runs toward ornamented mesh.
Please don't take my comment as criticism. It was just a suggestion, we all do thing differently. There are many roads to the same destination. I have been following your work and am very impressed. Hope to see it finished. Brian
Glad I stopped over here. I have been missing your progress reports on the CCC site. You work like I do.Imagineering and mock ups.LOL Torchie
Thanks Mo, jazz and blues. no beatles for me................ Final shape of the fenders finalized............ sheet metal soon I hope