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Art & Inspiration Happy 50th Birthday, Hot Wheels!

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Jive-Bomber, Jan 8, 2019.

  1. tubman
    Joined: May 16, 2007
    Posts: 7,232


    Some people get it, some don't.
  2. KevKo
    Joined: Jun 25, 2009
    Posts: 960

    from Motown

    I still have mine. Here is a pic. Some of these are from the original issue. Also have the drag strip and the oval track with the power house. My grandsons like playing with them. Heck, I still like playing with them.

    Attached Files:

    Deuces, 31Dodger, bowlingball and 2 others like this.
  3. Most of mine are from the 80's as that is when I was old enough to not eat them but still young enough to play with them.

    I recently found a tote at my mom's place that looks to contain most all of them that I ever had and I was delighted.

    I actually still buy Hot Wheels so I guess I'm still young enough to play with them... When I see one I like, be it a car I love, an alternate version of one I had as a kid, or just something neato, I usually treat myself. Target & Walmart are dangerous.

    The only pics I grabbed were of some of the more wild ones I had from probably the early 90's when they were just putting wheels and engines on animals, like ya do.

    HOTWHEELS_216611629264250.jpg HOTWHEELS_2299930010285023.jpg
  4. So is American Graffiti , Two Lane Blacktop & Vanishing Point but they are referred to often.
    Just wonder if the 65 cutoff will ever be extended, as time marches on even Muscle Cars will eventually be traditional.
    Deuces and bowlingball like this.
  5. 49ratfink
    Joined: Feb 8, 2004
    Posts: 19,183

    from California

    here is a more recent Hot Wheels story. my good buddy Jim passed away in 1993, some time around 2007 or so I drove by his mom's house and she was going to have a garage sale. she had a bunch of things out in the garage getting ready for the next day.

    so she pulls out a Hot Wheels case and says these were Jims. I open it up and look inside and there were 48 cars in there, wrapped in tissue with the badges. I told her there is $1,000.00 worth of cars in here... she replied that she was going to sell them for $1.00 each.:eek:

    I took them home and sold them all on ebay and got $1700.00. she gave me $200.00 for my efforts.:)
  6. somewhere in my house, I still have all my first year hotwheels. I was given most of them for Xmas in '69. I also have some track, etc. They are even stored in a Hot Wheels branded/themed carrying case. I was a car crazy kid and these helped fan those flames, along with slot cars, model cars, car magazines, etc...

    Deuces likes this.
  7. Good on you for being a stand-up guy!
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  8. 49ratfink
    Joined: Feb 8, 2004
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    from California

    I actually had a guy ask me why I told her what they were worth. we were buddies since we were 12. I saw his mom a couple times a week for 20 years. bet I ate dinner there 100 times.
  9. I was talking with a guy at Hershey one year and he told me he had been an engineer for G.M. for years but had recently been hired at Hot wheels. he said the job was so much better and when I asked him why he replied: "at G.M. I would design a part of a bracket, or a small hum drum piece of the car but at Hot Wheels he worked on the whole thing"
    Deuces likes this.
  10. toml24
    Joined: Sep 23, 2009
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    I had a large qty of original Hot Wheels in the 1960's, along with all that orange track. It was the lack of space that prevented the large, long and long lasting track to be set-up for an extended period of time that ended the Hot Wheels experience for me. Also, I was growing up. Sometime around 1970 I instructed my mom to take all the Hot Wheels, Matchbox, and my other "toys" to her church, which she did and I don't regret. Now, nearly 50 years later, I may try to acquire some of those Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars, just as token memories.
    Deuces likes this.
  11. deucetruck
    Joined: Jan 8, 2010
    Posts: 738

    from Missouri

    Yes, I'm a Hot Wheel collector. Go to monthly Hot Wheels shows and have attended national conventions. Love em! HW.jpg HW-2.jpg HW-3.jpg These are original redlines and accessories.
  12. flatford8
    Joined: Dec 12, 2012
    Posts: 160

    from Lyman,ME.

    I actually wrote letters to Hot Wheels and asked them to make the cars that I liked. It was probably ‘69-‘70, I was 11-12. Now I’m to old to remember if they ever even answered.....Mark
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  13. stanlow69
    Joined: Feb 21, 2010
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    Being born in 69, I collected Hot Wheels as well. The red lines were not in production by the time I started collecting. All the other brands as well. My 2 older brothers had a few red lines. Always admired them. Had the track mounted high and would see who could go the farthest. Started in the bathroom, Down the hall way and then the distance of the living room. Got into collecting 1/64 farm toys as well. Went to a toy show and bought a bunch or red lines in about 93. Then they started making really cool Hot Wheels. The Mercs(Purple Passion) and the chopped 41 Ford Taildragger. Then the larger scaled cars as well. And the collector editions. Fast forward to 2018. Found a project for sale, the owner mentioned he liked Red Lines. I showed up, made the deal. $6oo. Then I pulled out my Red Lines. He ends up knocking off $180 for 7 not so good cars. He was 75 and was a major collector. My buddy couldn`t believe I got that much for little toy cars. Have some boxed accessories as well that I bought at a swapmeet. Pure sickness. But it makes you feel young again. Don`t buy much these days.
    bowlingball and Deuces like this.
  14. yep still have mine from the first issue's......but I'm not that old......think I was 2 when I bought the first one......
    Deuces and KKrod like this.
  15. BamaMav
    Joined: Jun 19, 2011
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    from Berry, AL

    Got my first one in late 68 or early 69, the Deora If I remember right. Next one was the 67 Camaro, green. Took it to school and some bastard stole it. Knew who did it, but couldn’t prove it. I ended up getting the Baracuda and the Cougar, but I wanted the
    Mustang fastback but never could find it. My first track was the simple loop the loop one, it was ok, but I was a big shot when I got the Snake and Mongoose drag strip with the flip top funny cars and parachutes!
    My first cousin had one of the first issue VW vans.....yes,the high dollar now one. No telling what became of it, he probably buried it or destroyed it with a hammer, he was weird like that!
    I gave all mine to another of my cousins when I outgrew them. When my boys were young, I bought them bunches of them. Every once in a while, one turns up when we move some furniture or clean out a closet. Nothing valuable, just good memories. I’ve already started buying them again for the grandson, can’t start too soon!
    bowlingball and Deuces like this.
  16. stanlow69
    Joined: Feb 21, 2010
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    I crushed a few of the ugly ones for my junkyard until the vise landed on my toe. That stopped the crushing.
  17. vintageracer37
    Joined: Sep 22, 2008
    Posts: 104


    I was 10 years old when they came out. Along with the multitude of car models and slot cars, they were a huge part of my formative years. My earliest Hot Wheels memory is my dad searching all over town for the "Hot Heap". I don't even recall if he ever found one, but the memory of him having a favorite stuck with me. As a product of the Great Depression, to say that my dad lived vicariously through my brother and I would be an understatement ;) Made for a great childhood.
    Deuces and gotta56forme like this.
  18. B.A.KING
    Joined: Apr 6, 2005
    Posts: 4,039


    I got quite a few when they first came out. My Dad passed away in Feb. of 69 so The "new" hot wheels were few and far between after that. But My kids liked em so we collected until they married and moved off.
    1 more story. I have a couple of friends who are very serious collectors, , has every single Real Rider still in pac .Raw castings. Every thing hot wheels. Goes to all conventions. I also work with a man who was a machinist, for Mattel in Cal. in 65-74. He and his son both swear they have prototypes, raw castings, new cars still in pacs from 68-69. I asked them if they knew what those were worth. The son and i were close friends. He told me that yeah they knew what they were worth. But dad was going to keep it all for grandkids.
    Deuces likes this.
  19. Yes hot wheels are post 65 but probable responsible for alot of kids getting involved with cars and being part of the hamb community today. I was hooked on them as a kid. We were not well off growing up so I played with other kids and their cars. I do remember getting a few new ones from the local shell station when they had a promotional event. When the various reproduction sets started to come out I bought them all for my son. We had track running all over the house. Super chargers kept the cars flying. I think the coolest thing they ever made were the parachutes that popped out of the track. Here is a new car I'm partial to. It resembles my avatar. A closer look shows a 10 cylinder hemi. 20190111_162807.jpg 20190111_162929.jpg
    wicarnut and Deuces like this.
  20. They make great Christmas tree ornaments. My tree is full of them. 20181222_170303.jpg
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  21. KKrod
    Joined: Jun 20, 2010
    Posts: 1,458


    Got my ass lit up by the principal's paddle in 1968 after I liberated my blue camaro from the teacher's desk. Yes they used the board of education back then.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2019
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  22. topher5150
    Joined: Feb 10, 2017
    Posts: 3,451


    The first hot wheels I had was the Camaro flip out from the 80s. It had a spring loaded flap on the bottom so when it got something it would flip. I got it for Christmas I don't think Grandma was to happy with me driving it into her baseboards. Screenshot_20190111-184414.jpeg

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  23. 31Apickup
    Joined: Nov 8, 2005
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  24. 31Apickup
    Joined: Nov 8, 2005
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  25. 31Apickup
    Joined: Nov 8, 2005
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    I have to dig out my cars but here is one of my more unique size ones.[​IMG][​IMG]

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  26. deucetruck
    Joined: Jan 8, 2010
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    from Missouri

    31A, very cool stuff. Thanks for sharing!!
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  27. Hmmm, I don't remember being in the club, but somehow I came to have (and still do) two of those Boss Hoss Mustangs. I was 7yo in 1970...

    I also remember those water slide decals. I put mini waterslide decals on a few of my hotwheels, to dress them up like the drag racers did...

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  28. Truck64
    Joined: Oct 18, 2015
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    from Ioway

    @31Apickup - I gots to know.... Did Bob ever send out the special BOSS HOSS Mustang Hotwheels?
  29. 31Apickup
    Joined: Nov 8, 2005
    Posts: 3,458


    Yes he did it’s always been my favorite one. I’ll have to dig out my cars and take a photo to post.

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  30. s55mercury66
    Joined: Jul 6, 2009
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    from SW Wyoming

    Wasn't there also a rechargeable Boss Mustang and a T/A Firebird, or am I really slipping?

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