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Hot Rods Dare to be different - 63 Scout

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Saxxon, Dec 15, 2008.

  1. wuga
    Joined: Sep 21, 2008
    Posts: 672


    We thoroughly loved watching the Scout run and Canadians only use dog sleds they say. Your writing fully captured the event, yes the weather sucked at times, but the camaraderie and the runs when the skis cleared made it the best weekend of the summer. Sorry I didn't get to meet you but maybe next year. We waited through the rain Friday and finally got to the front of the staging lane Saturday and lost ignition. Relegated to the stands. Your summary post put everything into perspective.

  2. Saxxon
    Joined: Dec 14, 2008
    Posts: 1,834


    Thank you Dean Coryell

    Dean Coryell 1.jpg
    els, kidcampbell71, belair and 7 others like this.
  3. Saxxon
    Joined: Dec 14, 2008
    Posts: 1,834


    Manitoba Gassers Association (Man Gas) was asked to put together a small (very small) nostalgia show for my home track, Interlake Dragway as part of the Labor Day Long Weekend show... it was a huge success

    Roster Call
    1. My Scout
    2. Paul and Megan in the "Prefect Storm" 49 Prefect
    3. Larry Arnold with the 8 sec "Sheets & Giggles" 23 T altered that has been to the last 2 Meltdown Drags
    4. Gary Misko in his 3x Meltdown veteran 39 Willys street rod
    5. Ryan Tront in his fresh build "Ugly Duckling" straight axle 62 Falcon
    6. Dave Williamson in his 506" Olds powered 62 Olds Starfire - That runs 9's !!
    7. Ed Hohenberg in his 11 sec Pontiac powered, 4 speed, Drag Week finishing 66 GTO
    8. Ed Campbell who came 5 hrs with his 302 Ford powered 47 Austin street rod. With a Prefect front end
    9. Ralph Thomas and his sbc powered 30 Ford street rod
    We lost Gary for the weekend to an unexpected surgery - he's doing fine

    This was a Test n Tune day and we were not required to make runs. Ralph and his 30 Ford could only be there this one day and he ran laps. He was hoping for 14's and he managed a 13.71. He was last seen hauling people around in the rumble seat.

    Dave Williamson made 6 passes in the Starfire Battle Cruiser to get his competition license.We rolled into staging to give a preview. It became obvious that Ed's GTO and Dave's Starfire were an immediate hit. Everyone else made good passes ... except me...

    The Scout fell on its face at 1/2 track and then went lean ... very lean !! Catastrophically lean !! It was so bad I thought I had put rod out...
    • We did a visual check on the valve train... all good.
    • Pat down of the diaper told us nothing had tried to exit the block
    • Valve lash was good
    • Compression check looked great (130 psi across the board)
    • We blew out the fuel system... all good.
    • Thought it was the intake gaskets (again)... so we tore off the blower and intake... nope... gaskets looked good... except now we had change them.
    • Oil looks like baby poop... 1 pass and 4 bouts of idling... needs changing
    We found nothing so we decided to change the fuel pump and put it back together. To be honest, we were more concerned about not finding the cause... We stopped as it was getting dark and we needed to let the gasket goop set up...

    Larry and I started wrenching at 8am. As we were torquing down the intake - Larry notices a 1/8 threaded plug was missing out of the back of the manifold... Bingo !! ... the problem !! Scott Brown re-joins the party and we bolt it all back together and fire it up... and... it's running like a bag of hammers rolling down a set of stairs... Cylinders 5 & 6 are cold/not firing and soaked in fuel... (Heavy sigh). Won't clean up even at high rpm
    • Oil change first thing
    • Change plugs... Nope...
    • Hotter plugs in 5&6... Nope...
    • Check all wires...They're good...
    • Recheck valve lash... All good...
    By then the show was starting so we abandoned the Scout and let the others focus on their cars. Really bummed I was missing the big day with one of the marquee cars some folks had come to see.

    The group made 3 passes. Larry ran a personal best of 8.41/166 for fast time of the weekend. Ryan quickly learns the "Ugly Duckling" Falcon and it's 429 FE power does good burnouts and he incinerates the tires prior to every pass. He runs great and has a best pass of 12.79/103. (Awesome !!). Dave runs a personal best 9.81 for fast doorslammer pass. His runs with Ed's "mid size muscle car" are awesome... The GTO leaves hard and angry like a breaching whale and ran a 11.41. The 4200 lb Starfire just hauls ass.

    Megan was running her Dragster this day and doing well. This meant Paul focused on his daughter's car and gave up the Prefect driving duties to Scott Brown. Scott quickly learns how easy the Prefect is to drive and he rips off a 10.41 and did great rolling burnouts

    Wrenching on the Scout again at 8am. We pull the Mag and change the points. Scott take a lot of care and concern to set the points gap and replacing the mag. Buzz box the settings and re-assemble.

    We fire it around 11am and it's a lot better. Still missing but now it's cleaning up and firing on all 8 when over 4000 rpm. We decide to send it...

    First pass the Scout pulls the wheels and hauls ass to a 10.02/132. 2nd pass we lean it out a bit and it's idling better, but I was shut off in the burnout for a fuel leak. We push back and fix it. I get permission to run - so I do... (It's all about the show after all). After one of my best burnouts ever the Scout pulls the wheels 12" for 80 ft and runs 9.82/135. 3rd pass we lean it out a bit more and now the idle is far better. The 3rd pass it pulls the wheels hard against the bars and goes left to the gaurdrail... I get out of it and get it straight...I get back in it and pull the wheels again 150 ft out... it goes 10.45/130 and I get a LOT of applause and thumbs up coming back down the return road...

    Larry is trying new things and comes off the trans brake harder than before... on Monday's 2nd pass the Sheets & Giggle altered makes a hard right to the guardrail and sends the photographers scrambling. Larry saved it... I started calling him "Wild Willie" after that one... His 3rd pass was a foot braked and peddling 8.47/ 160+... There is so much more in this very cool car... maybe a 7.99 ??

    The rest of the group ran flawlessly and made extremely entertaining passes. I couldn't have been prouder. The track folks were extremely happy with us and the fans loved the show...

    • We were extremely well received. Brandy Wruck (Track "owner") came by to tell me they were getting feedback at the front gate that folks were showing up to see the "Gassers" and couldn't care less about the Jet Cars. The ladies at the gate added to that... there were a LOT of folks coming to see us
    • The fan interest in the pits was just as good as anything we experienced at Fall Out and Meltdown. Ryan's Falcon may have been the most popular car in the group. Dave's Starfire would be a close 2nd
    • Folks were showing up in older cars because we were there. Next year we'll set up special parking for them.
    • We are going back... next year it is hoped we can get 10-14 cars making passes and we'll set up a display / car show
    • My niece Megan went to the Semi Final in the Quick 16 event Saturday then won the "Box" class Sunday
    Next year I'm hoping to get some folks from down south and from Saskatchewan... anyone interested ??

    Ed Campbell
    Larry Arnold
    Paul and Megan...(Scott Brown driving)
    Ryan Tront - "Ugly Duckling"
    Gary Misko
    Ed Hohenberg

    Ralph Thomas 40021554_1901207679942152_2222939931263631360_n.jpg
    Dave Williamson
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2018
    els, kidcampbell71, belair and 5 others like this.
  4. Saxxon
    Joined: Dec 14, 2008
    Posts: 1,834


    Fall Fall Out 3... Rock Falls Raceway...

    Our season ended with this great little event that is put on by the MDA, the same folks who do the Meltdown Drags. 200 ish nostalgia and vintage drag cars doing nothing but running laps and match racing. No winners, no losers, no trophies and most important... No F'n Whining !!...

    Coming down from the Great White North (where it was snowing shortly after we left) Larry and Arlene Arnold brought the Sheets and Giggles Altered, Gary and Kim Misko brought their 39 Willys street rod, Paul and Kim Pelissier had the Prefect Storm 49 Prefect and my wife, Lori and I had the Scout, Brett and Tanya Sinclair brought... ummm... well... themselves. They did tow the prefect trailer, which was very much appreciated

    We almost didn't get there as there was construction on the bridge to Hudson just outside of Minneapolis that had already reduced 3 lanes to 2... and then there was a tractor trailer fire shutting it down completely - at rush hour. Thanks to my GPS and Kim Misko's map reading abilities, we were able to bypass through Stillwater and we missed most of the backlog of traffic. But we still sat in traffic for 1.5 hrs.

    Once we got moving again our GPS said we would get to the track 15 minutes after the gates closed. We got on facebook and sent messages asking for the track to wait for us... it worked, they waited. (Thank you).

    But Paul and Kim with the Sinclairs ran head first into the mess and they sat in traffic for 5 hours (yes... 5 Hours !!) But we all got there in one piece

    It was cold... really cold !! With Saturday being colder than Friday... which was cold...
    But the track was hooking for most of us and the air was great.

    Larry, in the Sheets altered successfully made his NHRA licensing passes on Friday. The little altered was loud and squirrelly and it did hellacious burnouts. A definite fan favorite. He would run mid 8's until a mystery "miss" set in and shut down the effort.

    Gary / Kim in the 39 Willys are 3 time Meltdown veterans, they ran a new personal best with their first 12 second timeslip. They ran at least 6 passes in the 12's with a best of 12.50 on Saturday. (Very cool !!) ... We were joking about the Willys being the only 12 second car with a leather interior... and a heater. We were all jealous about the heater. Gary ran laps for 2 days. he had a blast

    Paul and I match raced all weekend and made 3 passes Friday and 3 more Saturday. The Scout was limited to 10.00 and slower since it's not NHRA certified but it ran well and I was lifting at 1000 ft (Still went 9.96) Paul and I put on a really good show. Paul and the Storm did looong burnouts and I finally figured out how to do one. I pulled the wheels on just about every pass... We used the Prefect to tow the Scout into the lanes which was hilarious... if only there was a "Coolest golf cart" award... damn, we were a shoe in.

    Prior to the 2nd last pass I'm lifting the wheelie bars... Paul looks over and asks "Planning to do something stupid" My response "Yup" ... well... wouldn't you know the stupid plow truck hooked straight, stood itself on the bumper and made a pass... 10.009 / 136 (lifting). I didn't violate orders by running a 9 (Sure wanted to though) but I still got the "talk" from the tech guys about the mph. For the last pass I dropped the bars, put on my Nitro Breather mask and did a BIG boy burnout across the line... then hit it harder with every intent to run a mid 9 at 140 ish... with the tracks blessing... sort of. The Scout went up hard and then went very hard left... abort the pass !!... and idle down the track... weekend over.

    Great event, great fun, great people... Thanks for the BBQ dinner on Saturday.

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    Last edited: May 27, 2019
    els, kidcampbell71, Okie Pete and 4 others like this.
  5. 64 DODGE 440
    Joined: Sep 2, 2006
    Posts: 4,432

    64 DODGE 440
    from so cal

    No pictures of the wheelie run?:(
    els, Saxxon and loudbang like this.
  6. Saxxon
    Joined: Dec 14, 2008
    Posts: 1,834


    els, kidcampbell71, Gotgas and 8 others like this.
  7. saltflats
    Joined: Aug 14, 2007
    Posts: 13,032

    from Missouri

    I have a video, but it's not very good. :(
    els, enloe and loudbang like this.
  8. 64 DODGE 440
    Joined: Sep 2, 2006
    Posts: 4,432

    64 DODGE 440
    from so cal

    Stands up nicely!
    els, enloe and loudbang like this.
  9. Saxxon
    Joined: Dec 14, 2008
    Posts: 1,834


    Last edited: Oct 10, 2018
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  10. Saxxon
    Joined: Dec 14, 2008
    Posts: 1,834


    My brother Paul (in the Prefect) and I match raced for 2 days and put on a show. Decent burnouts (ok ok good ones from Paul... mine not so much - as usual) dry hops, wheelstands, lots of noise and good passes.

    els, kidcampbell71, racer-x and 3 others like this.
  11. loudbang
    Joined: Jul 23, 2013
    Posts: 40,330


    LOL yours hooks better less smoky burnouts :)
    els and enloe like this.
  12. psra
    Joined: Oct 11, 2015
    Posts: 18


    Just wanted to let you know as well as if you can spread around to your fellow racers in Manitoba the the Saskatchewan International Raceway 2019 schedule is just out and their big race and feature event the SouthWinds Showdown will be August 14-17 2019 !!! Tech/pitting on Thursday the 15th and Friday and Saturday racing and the feature event !!!! We hope to maybe see you out for this event and have a great weekend with us out here !!!! please check SIR official facebook site for more info and race dates !!
    els and loudbang like this.
  13. The truck was running great all weekend. Your hard work has played off.
    els, loudbang and Saxxon like this.
  14. Saxxon
    Joined: Dec 14, 2008
    Posts: 1,834


    I figured it was about time to get my fat lazy ass back on the HAMB... but after hearing we should get an early spring I looked out of my igloo and saw this... I don;t think I'll be rolling the Scout out of the trailer anytime soon..


    This is going to be a very abbreviated racing season for me.

    My back continues to deteriorate and no-one seems to have a proper diagnosis or treatment plan. I had surgery ruled out last month and somewhere along the way they just happened to mention the Stage 3 Arthritis from T11-12, L1-5 and in my right hip. So after 10 years. 3 MRI's and a half dozen x-rays... they only now point this out to me ?? Of course one Dr says that's my major problem (along with 3 bulging discs and advanced osteo)... another says it isn't ... AAAGHHHH !!

    But I digress... The Scout finished the 2018 season without any major breakage. My more than disappointing last pass at the Fall Fall Out was suppose to bend the crap out of my current front axle - or run a sub 9.50 pass - but the season ended in a crossed up wheelstand and an aborted pass... (I'm blaming Kohlmann)... I still have the Battleship rated front axle from WAC Customs sitting in the trailer. As soon as the snow thaws that bad boy is going in with a shocks moving to outside of the frame and the addition of an adjustable weight bar. I also have a guy lined up to help me tweak the suspension so the Scout launches forward rather than up... It would be nice to come off the trans brake once or twice or at least let the beast eat off the line rather than peddling it to keep it earthbound. A 1.60 60 ft is just not cutting it.

    As I stated, plans for the season will be short. A Test n Tune in June for the front axle and then plans to put on a "Gasser" show at my home track in Gimli Manitoba for the August long weekend. Then Fall Fallout 3 in Sept.

    Yes - The plans skipped right past Glory Days in July... I am registered... I "might" decide to go... but it is unlikely I will attend. (Yes I will let them know soon enough for the next on the list to be approved)... I was planning to attend Meltdown 10 only because it was the 10th anniversary and then I was retiring from that event. Now that it's no longer Meltdown... I don't feel motivated to make the trip. That would be $2,000 better spent elsewhere. Even more important now that my wife has retired and I'm on a reduced income

    This might be the swan song for my tenure with the Scout. If my back continues to get worse then it makes no sense to have this historic bit of equipment rot away in my trailer. There very well might be a For Sale sign in the window at Fall Out.

    But before we make that call...
    1. Thaw out
    2. New axle,
    3. Test n Tune
    Cheers !!

    If anyone wants to make the trip North in August to our little track in Gimli for the "Gasser" show please let me know. 3 passes Sunday / 3 Passes Monday
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2019
  15. trollst
    Joined: Jan 27, 2012
    Posts: 2,104


    Truly, I'm sorry to hear that, ageing sucks in a big way. I think I'm at my best these days, I know more, got more experience, more time to devote to my hobby, BUT, my body rules the roost as to my daily activities and eventually you end up listening to your body. Good luck with your decisions.
  16. belair
    Joined: Jul 10, 2006
    Posts: 9,026


    Hope you get some relief. That Scout just kills. Have all the fun you can stand.
  17. I must point out the 60 foot was with the rear tires so it's really in the 1.40s-1.50s. Come to the glory days race then get a opinion from one of our doctors while here. I can get you set up. Your government health plan is designed to not spend money treating patients. That's why we see so many of your fellow country men visit our facility. PM me if you are interested.
    els, kidcampbell71, trollst and 3 others like this.
  18. Saxxon
    Joined: Dec 14, 2008
    Posts: 1,834


    I will not be attending The Glory Days;
    That is official... Byron has been notified to give my spot to the next person on the list.

    After a battery of tests for my back including a Nerve Conduction test that showed 3 problem areas in the back and legs... the next attempt to make things better, or at least the next one the insurance company will approve... is a rehab / back to work occupational program that will start early June and will last until early August (maybe longer). I am not allowed to travel during the program so a road trip to Byron is not approved. Or recommended.

    The plan is to get me back to work in the Fall of this year... so I can retire Sept 2020

    I may not miss the 16 hr trip down and 16 hrs back but...

    I Will Miss...
    • The welcome at the gate as we pull in...
    • My "Meltdown" friends...All of you !!
    • The handshakes, hugs and man-hugs with some of my favorite people...
    • Mike Belina's antics...
    • John Denski's warm welcome and enthusiasm for all things racing ...
    • Sam's Drive In...
    • Making my rounds handing out good Canadian beer to my racer friends...
    • The excitement of the event...
    • The ridiculously cool machines in attendance...
    • The ridiculously cool people in attendance...
    • The ridiculously cool history in attendance...
    • The number of times I look at a car and say "I sooo want that"...
    • Running with the Great Lakes Gassers...
    • Getting my ass kicked by the Beach family...
    • Having fun with the Byron staging lane and starting line staff...
    • The meet and greet that has become the staging lanes...
    • Making a pass in front of 10,000 people...
    • Watching the photographers come to the rail... because I'm prone to doing stupid things...
    • The uncertainty of whether or not I will run fast or the Scout will try for the 3rd row of stands...
    • Handing out Hot Wheels to the future generation of nostalgia racers...
    • Bench racing after hours at Mike's trailer with Mike, Mitch, Gregg and everyone else who wanders by...
    • Ron Leak's super enthusiastic announcing ... and absolute butchery of my last name... (Makes me smile)
    • Ron Leak making a point of swinging by to say "Hello"... and "Thank you for coming"...
    • Day old concession burgers for Saturday breakfast...
    • Handing B.J. a dozen beer and saying "Thank you"
    • Handing Phil at the Gasser Wars Magazine table a dozen beer... and saying "Thank you"...
    • The amazing Culver burger at Tomah Wisc on the way home...
    Next year is also a - Probably Not... but Fall Fall Out is a definite "Yes" for this year and for every year I can still manage and maintain the Scout

    Good luck... have fun... See you at Rock Falls
    Last edited: May 5, 2019
  19. 64 DODGE 440
    Joined: Sep 2, 2006
    Posts: 4,432

    64 DODGE 440
    from so cal

    Keeping you in our thoughts. Back problems can really mess up your mobility. Be well friend.
    els, OahuEli, Saxxon and 1 other person like this.
  20. loudbang
    Joined: Jul 23, 2013
    Posts: 40,330


    So I guess big wheelstands are out too. :)
    els and OahuEli like this.
  21. Saxxon
    Joined: Dec 14, 2008
    Posts: 1,834


    Hey Hey ... Whoa... !!
    Just one cott'n pick'n minute there son...
    No-one said anything about not doing big wheelstands...
    This is all about just showing up...

    (Hurrumph....) I'm offended...
    That's crazy talk... Crazy I tell you !!

    No big wheelstands.... grumble grumble....
    Last edited: May 5, 2019
    OahuEli and loudbang like this.
  22. Champscotty58
    Joined: Jul 1, 2010
    Posts: 122


    You will be missed, for sure!
    els, loudbang and Saxxon like this.
  23. 0NE BAD 51 MERC
    Joined: Nov 12, 2010
    Posts: 1,809

    0NE BAD 51 MERC

    The Scout with out wheel stands! Is that even possible? I always thought it did it automaticly. lol Hope you get some real answers for your back and hope to see ya at Rock Falls Larry
    els, loudbang and Saxxon like this.
  24. wrenchbender
    Joined: Sep 5, 2007
    Posts: 2,413


    Don’t worry man I’ll take care of that list and most important the wheelstands lol you will be missed hopefully I can make it to rock falls this year I’m really gonna try to get there this year

    Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
    els, enloe, Saxxon and 1 other person like this.
  25. Saxxon
    Joined: Dec 14, 2008
    Posts: 1,834


    Rock Falls is worth the effort. Smaller, more intimate... but the quality of the cars is just as good. As much as I hate to say it but... I hope the event stays small (200 ish cars) it's such a nice feeling when you only wait a few minutes in the staging lanes and make as many passes as you have fuel for.

    Last edited: May 8, 2019
  26. Saxxon
    Joined: Dec 14, 2008
    Posts: 1,834


    First outing of the season is a Test n Tune at my home track in Gimli Manitoba

    The Manitoba Gassers Association is scheduled to put on a nostalgia show August long weekend so I decided it was time to get off my old fat broken ass and put the Scout back together... I also took the time to swap in that beautiful battleship rated WAC Custom Axle that's been sitting in my trailer since last July..

    It's a beautiful thing... Thank you Bill Carlson

    I finally decided to fix the dents my fat broken body put in my front sheetmetal when I ran myself over in the staging lanes 2 years ago... Things are not going as planned with the guy doing the work so I'm running the test - sans front end. Just so tech doesn't have a fit I welded in a front crossmember (1.5 od x .125) ahead of the fuel tank.

    The plan was to make 2 or 3 runs and see if the front end / new axle is set up correctly and to remember how to drive this thing. The day was hot... really hot... Not Meltdown 7 or 8 hot... but hot.

    Things went well...

    1st Pass
    Idle off the line but got into it harder as I went down the track - There were no handling issues... 10.45/128...
    A slightly sticking throttle has me concerned.

    Spray lubricant on everything that moves on the injection and down the throttle cable... seems ... better (ish)

    2nd Pass...
    Throttle sticking worse... probably shouldn't have made a pass...
    Weak burnout - Easy launch because the throttle is sticking - Got into it early and out of it at 1000 ft... 10.25/101

    Throttle return is not working at all and I'm using the toe pull on the pedal. I shut it down as soon as I can. A systematic check found that the throttle cable itself was the issue. After an hour of trying to get it to loosen up and to work right - we realized this was dumb and stopped trying to fix it.

    Luckily... another racer had a similar cable that would work... 10 minutes to install and reset ... Much much better !! Best it's felt in 3 years

    3rd Pass
    My buddy Larry holds me in the water box a lot longer and I fog in the starting line...
    Yes Virginia... Dave can do a burnout !! (??)... Yah I know - Hard to believe.

    Hard (ish) launch off the footbrake... Pull the wheels 2 ft... Get off the throttle to put it back down and get back into it... Front end comes up 2 ft a 2nd time and this time I stay in it and carry it 60 ft... 1-2 shift and put the throttle to the floor... The Scout pulls the wheels 4" and I motor it out the back door... 10.33 / 133

    Very happy with that pass and the day in general... so we called it there... As we were doing the end of day servicing I realize we had used the wrong hole on the injector linkage arm and the last run was only using about 7/8 throttle... To be honest, if this thing went 10.30s and was driveable and not hurting anything I would be very happy

    We loaded up and came home... Ready for August Long !!
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2019
    els, oldsroller, saltflats and 6 others like this.
  27. Sounds like a good day at the track.
    els, mad mikey, enloe and 1 other person like this.
  28. loudbang
    Joined: Jul 23, 2013
    Posts: 40,330


    How's the back taking the work and racing?
  29. Saxxon
    Joined: Dec 14, 2008
    Posts: 1,834


    The Scout got it it's face fixed.
    Thank you Gord Compton

    There is also a new grill coming but I'm liking the beat up old one
    But now I can go out and do stupid things and the Scout will be looking good doing them...

  30. rod1
    Joined: Jan 18, 2009
    Posts: 1,425


    Fun stuff.
    loudbang and els like this.

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