It took me almost four years to find a set of 16" flipper hubcaps for my coupe. I finally found a set. I had been looking for a set of 16" that fit like the standard hubcap, where it fits the full wheel. I found quite a few that were in the 14" size range that covered the middle part of the wheel, like the hollywood and national brand flippers. Also I was lucky enough to pick up a set of pristine 16" Lyons wheel covers. It seems like in the late 50's there were a lot of hot rods running hub caps and that's the period I was going for.
Old thread, guy isnt active on here anymore but this looks cool, 70s 80s cap? 70s ford truck? Seems Ive seen them before and thought of there potential, Cool comes from the strangest places sometime.....if one has the eye to recognize it
Some Lancers on one of my projects "The Sweet Heart Roadster". Chrome 15" wheels with the polished caps gives a cool look I think. I need to get back on this one!
Not many people like hubcaps any more, here are couple of mine on my 39 SD. I made both sets of mine. I like them. I think they look better with the whitewall.