Thanks Mickey. I just received your personal E mail giving the current status .you old hard head... HANG IN THERE.... Bobby.
All of my best wishes to you. Hang in there and remember that love can do wonders, 25 years ago my mother and my neighbor were both diagnosed on the same day.... both given 2 weeks, he gave up and two weeks later was gone, she didn't and made it 8 more months..... That was a long time ago and medicine changes by the day, month ect. Looking forward to seeing a video of you driving the 40!!!!!!! for a....... l o n g....... time
Micky, I have avoided this thread for fear it may be bad, my feelings were right. Just remember no one can see what awaits any of us in the future, the doctors can guess but it's just a guess, don't get it in your head you only have a year to live,fight it with all you got. A true story, my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and given just 4 months at the most, she fought long and hard, went through all the chemo and radiation and she told the doctors that she had twin granddaughters that were 4 years only and she was going to live to see them graduate high school, she lived to see them graduate and to hold her great granddaughter, my mom live 18 more years, she was a devout Christian and even taught Sunday school each and every week regardless of how sick she was until here last few months. Prayers work wonders, and I will be praying for you. Danny
Thanks Bobby! For Hambers that may care...I visited my Oncologist this morning for my next chemo therapy treatment. I got some more positive news. What they call the "tumor tracking number" has dropped dramatically again! This is the tracking number, reported from my weekly tests, from the 1st report 3 mos. ago: 37,000+, 1250, 761, 530, 350, 150, and today "41". Wowzer! Once again, my Oncologist said she "has never seen the number drop like that before". She said I am in the top 10% of people that respond that good to treatment. However, once again she states that this is "incurable". It only means I will survive longer than most do.
Thanks for the encouraging words Danny. I am fighting and feeling good. Keep praying for me buddy! Here's some friends that got the engine in last Sat.
It may be incurable but it is going well, so you are likely going to have the chance at a much longer life than they were predicting! Oh yes, they have been wrong before and will be again! As I was told by my Physical Therapist after my last cancer battle, the reason is is called practicing medicine is that there are always things that happen that they did not know about or expect!
My Prayers are with you and your family for strength to fight this death sentence we call cancer . I have a personal story to share with you , 26 years ago this March 12th , I was told I had stage 4 cancer in my colon , the tumor had broken through the bowel wall and entered the limp nodes . The Dr told myself and my family I had a 20% chance of surviving 5 years . Well as I said that was 26 years ago . I had 4 surgeries , 1 Year of chemo treatments, 30 straight days of radiation , it wasn’t fun but it worked . Men are usually way to tuff to discuss prayers , including me . I was way to tuff at that time . But , with prayers and the power of God , I’m still here . You have a great spirit , keep up the good work , don’t give up your faith and pray , I’ll be praying daily for you and your family . If I can help you or your family in anyway , please feel free to contact me .
Thanks so much for your encouragement Dave! I expected to be in much worse condition by now than I actually am. There is a steady stream of prayers going up from my family and good friends(you included now!). MickeyD
My wife was diagnosed 3 months after her BFF's mom was diagnosed, my wife had the more aggressive type, her friend's mother has the slower-moving one. Long story short, my wife was gone 9 months after 1st symptoms showed up. Her friend's mom went close to 5 years, bounced back very well from a whipple and chemo, went onto have a hip replacement and shoulder surgery, she was 78 when she passed. Even went to France with a church group too, not much slowed her down.
Just tell yourself "it's not over 'til I SAY it's over". Watching and hoping for the best (for you and the car).
Look'n good and i'm still pray'n for you too. Have a friend here in Ohio fighting and his "numbers" are better too. Keep on keep'n on and may our GR8 God lead ya ! mike
What a great bunch of friends stepping up to help with the 40. I love 40 Ford coupes and an Olds powered one is very special, had one myself. I send you healing vibes and best wishes. Will be following along and adding an invisible hand of caring and love.
The motor is in! Your numbers are down! Your friends are awesome! Go blackrat! Sent from my VS835 using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Same happened for my grandmother. My mom, my grandmother's only child, was told by the doctor that my grandmother had inoperable breast cancer and there was nothing they could do, and that she'd have a few months to live. Mom told the doctor if they couldn't do anything for her, then they weren't going to tell her the diagnosis. Mom thought it would break her spirit. My grandmother died 21 years later of a stroke, going to the grave never knowing of her terminal prognosis. FWIW, you and your family will be in my thoughts. Keep us posted as to the build.
It is amazing the positive things that can happen. My sister, who is 87 and is still active, including activities like tap dancing, was diagnosed with a grade 4 melanoma last year, and after treatment, she is now cancer free. We have to continue to believe that we can beat this disease. Living happens one day at a time. Bob
A crew of friends came over Saturday and got the heads on and one rear wheel cylinder replaced. What a great bunch of friends! We were joined by an injured veteran, Larry Payne, who repaired the brake wheel cylinder.
Cool man. I really really enjoy seeing a bunch of guys work together on one car. Sent from my VS835 using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
I read a few months ago about how Alex Trebec, the host of Jeopardy had been diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer. His prognosis wasn't a good one. Then just last week the article was updated with the news that his cancer was in remission, quite unexpectedly. Here's hoping for the same for you! Keep praying, God is listening.
I went in for my poison treatment today and asked about the latest Tumor tracking number from my blood test last week. If you remember last week I gave it a big "wowzer" when the tracking number had dropped to 41. Well the report I got today was that the number is now at 26. Unbelievable! Pretty good progress from the first reading of 37,000+ huh? It dropped by nearly 1/2 in one week! I'm pretty excited about that reading.
Great news Mickey! We need to get that transmission mount figured out and get to working on the floor also. I'll bring some brake tools the next time we are working and get that right rear wheel cylinder changed out. Small steps for the car, but HUGE steps for your fight with the big C. You are kicking it's butt! Keep on keepin' on....You will be driving that car before you know it. We are all pulling for you!