Actually its named for my son who took his life at 43, and his old work tee shirt rides with me by my side on every run............................. SUICIDE SUCKS
Nothing to be sorry about, it just gives me the opportunity to talk about suicide and how it affects us all, and to remind everyone to share all they can with their children, every moment is matter how old you are....
That is a very good thing to have! It can really help you see if you're getting too lean with the tune. Now get out there and make us all proud! LOL
Well TnT is over, another unique experience, lifted the front end about 3feet off the line, settled er down shifted to 2nd lifted front end again, thought this is kool.... went down the track and at 1/8 mile started smokin...... humm let er off and came back ......... checked all plugs looked good????, looked at boost pressure and she was at a little over 11 lbs, hummm so just made the one run as I didn't want to hurt it, came home and have been assessing the problem, looks like two cyls lost ring sealing and are increasing crankcase pressure a bunch, well so here we go again, lowered boost to 6lbs, looks ok but only time will tell, and more runs. plugs looked great and egts were fine a little low even.............................
Looks like it hooks up well. Sounded strong on the FB video. Does this mean you have the injector sorted out? Bummed we couldn't make it, looking forward to October.
Starts good... idles in gear and pulls hard the whole track.. yup you got it figured out!! What did you have to change to hit the sweat spot?
It really Helps when the blower spins!!!! I tink we are on the right track...............Tom I finally beat "Unsprung"........only took 7 years, "one small step for man One giant leap for Lembke"