Back when ( Rose ) my 46 IHC firetruck was all clean and spiffed up, I used to take her down to the evergreen fly in at Wally Olson's " evergreen " field to sell my T-shirts, sadly Wally flew west years ago and the entire field is now just dirt !
The Tom Wathen collection of vintage historical aircraft built by Pete Turner of "repete" aircraft at FLABOB airport in riverside California. Mr. Wathens money well spent !
Remember the term, " you cant screw up a Steel Ball " this accumulator " acid ball " built in the late 40's for the Georgia Pacific mill at Bellingham Washington, was built to last a lifetime, serious rivet's, the mill is gone, but the acid ball remains!
Brodhead field, Brodhead Wisconsin, three banger Anzani test run up, total loss oil system, all open valve, with exhaust facing forward so that the prop blast will help disperse the castor oil that is being blown back at the pilots face, his clothes are junk clothes as they are drenched in castor oil, but as you can see, this is real fun with vintage machinery!
Sure, you can find this stuff online, but its way more fun to go to mexico and buy it from the vendor for way cheap, besides that, it brings back great memories from the trip!