Hi I am a new hotrod owner running a flathead v8 model a pickup . I am trying to adjust the steering box that I am told is a ford f1 . I wonder if anyone can confirm that from the photos ? Also am I right in thinking the large bolt facing the engine is the adjuster or is it under the nut ? I have old invoices stating the box was rebuilt in 2003 I am in England so getting bits is hard , I need to get a gasket set sent here and wonder if any USA suppliers do this . Thanks for any help Regards Simon
You have an F-100 that someone has welded a new flange onto. The sector adjustment is a slotted and threaded thing underneath the covering lock nut on the side. Take that nut off and you can access the adjuster. It looks like the endplate has had the center hole welded shut. That is where the horn wire should have come through. Sometimes the inner tube that is soldered to the end plate gets loose and leaks lube, so I bet the builder thought the horn wasn't worth the extra work to make it right.
Looks like the 53-56 F100 box. Remove that big nut to adjust. Adjustment procedure should be posted on the web somewhere if you search.
Thanks to both of you . I found the adjustment process online but all the photos seem to show a top mounted slot and nut . By the way what oil should be used Simon
Big discussion on that here (don't just go by the title): https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/stp-for-steering-box-lube.1156068/
Wow I had know idea the type of lube was such a broad subject . I am not sure in England if anyone will know of jd corn grease . They are a bit stuffy in my local Jd dealer . but If I could use a type of grease it would cut down the leaks Great help
Check out Vern Tardel's "Let me help you" book on Ford steering boxes. https://www.verntardel.com/store/p294/Ford_Steering_-_Service,_Repair_&_Modification_-_Book_#1_.html
Looking at the images patmanta posted, you'll see the steering column enters at the bottom of an F1 box, and at the top of an F100 box. That's the easiest way to determin which you have. You can get corn head grease from Amazon; they ship worldwide.
Sorry to ask so many questions but I have learnt more info from you guys in an hour than the last 3 weeks on the internet . I have dropped the pitman arm and fount the centre of the box . Removed the big nut and found the sloted adjuster . The slot is quite loose for a quarter of a turn then I get resistance ? I take it I am winding in ( clockwise ) And should it take force ? If I remove the box would it make a big difference ? Any help is most welcome Simon
Did you pull the star washer off after you took the locking nut off? Adjustments should be made with the box perfectly centered. If the drag link is not the correct length the wheels might not be centered, so best to do it with the drag link unhooked from the pitman arm. Run the steering wheel all the way from end to end counting the rotations, then back halfway and mark it with a piece of tape to verify you keep it centered. It will be tightest right at absolute center, and should drive nicely once you get the drag link to match up to the box's perfect center.
Yes I took star washer off and pitman arm off . I have entered the box . I am not sure if I shout turn clockwise or anti and if it should be forced . Turns easy for a quarter a turn the stops
Can you get Penrite oil products in the UK. They make a couple of steering box oil/grease sticky products.
I use the Penrite lube in my 56 F 100 box. it is specifically designed for older steering boxes, works well. It is an Australian product.
thanks for all your help Hi I wonder if you have adjusted your box and if the screw should move freely or force is used ? I get free movement of a quarter turn each way then nothing Soon
My steering box adjustment screw moves freely in and out, you have to find the sweet spot which is in the centre of the steering travel, turn the wheel left and right and divide the turns to find the centre, make sure the wheels are pointing straight ahead, this is where the box is in the centre position when you are driving in a straight line and also where the box is the tightest to help prevent wander under straight line driving and this is where you should make your adjustments. You may find that the Model A steering link is not the right length for the F100 box which will throw your adjustment out. You may need to disconnect the link and do the adjustment without it connected. If that works you will have to change the link for an adjustable one
Do not over tighten the adjuster screw. When you feel resistance, stop and check if the star washer lines up. You may need to back off the screw slightly. Cycle the steering and make sure it doesn't bind in the center. Then drive the car. You may need to re adjust one way or the other.
That is your correct adjustment answer. You don't want to put any extra tension on the adjustment screw you just screw it in until it stops, try it and maybe try it again. Neither tight nor loose is the best way i can describe it.
I'm using that. Great stuff. Helps if you warm the bottle in hot water before pouring. Sent from my moto g(6) play using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
I think I am getting somewhere . Took off pitman arm found centre of box . Screw was tight .Got my wife to move steering wheel back and forth . Found I had adjustment on screw and play is reduced . What should the play be in an ideal world ? . I have now a well off centre steering wheel . Is it a straight job of a nut under the centre of steering wheel and could rocking the wheel around centre to find a sweet spot for adjustment give me problems with over tightness ? Thanks so much for the help
Zero free play if the box is not worn out, and you must be at the high spot on the worm gear precisely. To adjust properly, pitman disconnected, you then find that small high spot on the worm gear by having your helper slowly turn the steering wheel 1/4 turn in both directions past where you have counted the turns to be "centered". As she turns the wheel, you turn the adjuster screw in until she feels a slight drag in the wheel in one precise spot. At that high spot she feels, your adjuster screw will feel like it stops turning and feels tighter. Then she should not feel any drag when she turns the wheel a few inches either way, but still can feel a slight drag in one precise spot which is the true center of the worm. At that point, the front tires need to be pointed dead straight ahead so you end up with zero play when straight. As said in one post, you must adjust the drag link length if the wheels are not pointing dead straight. The worm is machined to allow noticeable free play when the car is turning, that is why you must find the high spot on the worm. I believe the F100 steering wheel is a splined shaft, so you can remove the wheel to get it lined up at true center of the worm. If a worm is worn, or other parts are worn, you may not be able to feel that slight spot that has drag when you turn the screw in, and you will still have free play.