I like to take pictures, if the hoods up, I don't take it.... I might look to see whats so special, often I look and think....
I ain't got no stinking hood when I shows with my 34. I did this at times with my '66 Rivi to keep sticky fingered friends from "borrowing" my special 425 Buick wing nuts on the air filters. (Didn't help).
On my 40 Plymouth I only open 1/2 the hood all the way (best of both worlds) that way if you want to see the engine look in the one side and if you want to see the uninterrupted lines of the car look from the other side.
I like to think the best of people so I tend toward the car owners are trying to please the most gawkers as possible. The partially open hood is an indication that the engine is available for viewing on request.
That’s right ! They can indicate a long pause, a change of thought, an omission, or a place where the reader finishes the thought.
I've heard people say they hate how their car looks with the hood up... When I first got my 210 HT, I took it to a couple shows. It had a dirty, tacky engine compartment - many tattered, no importance stickers; too many part colors; cheap parts, etc... sort of the engine compartment equivalent of 'the people you see at Walmart' videos. Even I knew how bad it was, so for a laugh, I put the hood full up at one of the few car shows it's been at so far. When I came back, my hood was closed. Guess it's like the fat, ugly stripper - no one wants to see that Gotta56forme/Scott
open the hood, why not take a wheel off and show your brakes while you are at it. makes just about as much sense to me
I have new springs on my 1947 chevy. When I lift the hood it only sits 12 inches high. When I need to work on it I have a broom stock to hold it open. Also, I don't open my hood at shows.
I had the world's UGLIEST '46 Merc convertible, had been painted with a 4" paint brush. Red! One springleaf in rear was broken, drivers side, it leaned noticeably. Interior was by those guys on the Eastside...Rip & Tear. Truly, the car was awful. Paid $50 for it, wish I had a pic...Engine was a recent rebuild, (Automotive Engineering, San Jose...bought the car for engine & tranny) Took it to the second Billetproof show, as a gag. Engine was clean, but not 'spiffed', so when I opened the hood, I propped it up with an old, broken crutch! Must have been the most photographed car of that day... Much laughter. Cripples are funny???
If my T had a hood it would stay down. I hate car shows looking like a service bay. I will walk by and not take pics of cars with hoods up..well mostly. JW
Yeah vghuutg Baku klijh hoods Openzzz bghyddrb mkiyhb about yeah high oooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhh baby !!!!!! Look at my under carriage !!!! Mmhgyj
There is another thread going on this and the reason is so they can show off the engine bay without interrupting the cars lines (well poor attempt) for photography or just viewing pleasure......that's it, simple. JW
Not sure if they do it on purpose but an open or partly open hood guarantees that the photo you take of the vehicle looks like shit. Maybe the hood doesn't fit properly, and the this hides that fact. Open hood, I'm walking by, better things to see , and photograph. Bob
The Hudson is a custom so never open the hood or doors. My roadster has an open engine so always on display.
I really fail to see any difference in the relevance of the the hood staying down on a custom and up on anything else. Both have body lines and most are the same, customized or not! Its like saying up only on Hi-boy's and down on full fender cars. I smell BS. JW
A custom is all about looking good. A hot rod is all about going fast. On the custom, the body lines matter. On a hot rod, the engine matters. They're quite different. No BS.