You've got me on the first shot, Rootie. Is there any information on it? The other shot is fantastic with a lot of detail. By the crowd in the stands it looks like a Time Trial day. And Rudy Caracciola is pulling out around the Grancor #59. Caracciola crashed the car and was seriously injured and quite frankly I never realized he even made to a qualifying day until you posted this photo. To the right you can see Joel Thorne in a wheelchair with (I think) a broken leg from a motorcycle crash. And to the left that looks like it could be a young Andy Granatelli in the Grancor overalls with his back to the camera. Note that Caracciola is wearing a cloth helmet. Somewhere along the line he was forced by AAA to wear a metal helmet and was wearing that helmet when he crashed.
I believe the #56 sprint car was built by Del McClure out of the PNW who was a well known and successful builder back in the day. I really don't know any details though as to the owner,driver etc. The aftermath of Caracciola's wreck: