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Hot Rods Selling stuff, do you all get these questions too?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by flynbrian48, Oct 16, 2019.

  1. Yep..never know....I'm willing to travel some 400 miles based on pictures and short conversation.....others maybe not......brought that 400 mile one home last month and couldn't be happier........
    Hnstray likes this.
  2. When selling something worth $1000- ""What's your best price?" - "MY best price is around $5000, but I'll let you have it for $1000." This is soon followed by that "Stunned deer in the headlights" look.
    My favourite non-buyers are the ones who make an offer on something they haven't seen.
  3. Binkman
    Joined: Nov 4, 2017
    Posts: 406


    I had a clown on this site after me for months for a set of BBC chrome headers.
    He asked me tosave them for him for months so he could save up for them.
    6 months later he says he will buy them but for 30% less than the agreed price.
    I said no and he came up with the $$$.
    These were brand new chrome headers that were about 15 years old with some tarnishing where they were not able to polish the tubes.
    He gets them and says " his client is very disappointed".
    Very lame.
    I told him to toss them in the dumpster and I will refund his money.
    He used the headers on one of his shit wagons and sold it.
    He knows he is a liar and a thief and got over this time.
    Karma has a way of making things even.
    Another time some guy on the Fordbarn needed some '35 Ford parts I had and didn't need.
    I mailed them to him- no charge for the parts or shipping.
    No thank you- no nothing. Then I see the parts for sale 6 months later.
    Now if no one local can use them I toss them in the scrap metal bin.
    They picked up 1200 lbs. on the last run.
    and zero problems.
    OLSKOOL57, clem, Thor1 and 11 others like this.
  4. Your pretty optimistic.........
  5. 56sedandelivery
    Joined: Nov 21, 2006
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    Member Emeritus

    You have been dealing with a lot of what I call, "idiopathic morons"! That's a beautiful car, but way out of my financial capabilities; thanks in part to an adult daughter (27 years old) who refuses to grow up and assume adult responsibilities; I have to "supplement" her cost-of-living requirements. Just as an example, last month she was into me for just over $4500.00, and this has gone on for close to 2 years now. Don't get me started, but basically, my wife won't allow me to write her off like should be done Again, beautiful car! I am Butch/56sedandelivery..
    1Nimrod, jim snow and BJR like this.
  6. Jokester
    Joined: Jan 29, 2005
    Posts: 767


    I just tell them I don't negotiate on the phone.

    Budget36, 49ratfink and Beanscoot like this.
  7. deathrowdave
    Joined: May 27, 2014
    Posts: 4,307

    from NKy

    I have been ask a million times , is that your Harley and is it for sale ? “No ! “ Want to trade for something ? “ Sure how about 2 acres in Texas with oil producing wells” . Most look as if I hit them in the face with a wet sock and wall off .
  8. 6sally6
    Joined: Feb 16, 2014
    Posts: 2,757


    I worked at Poop Boyz a few years after I retired from a REAL job.... I like cars....know a little about'em...piece of cake, right?!
    Some days all I could do was just shake my head! Grown men.......driving 2 ton "missles" on the same highway as me and my family!!!!!!
    Either 'dumb as a post' or so arrogant they couldn't stand themselves. Argue with the information in the computer and bitch at me because the part costs too much. My name wasn't Manny,Moe, or Jack and they give me crap about prices.
    More than one got laughed at and I recommended they go down to Autozoo and argue with them.
    raven likes this.
  9. Binkman
    Joined: Nov 4, 2017
    Posts: 406


    That reminds me of an experience I had.
    I have been looking for a '34 sedan delivery or '34 sedan delivery project for quite a while.
    I get a call from a guy about 7 hour drive away from me. He says he has a really nice unrestored '33 sedan delivery. He tells me all about it, the story how he acquired it, how long it's been sitiing, how impossible they are to find, etc.
    I ask the price and get nothing but crickets,
    I ask if he has photo's or can text photo's,more crickets.
    After a few months he says when he has time he will get a relative to take some photo's but it would be best to come and see it in person.
    I told him I will not allocate that amount of time unless I know the price and have some photo's.
    Finally the photo's arrive in my e-mail.
    The car is in a million pieces, needs extensive rust repair, and is missing a lot of parts.
    Then he tells me he wants $38,000 for it.
    I know a buddy of his who had just sold a V8 Club national winning 5-W coupe for 40K.
    I asked him why he thought his pile of rust was as valuable as the 5-W coupe.
    That shut him down.
    It's his car and he can ask what he wants.
    His number is blocked.
  10. Hot Rods Ta Hell
    Joined: Apr 20, 2008
    Posts: 4,714

    Hot Rods Ta Hell

    When I sell I always place at the end of the ad "I'll only negotiate price in person after you look at the item. Only accept cash in full and no trades".
    Sure as hell the low balling and trade offers will soon roll in. I copy and paste my ad into the reply, highlighting the above sentence in red and send it back to them.

    Had one guy reply back to this seemingly all pissed off; "my set of rims I'm offering to trade you is worth twice what your intake manifold is worth"!!!
    I replied back "then list them for sale and when they sell, bring half the cash over and trade that for the manifold, but be forewarned, you'll have to deal with a lot of crazy buyers" (tongue in cheek).
    Thought that was the end of him. Sure enough, a couple days later he contacts me, saying he has cash. A dude about 40 years old shows up with the cash AND the set of rims in his old pickup bed! "Are YOU SURE you don't want these rims"!!? I say "no thanks I'll take the cash". "Well god dammit then here!" and he flips me 4 crisp 20's. Now I'm feeling a bit bad for the guy, thinking maybe this is his grocery money. I said " I assumed you sold the rims for the cash" He says "Oh, hell no, I had to borrow that from my Mom.":eek:

    Yep, buying is more fun than selling.
  11. Frankie47
    Joined: Dec 20, 2008
    Posts: 1,877

    from omaha ne.

  12. LM14
    Joined: Dec 18, 2009
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    from Iowa

    40 years ago a dude at work wanted to buy a set of mag wheels I had. Told him I would take $100 for them with the tires. He was a know thief and never had money. He was coming over Saturday to pick them up. Saturday comes and goes. No Mike. At work Monday he makes some lame excuse and wants to know if I’ll still sell them. Told him I would but the deal would be $125. He got wound up but by the end of the week he was coming Saturday again and asked if they were still $125. Yep. Again no show. Monday he started the tap dance again. By Friday he was coming again on Saturday. Told him I would sell the wheels for $125 but was keeping the tires. He blew up. He actually showed up on Saturday and pulled out $125. I told him he had to give me a few minutes to take the tires off. After a bitch session he asked how much with the tires? I told him $175. He pulled out more money and actually paid it. When I took them off my car a made a little ceremony of wiping off each lug but then put it in a little box. When all the lugs were off I put the box in my roller cabinet. Then I started removing the center caps. He got all wound up and asked why he wasn’t getting the lugs and caps? Told him he would have if he came the first Saturday but he had wasted 2 weekends for me so the lugs and caps were another $25. He left. Came back a half hour later with the $25.

    $200 for an idiot to buy what he could have bought for $100. The next time he tried to buy something from me he showed up on time with cash in hand. Some can be taught.

  13. DDDenny
    Joined: Feb 6, 2015
    Posts: 20,779

    from oregon

    Fade to dial tone.
    49ratfink likes this.
  14. David Gersic
    Joined: Feb 15, 2015
    Posts: 2,782

    David Gersic
    from DeKalb, IL

    “Yep. One.”

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    big duece likes this.
  15. midroad
    Joined: Mar 8, 2013
    Posts: 296


    It's not only in the USA. I'm in Australia and I sell cars for a living so I'm used to liars and idiots. I do have enough sensible and nice customers to keep me going otherwise I would stop.
    I have sold a few hot rods and modified cars and can weed out the wannabe's quickly but I was surprised a few years ago when I wanted to sell a Model A roadster I was building in a 1940's style. I had rounded up all kinds of hard to find parts to finish it but decided to finish my '37 Club coupe first so I advertised the A on various sites but all I got was people wanting to buy parts or wanting to completely change it to a modern street rod. After about 3 months of dealing with time wasters I was contacted by a really nice guy from England who ended up buying it.
    I still get asked if I have sold the Model A and have great pleasure in answering "Nobody in Australia was smart enough to buy it so I sold it to bloke in England"
  16. ...was selling my dad's 49 Chevy 4 door years ago, caller asks "does this look like the ZZTop car?"
    1Nimrod and belair like this.
  17. Absolutely! Just one payment though!

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  18. flynbrian48
    Joined: Mar 10, 2008
    Posts: 8,508


  19. What it work with?

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  20. You get my exclusive guarantee, if it breaks in half, you get to keep both halves!

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  21. flynbrian48
    Joined: Mar 10, 2008
    Posts: 8,508


    You can pick your friends but you're stuck with your family. In mine, it's a brother with no job who's moved in with my parents (my mom passed away in July just after her 89th birthday) and is "helping" my now 95 year old dad. Mostly helping himself to his money and credit cards. He's moved a couple of "friends" in as well, we can't evict them because they're now "residents" and dad feels sorry for his son. It's been terrible, and add to that the accident that totaled our wagon and injured our son, it's been a pretty lousy year.

    Selling the roadster is probably a knee-jerk reaction to a crappy summer, an attempt to do something and lighten the load. The jury is still out on whether or not it's a good decision, but, it's just a car. There'll be others.
  22. bschwoeble
    Joined: Oct 20, 2008
    Posts: 1,080


    I am so relieved to read these comments. My buddy and I have been a vendor at Canfield, Ohio swap meet for over 15 years. The number of dumb questions, offers on parts, and comments makes my head spin. This thread is good therapy.
    48fordnut, 1Nimrod and 1953naegle like this.
  23. Shamus
    Joined: Jul 20, 2005
    Posts: 1,260

    from NC

    I have had my '34 Roadster for sale for over a year. It's all steel, etc, etc, & a '57 Chevrolet sedan delivery for the same time at least. (They are on here). I love it when they ask "What's the absolute best price?", tell them, then they over 10 - 2- percent less - WTF!! Then there's the "pickers"!! "This is bad, this is broke, " my response "That's why I'm selling it so cheap!" they usually pay or walk away. Heading to Charlotte Auto Fair. Should be a fun day!! they are out there!!
    jim snow likes this.
  24. BJR
    Joined: Mar 11, 2005
    Posts: 10,733


    I had the same deal with a 35 year old worthless son. Wife was spending our life savings on him. Both of them are gone from my life now. Best move I ever made.
  25. I'm convinced that on any given day, you will run into maybe 40% that are complete morons. Intelligence seems to be a thing of the past.
  26. flynbrian48
    Joined: Mar 10, 2008
    Posts: 8,508


    The number of people that my wife and I know in this same situation is amazing. No one talks about until someone else mentions what they're going through, and then the floodgates open. We have good friends in the same situation, her brother, jobless, addiction, moved in with their mom, like my brother has been doing began taking his mom to the bank to make withdrawals so often the bank called APS. She told them, like my parents did, that she wanted to give her son money to "help" him. When he exhausted her bank account, he drove to a bank in the next town, WHERE HE HAD A CHECKING ACCOUNT, and robbed the bank. Spent a couple years in prison, got out and began the same thing. Her marriage unraveled before this happened, for the same reason yours did, her son inherited her home when she died, he sold it, and blew the money in a matter of days a local casino. It's a tough.
    1Nimrod, seb fontana and BJR like this.
  27. Hang onto the '50 until April... I'll be retiring and it looks like a nice car.
    Hombre likes this.
  28. oldolds
    Joined: Oct 18, 2010
    Posts: 3,524


    I have sold a lot of older cars in my life. It always get me when one of the locals stop to look at an old car get angry with me because I want "too much" for the car. Then go to the local pub and rant and rave that I am a crazy S.O.B. wanting that much money for the car. The same couple of guys have been doing this for 40 years, and have never owned an old car. But they seem to keep going to the pub. If they drank beer at home they would have saved enough money in that time to buy an old car. lol
  29. I had a little flat bed trailer for sale on Crack Heads list, Stated in ad 3 years old, used about a dozen times etc etc. Priced it for "First $1100 takes it".($400 below average price on same item just to sell it)

    Got all the sto0pid questions like what is bottom dollar or will you take $800,On the low ballers I would tell them there are smaller ones for that price GO BUY THAT ONE !

    For the bottom dollar questions I would text/email back $1500

    Even had one Idiot ask how old the tires are.. Hmm let see 3 year old trailer I would say that make the tires 3 years old REALLY!

    Couple days goes by and get a real PH call asking if I would take $1k and he would be up in 45 Min.
    Told the guy you not kicking me in the balls on the price come and get it.. He was there in 40 min with CASH !

    Should have stuck to the $1100 but was getting tired of the BS Idiots and this guy was sincere, So he took it home.

    And yes there was the will you take payments so I can haul my junk with it.

    Even I have $100 a month payments so I can use it to move to NY. OMFG
    Frankie47 likes this.
  30. Truck64
    Joined: Oct 18, 2015
    Posts: 5,325

    from Ioway

    Unless the parent is willing to press charges not much can be done. Pretty damn sad in any case. They will typically descend like crows once the parent dies to steal anything not nailed down, if they haven't already.
    1Nimrod likes this.

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