Any story about this pic? There is an old burned out rusted car that is not a convertible that is off the road and down in the brush/rocks on one of the many trails off Mulholland Drive ! Cannot see from road, only by hiking!
Clark Gable picking up his T-Bird after having a McCulloch supercharger installed. I have seen this car and talked to the actor on a couple of occasions. He was a car guy through and through, and liked fast cars. He had a ranch in Encino, in the San Fernando Valley off of Ventura Blvd. He used to cruise through Bob's in Toluca Lake in this Bird and frequently stopped to talk to guys about cars. Note the chrome script "Supercharged"on the back fender above the Thunderbird script...
Not sure about this one. Could that be Johnny White getting hit by someone in about 1964? Thanks, Rootie.
Save 5 cents per gallon for self serve is pretty significant when full service was under 25 cents per gallon. Gilmore was big in racing and many stations in California. There is a vintage display Gilmore station at Farmers Market in lala land. Really like the Nash pickup. I have never seen pickup before, only Nash towtrucks for the Nash dealers. Kinda looks like a Chevy box. I almost bought a Nash truck in 90s just south of Seattle but lost interest cuz tow bed n crane were missing. Good looking truck though, was painted white. 1 more car I promise, Rex Winter Dry n windy Lubbock TX
I don't know a lot about round track racing but I went with a friend [Darel Deringer jr] to Grant Kings old place the other day and was really impressed.