Dude !......... what the bubble top ? That 'ill catch on...in.... Aint no Sanger W-series (Mark I) 348 -409 chevy
The engine and the driver appear to be breathing air from the same closed space. I truly wonder which will smother first.
That according to Mr Google,is a glass bottle making machine.Invented by a fellow by the name of Michael Joseph Owens. Good luck.Have fun.Be safe. Leo
There was a Pontiac dealer in Pennsylvania that had 3 yellow Aztecs sitting side by side in his lot. He must have pissed off someone at General Motors to be so lucky to get 3 of them.
That 1933-34 Ford coupe was very well done, but now someone has done it over as a street rod. I saw the movie over 45 years ago, in a drive in theater, but I don't remember that scene.
DUH…. I know I don’t need a 5 ton jack for this tricycle ….. But you do know it’s better to be safe than sorry!