I don't have any specific info on the 88 car other than I believe it ran in the NorCal area with the ARA in the fifties. The track looks like it could be Calistoga.
At least twice in all the years I worked in GM dealerships I saw vehicle orders get duplicated or worse. First time a Chevy dealer that I worked at had one order for a Nova police package, new sales assistant ordered two. It didn't take too long to sell the second one, in fact I almost bought it but my wife balked at two car payments at once. Second one was a "little" worse. GM Medium Duty Truck dealership. one of our so called "salesmen" spec'ed out for a fleet bid TEN C-60 gas engine crew cab trucks painted white with right front seat delete. Somehow instead of deleting the information he hit the key to order them. Nobody paid any attention until the trucks started showing up. I had to come up with seats and belts to fix that part, that is after our District Service Manager got us the official ok to install that missing seat. It took just over a year but our "real" salespeople got rid of them, many at a deep discount.