Larry , before you write off all Canadian sausage you gotta go to Mundare AB , near Edmonton for what may be the best Ukrainian sausage in the world. Alberta has a huge Ukrainian population the pirogies and cabbage rolls are #1 too!
I may be too young to remember that but apparently the road system in Edmonton was designed in the 50's by a civil engineer from UK and he loved your famous "roundabouts" Edmonton drivers not so much.
Kinda late to this party..... ..... got this ol’ turd on the road in late summer. Hope to drive the wheels off it this year.
I don't know about the rest of British Columbia, but I read somewhere that Victoria drove on the left until 1922.
Most of the traffic circles (roundabouts) have either been eliminated or had lights installed in them. They’re really efficient at moving traffic if everyone understands the proper way to use them in the sense of who has the right of way entering them or exiting them depending on the lane they are in. Of course you can imagine how that goes. Some people can’t even figure out how to stay in their own lane or even the meaning of signs or traffic lights
You gotta say where you’re from, which NHL team you pledge allegiance too and what your favourite Timmy’s donut is as part of your first post on this thread! Those are the rules... [emoji3] Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
Well it says in my avatar where I'm from,lol. no interest in NHL whatsover, fruit explosion, and "ramblin dan" I think I saw some of those guys in the pic in a trailer park somewhere in Nova Scotia.
Aw, come on, that's just too easy. Sidney, Bubbles, Julian, Ricky and Randy. Calgary Flames. Sorry on the Tim Horton's deal. They still haven't figured out how to make a good strong cup of coffee yet. And I had to ask about that double double shit. When I was told it was double sugar, double cream, I almost puked. I quit drinking it that way before I was sixteen. I always tell people I grew up to be a big boy a long time ago, and drink my coffee black. My aunt would bring coffee that way out to the field where we would be picking rocks in April on Easter holidays at my uncles farm. My aunt didn't know how to make hot chocolate so my brother and I started drinking coffee before we were ten.
I remember visiting Edmonton in th early '70s with those roundabouts. Dad didn't like them and now you got rid of them? You guys must have shipped them to the Lower Mainland as their all the "rage" around here. Like you say great if you know what you're doing but around here not many even know what amber lights and stop signs are for!
Appears I struck a cord with the hockey and donuts topic! Ha ha go figure, Canadians with strong OP’s on both topics! Any Canadian team or original 6 is fine by me but being a B.C. boy my whole life there is only one team I’m permitted to support. As for Timmy’s I concur I need my coffee a little stronger in my middle years. Donuts, the one and only boring old fashioned plain for me. Who wouldn’t know the five NS boys in the picture?! Can you even call yourself Canadian and not know the scorer of the golden goal?! Bubbles and the crew are legends! Now should we talk about Letterkenny?? [emoji6] Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
Do they ask these questions for new citizens? I would fail poorly. Sent from my SM-T350 using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
I'll pile on... - I'm from the town that smells like it sounds, though BLUSHU describes it differently. - Years ago, when we only had CTV, CBC and CBCF, "my" NHL teams were Toronto and Boston, largely due to available coverage and my strong dislike for Montreal. I was a rabid hockey fan, but lost interest (entirely) as the game and rules "progressed". I haven't watched a game in 10 years, at least. - I have nothing against Tim Horton's, but I refuse to join the lemmings who'll wait 30 minutes for a cup of coffee. - Trailer Park Boys is amusing, but I can only take it in small doses. I have GM in my blood. (I won't repeat my mother's conception "humour", but you get the idea.) Pontiac aside, I'm addicted to Chevrolet and my long term project is a '38 sedan. It's my first pre '50s and it was built here in Regina, verified by historian David Hayward. (Since deceased. RIP) I wasn't looking for a project when the '38 fell in my lap. I knew next to nothing about it, but did plenty of research and I've been in lust with '37 - '38 Chevrolets ever since. Fast forward some: I received email from somebody. Mr. Hayward had given somebody my address, due to somebody's location and mine. Somebody was looking for a project and preferably '37 or '38... long story short, he closed the mail with his name and phone number. What the hell? I knew this person years ago. I called. Since then, we've become good friends, eventually found him a '37 coupe and we're building it together, as time permits. .
Working on a 38 as well. It was from somewhere around Regina as well. Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
I wish I had your grille. Mine's rough. I'm curious if your car was built here. Your serial # should start with 81011 - the next digit is the plant code. Regina plant code is 8. .
Oh have a couple of extra gills. Just the halfs. Rusty but straight Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
I was born in the City that Sounds Like Fun as well! Left when I was two as my parents and two sisters were moving to Vancouver. So being only two without any real education or job prospects I went along too. I have my wife's grandfather's '46 Chev Fleetmaster four door and I'm not sure what if anything I'll be doing with it. I have a '47 Buick Sedanette and convertible, also had a four door parts car that met its maker last spring. I wonder if they were built in Regina as well? I'll check for the number 8 next time I'm at my storage facility. Years ago I got a video from the local library titled McKenna's Gold or something similar. Took place in the Rockies with a Scottish grandson inheriting his grandfather's gold mine. Main point is that it featured a black '47 Buick convertible. All three Buicks were bought near Wetaskiwin Alberta. I'm wondering if my convertible is the movie convertible...
Yes it’s an “8”. Was born in Yorkton so Regina was not to far away. Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.