Frame is repaired!! Now on to the body! Got the bad stuff cut out! Doing one side at a time, so I have a model on the other side! Even though it’s mostly made out of Bondo!
I have been following all your threads, thanks for posting. If I could make a suggestion to you though, consolidate all the threads on the 33Doll into one so people can follow your progress on the car in a logical sequence. You're doing great man, keep it up.
How do you do that? I was trying to do chapters, or Phases. So you could just go straight to a topic. Then you don’t have to scroll through a 100’s of pages. These forums always confuse me. For example there is a Vintage photos thread I like. But you have to start over every time you get back on it, there is like a 1000 pages just on that thread. Thread? Is that like a Feed? On Facebook? Help!
Should I just go back to my first thread and just stay on, and reply on that one? The one where I started the History on the 33’ Doll? Because I am getting confused too! Thanks Rick
On the left side of a thread heading, there is a little red dot. If you highlight that little red dot, the thread will open to the last post you read. If you open your own thread, it will go the the last post that you read, and you can add on from there. Everyone can follow your progress by opening the thread with the little red dot. Gene
33dolol; Was your car the follow-up done by the same clown-act that did 31Vic's pu/coupe body? Think the thread was "Hold my beer n watch this..." .
Im not sure what you are talking about? I don’t consider the work Im doing a clown act?? Im quite serious, about my build.I just get confused about the way the Forum works. Im used to FB and instagram. Feeds. The structure is different. Plus I do everything on the phone, I think it must be different than the actual computer HAMB page. I never really actually looked at it. I did however remember a title of a post about the beer holding thing???
Ahh, nuts; feeling like I stepped into it - up to my ears. I was referring to bad bodywork. This was the thread I was thinking about: The 1st line in the thread, by 31vickey w/a hemi, is "hold my beer, watch this:" . If you read his thread, by the time he gets deep into it, there is very little car left - from a supposedly very nicely-done fresh body-build. Pics are graphic, but he perseveres. His metalwork is 'way the other side of fabulous. Wasn't slamming you at all, thought I read you said that someone else in the 33Dolls' past bondo'ed everything over rust n damage, which you were now fixing. Sorry if I gave the impression that you were the culprit. Wasn't meant that way at all. Clarks' rebuild of his friends' 32 sedan also comes to mind. Marcus...
@33Doll if you have a look at your individual Threads and can come up with for example an order of 1-10 you can pm a Mod and they can possibly splice them together as one continuous... To prevent things getting more complicated Thread wise you can as suggested keep adding to this thread and it will make the Mod Splice easier...why? because this will end the Threads on the 33 limiting it to what you have now...this has happened on a number of build threads... It is an acquired skill this Thread stuff...thanks for sharing... Hope this helps...
I did PM Ryan, waiting to hear back from him, also I imagine you can do more on the computer, than on the phones, am I my right?
No Worries! I was just thinking that was a random comment is all! I just don’t really like Clowns! Period! They freak me out! [emoji15]
I use my phone a lot for any Hamb Thread needs...But I don't utilize the Mobile App. It is actually much like the desktop...I prefer the desktop especially in the sense of harddrive storage for pics albiet many store their pics in their profile albums. It's easier and more lavish on just about every level... You don't want to fill your phone up with pics...that said I have 2000+ pics on mine but this phone is relatively new......What can I say I like the Hamb and sharing...
Hey Marcus! I started reading that build thread, now I see what you’re talking about! I didn’t even get 20 pages in! Feel bad for that guy who got suckered! The pipe And Bondo in the Rocker! I don’t feel bad now! Ill have to see how it turned out!
So I haven’t heard from the moderators about this thread thing, so I went ahead and changed all the titles....from brought home-1-6 Threads, this one is the main Build page from now on. I’m just gonna continue posting on this thread. When I get a little more time today I’ll just do a summary right here on this thread from the beginning, and if somebody wants to look back they can go look at the other six threads Sounds good? OK then!
33’ Doll Summary: Aunt Dolly Bought it 1972-ish (Apparently I was there, me in front squatting, found out recently!) Later 74-ish...Pops Bought it. 1975-6 He had it looking like this... (Me about 7 sitting towards the hood, Mom, Brother and Friend... and Lady the Dog) The Best Phase 1983-ish! (How I remember it the most!) This is it Towards the End of its Formal life! (My Pops used it as his daily driver from 75-95 put over a 100K miles on the Flatty He Built. He used it as a Truck also!) I’ll Continue the Story a little later....
33’ History continued.... 85’-92’ I drove the car in High school on a few dates, and Later in my 20’s to work for a few months because I didn’t have a car for a awhile. ( Not to many pictures from then, no IPhones! And teenage boys could give a-rip about cameras!) My Pops finally parked it in 95’ sat on the back porch for years, until he moved in 08’ and has been in His shop until this past Christmas when I took it home! (Me Forming metal at 17’ 33’ in the background Dollys new Ride 40’ Pick up
33’Doll History to-Current.... Fast forward to about a year ago, my dad started selling his cars off and Parts, but needed help with the computer side of things, so I started helping him with that, and he was going to give me a percentage, and I just kind of laughed and said, just leave me the 33’someday.... A month later I get a letter with a Part add, for craigslist, and he says the 33‘s yours, after I drive it for a while, so I would start working on it with him. After a month of that, and hom seeing the you car tore down. He says, I’m never gonna drive that thing again! It’s had your name written on it for years it’s yours. So I worked on it for about six months up there at his house, but that’s two hours away so I couldn’t get a lot done. This last Christmas I went up and got it and that is where I’m at. So I’m going to just post on this thread from now on, if you have questions about the other posts I’ll answer on this one. Hopefully that way nobody will be confused anymore.... Now we are Caught up! thanks Rick
You were squatting down there thinking, boy I hope I can get this someday so I can really hot rod it!
Todays Goal : Wheel well patches Hammered a curved piece to trace my templates. Cleaning up the Tub holes. Then tape and trace some cardboard transfer to metal! Wish me Luck!
Looks like you are going to enjoy the car and carry on it’s legacy well. A bit off topic but what’s the story on that artificial mustang in the background? You know, the one with plastic fenders, hood and Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.