Had a bet to get my 59 F100 back on the road by my birthday (May 25th), but with everything shut down, I don't think I'm going to hit that goal. Blaster for the frame is closed, engine builder is closed, shop rebuilding my front axle is closed and I have parts stuck at the boarder (boarder closed to non-essential shipping). Working on motor and transmission mounts right now, but then I'll be stalled on frame work. Will move on to other (yard) projects in the meantime.
She wakes up from her winter slumber today. Couple more weeks and the roads should be cleaned and weather decent enough for some cruisin! https://www.instagram.com/p/B-VQFGrnqvZ/?igshid=1tp73w6cnkeh5 Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
That's an iconic shot of Ken Dryden, one of the best and the coolest pose waiting for any "incoming"! It's good to poke good natured fun at each other and I expect to get if I give...
Sweet rod man! I just scroll down your insta and started following you!! Cheer! Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
I’ve done my first little road test of the year last Friday. Roads are fucked up..[emoji849] I gonna get me another set of tires. Don’t want to blow a white wall.... But I’ll have to wait all tire shops are closed right now... stay safe guys!!![emoji1063][emoji482] Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
JUNK ROD your truck has a real nice look to it. Remember seeing the truck on Sanford & Son t.v. Show. Your truck reminds me of that truck. Cool ride
With Spring in the air...hopefully it'll be time once again to rip up the local street in the dragster...lol.
God I hope not although it is going to be -24 C as tonight’s overnight low and then tomorrow night will only be -20 as the overnight low. I’ve been active with my backpack blower clearing snow from my driveway the last few days. It’s supposed to be much warmer next week apparently
Although it was cool today out of shear boredom and cabin fever I fired up the coupe and parked her on the driveway for a while. Aaaaand I may have done a lap around the cul de sac just because I friggin needed too!!! [emoji3] Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
First cruise of the season!! Damn it felt good!! Weather’s supposed to be beauty all weekend sooooo there’s more cruisin to come! [emoji51] Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
I posted these pictures a few days ago on a let’s see some convertibles thread. The Edsel is also proudly Canadian bacon. The pictures are from my daughters wedding a couple years ago. Beer cans in tow are Lucky cans .... any Hoser will understand.
I don’t usually do ranting social media posts but this crap just pisses me off so I sent a little note to Petro Canada. Not that they care but just had to vent. Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
Not the Easter bunny, that’s not real... little green men and zombies... totally real! [emoji6] Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
This reminds me of just before a holiday weekend comes around how suddenly the prices leap up until it's over.
It traditional, 3 days before most holidays, gas stations will jack the price. They know that most people will travel, not so much now with the current situation
Gas is only 79 cents a litre right now at the corner, can't complain . Only problem is i have an eye problem and can't drive for a while.