I haven't poured any hot metal for a while so I thought I'd try to cast a pair of pedals. I had these original pedals in pretty good shape , but the rubber is starting to crack and well I just wanted to make something. Still have some finishing to do but I think they turned out OK.
I’m along the same thought line as JHEXIDE, they are gonna need some “GRIPPY STUFF” applied to them ( or maybe mill a diamond pattern on the face area) or your shoes might just slip off the clutch pedal and soil your undies. Don’t ask me how I know this!!! All that aside, they turned out real nice. Mitch
So , if a guy was to make and sell these what kind of price would be reasonable? I've had guys ask for prices on other items that I have made in the past and when I add up the materials and try to make a little wages it seems to scare them off. I can't do it for free and shipping is something I can't absorb. Thoughts?
They certainly look nice. Always the same, people want something that nice and well made for a cheap imported crap price.
I like it. Only you can figure the material and labor costs. Everyone should figure to pay for shipping. Now , just throwing out a price (swag) would $40.00 a pair cover it all? If they don’t sell at a good pace would $35 or $30 work?
Could you not load them up with silicone (they remind a little of flattened things that sometimes get loaded up with silicone!). If the price was reasonable I'd just drive up and pick up a set...
I was thinking that $40.00 would make it worth it but shipping would be between $15-$25 depending where in Canada or US. Do you think $55 - $65 all in would be reasonable?
those are perfect ,do a large and small ,if ya get crazy do small with waffles that match the moon pedal, dont worry about rubber they will sell , im imagining a set polished and full of hot rod holes but let the buyer personalize em themselves. fabricator john miss you dad
@Jethro, the “feet tenderizers” are killer. Do these use standard size Ford threads, 1/4 NPT” Cliff Ramsdell
I threaded these ones 1/2 -20 fine thread. I cast the stud in the back 5/8 inch so they can be turned and threaded to most sizes.
Very cool. I would sell them for $50 each, easy. Keep them at or under $75 shipped and I would think you would be good. -chris
Those “ FEET TENDERIZERS” are the cats ass! A little polish job and a weebit of black paint and now yer talkin. NICE JOB. Mitch
Nice, but if you are going to sell them they better not be cast from the original Ford design like the photo shows or you could run into copyright infringement issues.
Another style from the R&D division......the Hypnotizers tm. Now get comfortable and relax , stare directly at the center of the Hypnotizers in front of you. Imagine you are sitting in a comfortable folding chair under a canopy . It's bright outside and hot , like the inside of a 500 watt incandescent bulb hot. In front of you is a vast expanse of bright white and you can see a sign in the distance with a 3 on it. As you sit you hear a faint but loud sound in the distance to your right , you don't see anything but can hear a definite roar and it's getting louder. In an instant you can pick out a black spec moving toward you . As you watch and listen the object gets larger and louder as it draws closer. It is still about a mile away but the sound is loud enough that you have to raise your voice to tell your buddy to pass you a beer. Nearly as fast as you can turn your head the spec reveals itself as a slick black blown fuel modified roadster . As it goes by the sound is beautiful , 500 cubic inches of Chrysler Hemi pushing nitromethane out of the eight pipes exiting from under the body. It has passed the sign with the 3 on it and a voice on your FM radio says " 250 through the 3 mile marker" then some surf music . The sound is getting fainter and the roadster is a spec again and disappears completely on the horizon but you can still hear that beautiful sound. The sound finally ends and the voice interrupts Dick Dale again "301.44 at the 7 mile marker" Keep staring at the center of the pedal.......you are feeling speedy.....you are feeling very speedy