This was posted this weekend SW Update - 5/16/2020 We have more good news! Our permits from both Tooele County and the Utah Health Dept. as well as the BLM have all been approved! We’re good to go! Soon we will provide you with a list of stipulations, pretty much common sense really. We’re doing our best to make it as safe as possible for everyone. So please help us help you! ... That’s about it for now. As of right now, our next Speedweek Update will be from the Salt. We’ll be making our pre-trip to find the best Salt available. So stay tuned for updates & pictures from The Salt. Be nice to Mother Nature!..................... “SEE YA ON THE SALT!” Pat McDowell BNI Chairman Bill Lattin SCTA President
Woohoo! I figured of any event should be able to happen, Speedweek had all the right features almost built in. See you all there.
great news - if everyone follows the new rules to provide reasonable health safety, even when not on the Salt, will be something everyone needs
That is good news. It makes up for the sad news I read yesterday that my favorite swap meet of the year had been cancelled.
Glad to hear the good news, but I’ll be staying home this year. If you haven’t been there you truly owe it to yourself. Do a search on the HAMB, there is lots of info about how to make it happen.
Great to have something to look forward too..hope the weather cooperates for everyone and any HAMB folks going...please take pics for us folks at home
Just the SCTA link The last update is pretty much verbatim of typo41's post. but save the link and check for updates. The emergency vet clinic got all of my go anywhere money for the year so I won't make it this time around. Dog is doing quite well though.
Been there done that. When it comes to your dog (or cat) you got to do what you can, sometimes way past what the budget allows. Glad your dog is on the mend.
5150 miss you at the donut run, it has become popular to event starved rodders,, over 60 cars last Sat
Still hanging close to home due to this virus crap. Don't want to push it but it seems like things are loosening up a bit. Maybe in a week or 2.
Yes this is about the salt and racing,,, anything else is not needed or appreciated Let's keep it on subject