I needed to replace the drip rail on the passenger side of my Model A Vicky. I found replacement drip rail from Speedway. Nice quality and it comes in 2 STRAIGHT six foot sections. Now, the fun begins. I have to bend the rear section of it. I'm sure there are many ways to bend it but this is how I did it. 1. Remove the old drip rail section without bending it. 2. Traced the inner curve on plywood to make a buck. 3. I left an extra 3 inches of drip rail past where the bend ends to be able to screw it to the buck. 4. I found a pair of parallels from my mill that were a tight fit within the drip rail. Any piece of steel that fits the rail should work. These keep the drip rail from collapsing when bending it. 5. Gently heat about a 3 inch section of the rail to start the bend. Quickly slide the parallels into the hot section and gently bend the rail to the buck. 6. Repeat this process until the contoured section is completed. 7. I wire brushed the charred area and trimmed off the excess rail. I hope this may help someone facing the same situation.
Thanks for sharing, that´s some great info.... Now the only thing left for me to figure out is how to have 2 6 feet long driprails shipped here....
Way to go... great tip... I bought straight gutters for my 30 coupe.. saved $20. …way too much work… your tip would have really helped... without your tip I would pay them the extra $20 to get the already bent gutters... … go cpldale go !
Thanks for the info. Although I don't need drip rails on my roadster, I appreciate people like you that are so forthcoming to help others.
Now several years I tried this on a coupe. The original gutters had a retainer. You nailed it in place. Then fitted the drip rail to it. These don't snap on to their retainers do they. So I'm wondering how to add the nails. Never figured this out on my coupe. Finally found some real drip rails.
The drip rails on my Model A Vicky were spot welded on. When I removed the original rails I drilled out the spot welds. When I installed the new rail I welded them on thru the holes from the old spot welds.
Great job. I made a set for a 40 Woody in a similar fashion but they were much shorter and a lesser bend.
This is a link to the drip rail carried by Speedway. https://redirect.viglink.com/?forma...MIxp720PCO6gIVBK7ICh2QOQR4EAQYAiABEgKz9_D_BwE
I called Speedway and talked to two different techs. Neither could find the stuff even after at least 20 min. on the phone. Cpldale gave me the part number and they had it on the way instantly. For those interested, 9111932, $81.00 for two six ft. lenghts. I haven't recieved it yet but I believe this is the United Pacific stock or an offshore repop of it.
Does it have any shape to it? Kinda looks like it’s just C channel? fantastic tip on bending it though, I’ve been trying to figure out how to bounce back and forth between sides with a shrinker stretcher with out warping it all to shit this would be way easier