Thanks! Actually that has been on my mind the whole time I’ve been keeping my eye on that! But I did forget about the driveshaft maybe not coming in and out! I’m glad Dirk mentioned something the other day except for flipping it over is not gonna work!
Are you going to make 4 of those brackets to put the mounting bolts in double shear? And a similar but bigger bracket to box the X member where that cross member attaches? Then go to the outside rail, boxed the same where attached?
Si! Senore! That’s the Idea or close. And lots of gussets! I have to repair the broken and Bent pieces on the frame rails before I get into all that, its just the beginning stages. So its pretty bare looking right now. You’ll See! [emoji4]
Got The Tabs Made, Mocked and Tacked! Now I can Finish Weld, and Gusset the Crap out of it! Then, fix the bottom frame rails, and straighten. And it’s just a matter of welding the crossmember in and then boxing the rails around it. Adding some horizontal braces to the outer rail.
Thanks! Yeah, after I box it, 3 Triangle Gussets. one top, Vertically, and 2 horizontally, attached to the square Tubing, for forward and Backward torque. All that Flathead Horse Power you Know! Ha!
Ohhh were that Flatty looks good The forward Torque from acceleration (Engine output x 1st gear trans x rear axle ratio) and rearward torque from braking will be at play back here.
Got my gussets and extended outer rail plates all cut! Boxing plates were cut yesterday! No holes, just arched on the ends to match the curved link gussets. So its gonna be welded on the inside of the X-member bottom, and side, Then boxed, with a notch around the square tubing, then welded, to the plate there also, then the gussets, and then the outer rails welded to the plates you see there, top, and bottom. I don’t want to box the outer rails right there. Want to Keep it open for fuel lines, wiring, and electric pump. Not to much Jazz! I think its gonna function fine AND look good! It will be about WAY stronger than the previous setup, is all I know.
Yeah, the back is really beefy, 3/8 plates, plus the inside of the tube still has the forged solid steel core, which was not cut when I pie cut the tubes. Heated and slowly brought them in, then closed up the tubes. Its solid back there.
Welp! 33’ time is on Hold for a Month! Had an emergency Appendix removal last Night! (Not Fun! Really Sore today) So I’m Bummed! But My Pops sent me a few pictures of the 33’ a few years ago that I didn’t have, it was still together, just sitting waiting for me!
Appliance wires with 50 series white letter tires. Keep them, as the 1970 era of hot rodding will be coming back into vogue any day now.
I like the look with the slots! Also, praying you recover quick from the surgery. Sounds like no fun.
Looks good. Maybe you already have this planned (you might have even said so and I just missed it) , but if not, another option instead of welding it into the original frame crossmember, you can make it to where it bolts onto the crossmember similar to these pictures of removable crossmembers.
Thats what it had on it when I was a kid-Teen thats why I wanted them even though they are out dated I don’t have any good pics with them on it though.
I always liked the stance with those wheels on it you can see the way it has a nice rake, and fat-rear look in this pic even though its blurry
That pick up has a little story of its own. my grandfather and uncle (on my moms side) we’re going to build it when my uncle was in high school, but got over their heads, so Pops being the car guy, ended up with it. Yes it eventually did go away. He made some sorta of cash up front deal, and built my Aunt Dolly the 40 Pickup. In order to get the 33 Doll. but he took so long building, it like seven years or more, she was pissed and when she finally got it. I think she drove it for a little bit and sold it, and bought a 65 Mustang convertible! (Which another Uncle ended up with Lol!) I should Write a book, about my family! Don’t laugh! Thats me in the 80’s Rocker dude!
Well! Had My Appendix Taken out Tuesday... Back in ER Saturday night for a Hernia... down there! Swollen like a balloon! When it rains.... miss My Garage! ☹️