sorry, i have made it confusing! my thoughts about the bosch blue is mostly for folks running the later ford "crab" type distributor. you have the "helmut" style, which as you know uses its own special coil. you could use that adapter shown above, make sure its of good quality, and buy the bosch, or, what many think is best is to send your old coil to skip haney, to be rebuilt. he takes them apart and rewinds the coil for either 6 or 12 volt. they have an excellent reputation for reliability. 12 volt windings do require a ballast resistor, not a big deal
Thank you so much, I’ve been so confused and this helps a bunch with my decisions! Was confused on how it even worked or would work with different volts
While we’ve already puchased a break light stop switch I was wondering if anyone would have the NOS style like this. If not that’s fine but finding how to effectively mount the other style is just more work and not a straight bolt up
those original switches are better than the new junk, if its not rusted thru you take it apart and clean the contacts so she's good for another 80 years. if not, then call fred at southside obsolete for nos ford stuff
Not much to report on lately but I’m just working on getting a lot of things back together for the fenders as well as other small bits and pieces. For example I had worked on this front window mechanism as a part of getting the headboard and front window mechanics all in place and working. The problem was that a lot of the gears were so bad they stripped almost instantly even with PB blaster on them for a while. I ended up having to grind the bad gears away and welded metal and cut it to make new and better gears. It fully works now, while it took forever, very glad I didn’t have to buy a new one.
Been very busy lately as my summer classes have started and it’s been a hassle getting books and situated. But I have managed to sand the top of this fender and paint it with primer to unveil all the imperfections
Decided to clean out some and got the other transmission reinstalled with all its extra parts. Needed done to get all its parts in one place as well as assemble while I still had the knowledge to do so. Deciding to keep it for replacement gears if I ever need them. Also started to clean the steering box parts with an ultrasonic cleaner. It’s new and trying it out. I’m excited to see how they all turn out.
Still working on the steering. Tonight I tackled part of the actual shaft to clean it up as well as look into the Column lock... which never actually existed. fun fact it looks as if someone had drilled the lock out and then later filled the hole with an epoxy to hide the issues. I’ll try and look into a new lock or something. Meantime I started assembling the steering wheel as it crumbled into many parts upon removal. I started with JB weld for the initial connections and later will use Bondo to fill cracks and create a smooth finish. This wheel is so long gone that I intend to cover it with leather later on in the process. Lastly I straightened out the horn rod and it’s perfect. Been thinking about getting my soda blaster out and hitting the horn on low to clean it up and then paint it a new color. Lastly something that humored me. I had a band-aid on to protect a burn and my hands were so dirty.
Today was a bunch of tedious troubleshooting, sanding, and cleaning. One of the things I’d like to get done this month is inspection, cleaning, and restoration of the rear brake parts. So I started to clean some. Also got to start on the steering wheel and steering column
Looks like a standard Model A steering wheel to me along with the mechanism. Enjoying the build and looking good! Mike
Sadly have had to put this project to the side for a while and while I still want to paint by august/ early September I don’t think it’s going to happen... doesn’t mean I’m not going to stop pushing for it to though! With work, school, visiting my girlfriend, house work and you name it I’ve been so busy. Tonight I was able to knock out a huge daunting task. I still have two more pieces left to do but look how it’s turning out! It’s crazy! All the individual grill rows I had to make and the bottom was shot and so bent i wasn’t going to mess with filler and trying to straitening it out. Here’s some more picture satisfaction Here I’m cutting the row pieces out A before picture Cutting the bottom off The metal before I formed it Planning. In fact I messed this all up and had to redo it as I measured the hole for the starter wrong Theoretically my plan NEW BOTTOM!!! ROWS CUT AND IN! Call my welding what you want but I’m happy Pondering the replacement of these three rows What’s left Also I pounded out a ton of dents and whatever imperfections there were so I didn’t have to cake Bondo
Wow. Totally amazing on the grille. You’re attention to detail and patience is impressive. Great job.
Thank you so much! Means a lot since this took hours to do. While it may not be perfect I hope it’s respectable for trying thanks so much again!
Applied some paint stripping chemicals to the grill to try and illuminate the work of sanding and prep for paint
good job on the grill, work with what you have and got er done. big shots of coarse would have tig welded this, but get good results with gas welding with the oxy acetylene torch. you should practice up on that, its a good skill for thin metals
Got the bracket made up for the windshield wiper motor. Tubes have been bent for the cable and now I just need to feed the thread and grease it up
Ground the welds and primer is on to prevent rust. It hasn’t gotten rust yet but the more I spend away from it I want to keep it clean. A lot of body work is yet to come....
Also as I went to a vintage store in Springfield OH I looked for car parts, came across a new headlight but look at this! Quite interesting
Had to do some major modifications to the wiper motor bracket today. Dad and I went to mount and as we fed the wire we noticed it was actually about a foot short of its length needed and didn’t even reach the passenger side wiper. We moved the motor up as far as we could which was about 13 inches. The bracket needed shortened and used a piece from the cutoff to fill in on what was left. The bracket went from 13 inches long to 9. The motor cable was rerun and it reaches well and has some extra cable as well With the wipers installed finally I could mount the headboard in its final position. It has 3 rivets for now but will need to order more to finish it. Next will be the windshield fitment. This will be interesting since the truck hadn’t had a front window when i first worked on it. With a functional window opening mechanism and no rust damage it’s gonna look sweet!
Awesome work, on your June 1st pics of windshield crank rework, was it the center gear that was messed up or the outer gears? any close up pics of that process? IMHO you said you were glad you didn't have to buy a new one, I'm not so sure you could find a new one if you wanted too, AFAIK the only re-pops are discontinued from Drake so its down to finding decent used ones...and thats no easy task, trust me.
Yeah actually. it was the outer gears that had been messed up. I don’t have many process pictures of this but I drilled out the studs to get to the gears then grinded what was left off. Then I welded a bunch of good metal on and grinded the gears in. Long process but worked out just fine. I replaced the studs with a nut and bolt.