Hey all, Long time listener, first time caller. Figured it's time to move from lurker to poster, as I attempt to learn as much as I can. Always been a car guy, sometimes a bike guy too. Currently do not have any vehicles that "fit" here, as I have been focused mainly on modern muscle, but have had muscle cars from that era as well. Currently planning my first traditional hot rod, 30/31 Roadster (like everyone else). Hope to learn a ton of information from everyone here, as well as contribute where I can. So much cool stuff here! EDIT- I feel like I should add more. I have always been into cars, took automotive classes in high school just to graduate. Went on to Wyo-Tech and REALLY enjoyed my time there. Majored in automotive with sheet metal fab/custom paint. After graduation I came back home to NY and spent over a decade working for a local Ford dealer as an automotive technician, and moonlighting at a local fuel injection performance shop in the evenings. Left the dealer for a brief but fun job building patrol and specialty vehicles for the NYSP. Then I got the opportunity to teach automotive technology at a local career & tech school. Have been loving that job since 2014. I feel it's my duty to sprinkle in hot-rodding where I can, and last year we started a project refreshing a customers 1967 Corvette.
Always wish i could've went somewhere like wyotech when i was younger Only place they talked about when i was a teenager was the Nashville automotive and diesel academy. Do you have the model a project already?
In the early 2000's Wyo-Tech was THE place to go. Glad I did go, I can honestly say it changed my life. Still in contact with friends from there today. Do not have a project yet, still looking and planning.
Welcome from Western Wisconsin! I'm not gonna lie, evil clowns give me major heebie jeebies, and your avatar is creeping me out...
Yep, I've seen them before, and they have been talked about on the HAMB but they are still creepy to me!