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History What Ever Happened to..........?

Discussion in 'Traditional Customs' started by OG lil E, Apr 19, 2016.

  1. KustomLincolnLady
    Joined: Oct 17, 2003
    Posts: 1,030


    Had an appointment tonight and got home late. So I just showed Rob the post. He confirmed that the front shot was Herb's Merc, and when Herb redone it he had Rob laid out the scallops and painted them on his Merc.

    I will have to dig for any photos I have of it from our son's wedding. They are divorced and he made me take the pictures down,
    Rob just also told me that Herb had sold the Merc before he passed, I didn't realize that.

    Sent from my SM-G935V using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
  2. KustomLincolnLady
    Joined: Oct 17, 2003
    Posts: 1,030


    I found one taken by the photographer, you can see a bit of the door panel on the left. I will look around the next few nights. I may have taken some myself, so I'll see what I can find. 20200715_222847.jpeg

    Sent from my SM-G935V using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
    drdave, John B, Sancho and 6 others like this.
  3. Thanks for stopping in and filling us all in on the details of Mr. Ryerson's Merc, Debb! I'm sure he was a wonderful friend to lend you the car for the KKOA event and your son's wedding. Sorry that didn't work out so well.
    I'm glad that one of my guesses finally panned out. I thought the picture of the front of the Merc looked like the same car and for once I was right. Rob did an awesome job on the scallops. They looked super!
    I hope that you can find more pictures of the car to share. I know everyone else around here wants to see more as well.
    By the way, I updated the header panel showing that Mr. Ryerson was the owner of the car, but it was in your care for the feature. Just trying to give credit where credit is due.
    Sorry to hear Herb is no longer with us. I'm sure you guys miss him a lot. Rest in peace Mr. Ryerson..........E
  4. 00 MACK
    Joined: May 10, 2004
    Posts: 3,680

    00 MACK

    2 Different Cars. Same nose
  5. What Ever Happened To..........? number 227.

    1955 Ford Crown Victoria "Stray Cat Strut"
    Owners: Anthony Bastio, Dan Masino and Matt Masino
    Clark, New Jersey

    This week's feature car has an interesting history, at least that's the way it seems from my research. My facts might not be completely accurate, but I hope my speculation is fairly true.
    Those that follow this thread ever week will remember me writing about a month ago about memorable names of custom owners that seem to stick with you. I read a ton of internet articles and magazine stories of cars every week. Mostly custom, but with an occasional hot rod, lowrider or any other kind of car thrown in. Every now and then a name will stick with you. Maybe it's because it's a name that sounds similar to the many custom owners of the 50s that used to hang around Barris' shop, or just a unique name that you might imagine belonged to a tough guy from the old neighborhood like "Arthur Fonzerelli" was. Tonight's car owner had one of those names that kept ringing in the back of my head until I finally figured it out. I'll explain more on that in a bit.
    The first time I saw this gorgeous '55 Crown Victoria was on a black and white video of Sled Scene East that is posted on YouTube. That video has proven to be a great source of information for me for quite sometime. I like the nostalgic look of the black and white, but it would be a much bigger help if it was in color. Anyway, I'm getting off track here. I saw the Ford and made some notes of it.
    I've managed to collect a few different Sled Scene East videos over the years, and there are some rare customs on them that seem to have never gone very far west to other shows like the Leadsled Spectacular. This Ford is one of them. Like I mentioned, it was on the '91 video on YouTube, as well as on the videos I have from '92, '93 and '94.
    In 1992, the car's look was pretty much set for all the sightings of each year, with a few minor upgrades after 1992. It looked to be pearl white with a louvered hood, molded lakes pipes, the mandatory East Coast touch of a Connie kit and a very unique set of custom taillights. These babies looked like they were right out of the 50s! It looked like they took a ton of work to pull off, too. But hold it, I'm getting ahead of myself again. First here is the lone shot I was able to get a still picture of from the 1992 Sled Scene East show.

    BMM 55 Ford b 92 SSE.JPG

    The one thing that helped identify this car was the unique way the grille mesh was removed from the grille. There were so many '55 and '56 Crown Victoria sleds in those days that it can be hard to keep them all straight. Also, in a video still shot that was too blurry to make out, the Connie kit was just plain white with nothing on it---yet.
    Fast forward to the 1993 show, where there was much more video of the car. There were some good shots of the car. In these photos you can see the neatly molded lake pipes that follow the fender bump to where the chrome pipe itself comes out of the molded shroud, and the nicely louvered hood.

    BMM 55 Ford c 93 SSE.JPG

    BMM 55 Ford d 93 SSE.JPG

    In the next shot, you get a glimpse of the wild custom hubcaps as well as a peek at the Moon eyes on the lower fender. The eyes were a new addition after the 1992 show.

    BMM 55 Ford e 93 SSE.JPG

    The next shots are of the nicely frenched antennas on the passenger side quarter panels and the striping detail around them.

    BMM 55 Ford f 93 SSE.JPG

    BMM 55 Ford g 93 SSE.JPG

    Moving to the back of the car we get to see the Connie kit and the sweet peaked taillights. Total 50s cool, man! You will notice the Connie kit reads "Stray Cat Strut". There is some significance to the name of the car, and I'll tell all about that in a minute.

    BMM 55 Ford h 93 SSE.JPG

    BMM 55 Ford i 93 SSE.JPG

    At last here is a good close up of the taillights. The molding work that went into them is pure custom genius, and the Olds taillight lenses are an awesome touch. Dig the blue dots, too! Kudos to whoever did the work. Bill Hines would be proud!

    BMM 55 Ford j 93 SSE.JPG

    A peek in the interior shows lots of pinstriping and cool 50s touches like fuzzy dice and a foxtail. Unfortunately the interior shot cut to another shot before you could see the seat upholstery. It looks to be red and white vinyl, but you can't tell if there was any tuck'n'roll or other custom pleating work.

    BMM 55 Ford k 93 SSE.JPG

    At the 1994 Sled Scene, some of the mystery of this car seemed to clear up, but before I talk about that, I have to mention a picture that I found in a 1991 Trendsetter, Volume 7 number 7 on page 11. There was a nice shot of the Ford with the owners mentioned in the text. It listed them as Dan Masino, Anthony Bastio and Matt Masino. When you look at the picture, I'm sure the one thing that many of you will think is that these guys look pretty young, what gives?

    BMM 55 Ford a KKOA Trendsetter V7n7 p11 1991.jpg

    Well, I mentioned names sticking with you and when I read the name Bastio I knew I'd heard or read it somewhere before. Figuring it all out took a little while after I found the picture, but one night as I was watching the tube and looking through the Trendsetter collection it finally dawned on me. Bastio! Could that be any relation to Manny Bastio? For those of you that may not remember, Manny Bastio built an incredible '51 Merc that made it's debut at the 1991 Leadsled Spectacular in Hamilton, Ohio. It was also W.E.H.T. feature car #110. Here is a picture of the Mercury, as well as a link to the write up to refresh your memory.

    Manny Bastio 51 Merc b 00 Mack.jpg

    After I figured that out things began to come more into focus. This is just a guess, but I think Anthony Bastio was Manny's son. That would explain a young kid having such an awesome sled. Maybe the Crown was Manny's car before the Merc was done, and after the Merc was done, the Ford was handed down or Dad let the kid cruise it to Sled Scene East or wherever. There's a little more to my link here, but I'll come back to that.
    On the 1994 video, Jerry Titus introduces some young guys that had a band that was going to perform on stage and entertain the car show. They were three young guys plus one other that must have been their sound guy or something as he wasn't on stage while the guys played. Jerry went on to say that these guys were like the "Stray Cats" and looked up to them, as well as artists like Gene Vincent, Eddie Cochran and Buddy Holly. I'm going to have to back up here a minute. On the 1993 video there were three young guys that were seen many times on the video with pompadours, cuffed jeans, boots and a T-shirt under a black leather jacket. On the back of each of their jackets was the name "Hot Rod Gang". These kids really stood out from the older crowd at the show, but I never really thought about it much until everything came into light from the 1994 video.
    Back to the '94 video. Jerry is talking about the band and their lifestyle. They even touched on the fact that one of their cars (a '56 Plymouth) was painted in their driveway with spray bombs! Jerry went on and had each one introduce themselves and tell their ages. One said he was Anthony Bastio, age 19, another said he was Dan Masino age 17, and the other said he was Matt Masino age 17. The other band member was Dan McCloskey age 19. Jerry interviewed them a little more telling about their music and what to expect. He went on to introduce them: ".......and without further ado, here's the Hot Rod Gang!"
    They went on to play and they were a lot like the "Stray Cats". Their music sounded like 50s rockabilly and they looked the part. The drummer even played standing up. These guys did their homework and were living the lifestyle. They were a great sounding band!

    BMM 55 Ford L 94 SSE.JPG

    One of the last scenes on every "Action Video" DVD is when people are leaving the show. Video Bob had his own version of the song "Homeward Bound" that always played to end the video. The few last shots on the 1994 Sled Scene East were shots of the '55 Ford..........

    BMM 55 Ford m 94 SSE.JPG

    BMM 55 Ford n 94 SSE.JPG

    being followed by the '56 Plymouth (with the bass neck sticking out of the side window..........

    BMM 55 Ford o 94 SSE.JPG

    and Manny Bastio's '51 Merc taking up the rear. The last link I mentioned up above for this week's post is that I would think it's safe to say these guys all knew each other. The way they were heading out the gate following each other as they headed back to New Jersey seems to be more than a coincidence doesn't it?

    BMM 55 Ford p 94 SSE.JPG

    So what became of the "Stray Cat Strut"? Did it get sold to fund a college education? Did Anthony Bastio hold on to it and it is still sitting in a Bastio garage somewhere? Where is it? We may never know..........
    Tonight as I've been writing this I must admit that some disappointment is creeping into my mind again. Tomorrow morning we would have been heading out to Salina for the 40th Annual Leadsled Spectacular. I'm sure that many of you that were planning to attend this year are feeling a little that way too. Let's hope that by next year this Covid-19 thing is under control and we can return to life as normal, what ever that may be. Anyway, try and get some cruising in wherever you may be and try to make the best out of "The Lost Summer of 2020".
    'Til next time, cruise on..........E
  6. 00 MACK
    Joined: May 10, 2004
    Posts: 3,680

    00 MACK

    It’s somewhere painted Tango orange
  7. I'll be on the lookout for the Ford in orange. Thanks for the tip @00 MACK! E
    54delray, Sancho and chryslerfan55 like this.
  8. What Ever Happened To..........? number 228.

    1949 Chevrolet Fleetline "Fine '49"
    Owners: Kent and Shauna Nielson
    American Fork, Utah

    Those of you that have faithfully read every article I've posted over the last four plus years may recount me talking about how my cousin showed me my first issue of Classic and Custom Magazine, and how we were intrigued by the KKOA. I remember us talking about what the initials stood for, and thinking how cool it was once we found out. I have to admit it was quite sometime after I heard the term "kemp" to find out what it meant. My cousin and I always talked about building a sled and attending the Leadsled Spectacular someday. That dream eventually came true, but it was many years after dreaming about building customs and looking at (the then new) issues of Classic and Custom.
    This week's custom is one of those customs that was in one of the first few issues of Classic and Custom I purchased with my own hard earned lawn mowing money. Hey man, in 1982 $1.75 was a lot of money. I don't mean to sound like an old geezer, but a Slurpee at 7-11 was only .39 cents back then! Boy have times changed.
    I have no video proof that Kent and Shauna Nielson's beautiful green '49 Fleetline was at any Spectacular, but I found some proof in print. The Neilson's were in the game very early on, and attended the second Leadsled in Des Moines, Iowa in 1982. I remember seeing the car in the December 1982 (Volume 3 number 6) issue of Classic and Custom and being blown away! The chopped top, wild paint and the super low stance was all it took to make me a lifelong custom fan. It wasn't too hard to fall in love with customs with this issue as Sonny Daout's '49 Dodge, Jim Wilkins' "Lil' Miss Vicky" '51 Ford (W.E.H.T. #13) and the wild pair of DeRosa customs "Sharkmobile" '60 Caddy and the '66 Riviera "Golden Piranha" were in that issue. Lots of custom history in there!
    I'm no hoader, but I still have that magazine. I guess many of us have hung on to old favorite magazines over the years. The dying (or is that dead?) magazine market is a real drag. I remember anxiously awaiting the next issue of (fill in the blank) many, many times. That anxious feeling is something that I still really miss.

    CnC Dec 82 V3n6.JPG

    The Nielson's Fleetline was in that issue as well. A very nice full color two page spread on pages 4 and 5. The chopped top was a masterpiece that looked like Sam Barris' skilled hands had performed. Everything about the body and paint was remarkable with superb quality.

    Kent Nielson 49 Fleetline b CnC Dec82 p4.png

    Kent Nielson 49 Fleetline c CnC Dec82 p6.png

    The reason it has taken so much time to feature this car is that I was trying to find out if the car was at any other Spectacular than '82. In the above article, it mentions it was at the '82 Spectacular, but I wanted proof. Incidentally, this magazine had coverage of the '82 show, but the Neilson's car wasn't in the pictures.
    The proof I needed finally came a few weeks back as I was digging through the KKOA newsletters that @LOST ANGEL kindly sent my way (thanks again, Pal). In the Leadsled'er (Volume 2 number 5) from 1982 on page 17 was a picture of the Fleetline in the coverage of the show. It was a tiny picture in black and white, but this proves it was there!

    Kent Nielson 49 Fleetline a KKOA Leadsled er V2n5 p17 1982 82 LSS.jpg

    One strange thing I picked up on about this car though. In the Classic and Custom article it said the car was from American Fork, Utah, and the Leadsled'er said it was from Pleasant Grove, Utah. I looked at my trusty map, and American Fork and Pleasant Grove are two different places, although they look to be fairly close to each other. I'd guess less than 10 miles apart just north of Provo. I wonder which it was. Maybe the Nielson's relocated one town over between features, who knows.
    The only other shot I found of the Chevy was featured on Rikster's site on the Scott Pavey picture page. It's a nice shot, but Scott's camera didn't seem to catch the vivid paint of the car like it was in the Classic and Custom feature. I'm assuming this was at the '82 Spectacular, but that's just a guess. It looks like there weren't very many cars on the grass in the show grounds that day. Possibly a Sunday morning shot?

    Kent Nielson 49 Fleetline d SPC.jpg

    As amazing as this car was, after the '82 Leadsled the car went off the radar. Extensive magazine searching and video watching turned up nothing else. Matter of fact, I posted every picture I found of the car here tonight. What happened to this incredible sled? Is it still hiding out in the mountains of Utah? Was it one of the super 80s customs that ended up over seas? How about it gang, know anything about this one?
    I guess I'm pretty much over the Spectacular being cancelled. Today would have been my first day back to work after the show. Instead, I woke up and went to work just like any other Tuesday with no fresh and happy memories of the show. I know I've said it a lot lately, but this really is "The Lost Summer of 2020". How many more events will be cancelled? I'm not a betting man, but right about now I'd bet everything will be cancelled. As much as I hate the snow and cold weather, I'm beginning to think I want this year over. Nothing going on anyway. Let's get on to 2021.
    I don't mean to close on a sour note tonight, but I hope all of you out there are making the most of this weird summer and are having some fun.
    Until next week, take care! E
  9. PasoJohn
    Joined: Aug 29, 2002
    Posts: 40,448

    from Edina,Mn.

    I was at the 82 show as well
    50 Chevy fleetline rear green,Desmoines 1982.jpg
  10. Atomic Kustom
    Joined: Feb 5, 2010
    Posts: 289

    Atomic Kustom

    I was at the '82 show also, 17 years old and thought I was in heaven. Saw the Chev there and thought it w as one of the best kustoms there!! Still have that issue of Classic & Custom too and my old kodak instamatic snap shot from the show.
  11. stanlow69
    Joined: Feb 21, 2010
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    Mike Keys wrote a book called Leadsleds. Came out in 84 and covered the 82 show. Was about 20 bucks. I didn`t get one until about 6 years ago. Here`s a pic of his car as it appeared in it. Notice the tonneau cover behind the front seat. IMG_20200728_0001.jpg
  12. stanlow69
    Joined: Feb 21, 2010
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    As Deb (Kustom Lincoln Lady ) said, here is a pic of their car as it appeared in the Museum when they were driving the 4-dr Merc. (Custom Rodder). Found while looking for some IMG_20200728_0002.jpg thing else.
  13. Kent, myself and Gordy Brown took Kent's Chev to the 82 show. Kent later scalloped it in a darker green and sold to another friend, Jim Duran of Ogden, Utah. Jim later sold it and I lost track of it until I saw a photo of it a few years ago, horribly re-customized and painted white.

    chryslerfan55, drdave, Sancho and 3 others like this.
  14. Thanks for the information guys! Lots of sightings over the years. Sorry to hear about the car being changed and not for the better. E
  15. chopolds
    Joined: Oct 22, 2001
    Posts: 6,279

    from howell, nj
    1. Kustom Painters

    Nice to see more East Coast cars show up here! Yes, Anthony Bastiao was Manny's son. Manny did a have a big hand in building the Crown. I'm not sure I knew who did the body and paint on it, though. Manny did do a Late model Caddy engine swap into it. He did lots of those, as well as full frame swaps (including some for Donn Lowe, as they were in Colorado City together). He did a real nice Burgundy 56 Merc on a Grand Prix chassis, with455 Olds, he drove to some of the early Sledscene Easts.
    Kent's car came to NJ, bought by a local custom guy, Larry, and had the "Jersey Torch" (Jim) work on it. Big on flame throwers, as you could imagine. Jim was good buddies with Joe "the Fonz". Jim removed the green paint, pained it white, with a crudely executed, but nicely designed full flame job, front to rear. I believe Larry sold the car later on, but I'm not sure where it went. I see Larry around occasionally.
  16. stanlow69
    Joined: Feb 21, 2010
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    A night shot from the same book. IMG_20200728_0003.jpg
  17. Thanks for the fill in information chopolds! Love the stories of the good ol' days on the east coast! E
  18. Austinrod
    Joined: Jun 14, 2012
    Posts: 2,300

    from Austin

  19. What Ever Happened To..........? number 229.

    1951 Mercury Convertible
    Owner: Bob Beverly
    Fairfax, Virginia

    This week I'm going to tie up a few loose ends that I've been trying to catch up to do. Amazing how fast time goes by when you just keep researching and reporting. Next thing you know you look up and a few months have gone by!
    This week's first custom is one that I promised to feature as a follow up to Bob Ferenczi's awesome '51 Mercury that was featured a few months ago (W.E.H.T. #218). When I was researching the Ferenczi Merc, I kept stumbling upon Bob Beverly's '51 convertible, and if the picture angles were just right, it was very difficult to tell them apart. If the shots were from the side, no problem--side trim gave them away every time, but a head on front shot was a little trickier. It took a little more time to decipher the differences. The first shot I'm sharing this week is a head on shot that I posted on the Bob Ferenczi write up. The picture was originally posted by @PasoJohn. It's a great shot with the two Mercs sitting together at a show somewhere. May have been a Spectacular, but I don't know for sure.

    Bob Ferenczi 51 Merc h w Bob Beverly Merc.jpg

    Here's a link back to the Ferenczi write up. You can go back and check out all the similarities of this pair of Mercs. The cars really were very similar.

    From all my research, I'm pretty sure that the Ferenczi Merc was built first as it appeared at Lead East as early as 1983, and then at the Spectacular in 1985. Bob Beverly's Merc seemed to appear around 1991 at the Spectacular. In fact, Bob took his Merc to the Spectacular in 1991 (Hamilton, Ohio) and 1993 (Springfield, Ohio), as well as a trip earlier in the summer of '93 to Sled Scene East.
    The car was very well built with impeccable fit and finish. The paint was mile deep and the body was very straight. From what I've read Bob did the work on the car himself. If he wasn't a body and paint man, he missed his calling. The car was beautiful!
    Here is the car in some still shots from the 1991 Leadsled Spectacular.

    Bob Beverly 51 Merc a 91 LSS.JPG

    Bob Beverly 51 Merc b 91 LSS.JPG

    Bob Beverly 51 Merc c 91 LSS.JPG

    In the rear you can see the Lincoln taillights. Ferenczi's had '54 Mercury units.

    Bob Beverly 51 Merc d 91 LSS.JPG

    Inside you can see lots of tuck'n'roll and a super clean interior.

    Bob Beverly 51 Merc f 91 LSS.JPG

    The '49 dash is a great addition, all the way down to the factory radio!

    Bob Beverly 51 Merc e 91 LSS.JPG

    Here are some still shots of the car taken from the 1993 Leadsled Spectacular video. The car looks unchanged. In these pictures you can see the car had Buick side trim. The Ferenczi Merc had stock shortened Mercury trim.

    Bob Beverly 51 Merc g 93 LSS.JPG

    Bob Beverly 51 Merc h 93 LSS.JPG

    I did find a few nice pictures of Bob Beverly's Merc on Rikster's site taken by Scott Pavey. I have no idea where or when these were taken. You will notice that the Mercury looks to be kandy brandywine or something similar in the video still shots. This first picture makes the car look to be more of a kandy root beer or more of a brown color!

    Bob Beverly 51 Merc i SPC.jpg

    In the next picture, the car looks to be more of the kandy brandy or kandy red like the video stills. Was it more brown looking in the above photo because of the sunshine on the day the picture was taken, or did the film just catch the image of the car looking different on that particular day? Oh, the wonders of science!

    Bob Beverly 51 Merc j SPC.jpg

    After the 1993 show season, Mr. Beverly's Merc seemed to go into hiding. I found nothing more on it in print or video. I do happen to know that Bob's son Rod was a custom guy that dragged ol' Dad (maybe kicking and screaming) back into the custom scene in the late 80s. It all started with Rod building a '49 Mercury coupe that got Bob's custom interest back into it again, much to the dismay of his wife (and Rod's Mom)!
    Here's an interesting magazine article that I scanned showing Bob's Merc in some under construction photos. You'll also notice Rod's Merc sharing the spotlight in some of the photos. More to come on Rod's car in a minute.
    The article was in a rare copy of Custom Cars Magazine by LeRoi Tex Smith, Volume 2 number 2 from 1990 on page 25. You can see Bob's 'vert still wrapped in masking paper after the paint was shot.

    Bob Beverly 51 Merc m Rod Beverly 50 Merc CCMag V2n2 1990.jpg

    Like I mentioned above, Bob and his Merc seemed to disappear after 1993. What happened to Bob and the Merc? Maybe Rod would know, as there is a little more to the story..........

    What Ever Happened To..........? number 230.

    1949 Mercury
    Owner: Rod Beverly
    Fairfax, Virginia

    By now you're figured out that we are having a rare "two-fer" Tuesday. I should have featured Bob Ferenczi and Bob Beverly's Mercurys together, but I just didn't have enough information gathered on Beverly's at the time.
    I decided that featuring Bob and Rod's Mercs together would be just as cool, if not cooler being that they are father and son.
    My discovery of Rod's Merc started quite a while ago when I first saw him interviewed by Rowdie on the Sled Scene East video from 1987. Here was a young guy with this incredible chopped Merc telling the whole story of how it all came together. He told of how he did the lion's share of the work himself (with the help of his father). At the time of the interview the interior wasn't finished yet, and he said he still had a ways to go.
    The modifications on the car turned out great, and Rod's choices of custom components made this little Mercury easily recognizable from the sea of other chopped Mercs that could be at any show at any time.
    The biggest standout to me is the use of what Rod called a '47 or '48 Buick grille. I could be wrong as the old memory banks don't seem to run as deep as they used to, but I think this is the only time I've ever seen a Buick grille of this style used on an '49-'51 Merc.
    The other features that stand out are the shaved drip rails on the top, and the really thin quarter windows. Rod whacked the hell out of this Merc!
    In one part of the interview, Rod is talking to the camera telling of all the modifications done to the car, and he mentions that his Dad is helping him and is really getting into it now, "even though my Mother hates it, but it's too late now!" That is a funny line! Sorry ladies, once the custom bug hits, you just have to hang on for the ride! I'll say one thing, at least Rod is honest!
    The next few pictures were from one of @PasoJohn's crazy Kustom Blues picture posting frenzies a few months ago. They are two great shots of Bob and Rod's Mercs from the front:

    Bob Beverly 51 Merc k Rod Beverly 50 Merc.jpg

    and the back. I can't say for sure, but judging by the background, I'd say this was at Sled Scene East, I just don't know when.

    Bob Beverly 51 Merc L Rod Beverly 50 Merc.jpg

    I did a lot of research on Rod's Merc, and I really didn't come up with a whole lot of information that was separate from the tidbits I found about Bob's car. I don't know if maybe Rod was a young college student or was working a lot or what, but many times when I saw Bob's car around, Rod wasn't around.
    So aside from the 1987 Sled Scene East sighting, I never saw Rod's car on video that I know of. If it was in any videos I missed it. There were so many reddish/brown chopped kandy Mercs in those days missing it may be easier than you might think.
    Rod's hard work paid off at Sled Scene East 1987 as he went home with the "Best Mill" award. Not too shabby as an award like that is tough to get among the many greatly detailed leadsled engines!
    I do have one picture of the engine, but I'm really apprehensive about posting it. A few weeks back the old TV in my living room decided it was going to throw a fit. The poor old thing is about to give out on me, and the picture tube is doing weird things. One day everything looks green, the next day it's blue, and other days it is all in red. I need to get my other TV set up and get back to normal, but time has been something I'm very short on these days. More on that in a minute.
    Anyway, here's the picture. Sorry about the color and all. Must be what life on Mars would be like huh (lol)?


    Oh man, enough of that! I do have one more good shot of Rod's Mercury that was again from Paso John. Those posting frenzies produced some great shots. Thanks John! This is one of the best pictures I found of the car sitting alone without Bob around.

    Rod Beverly 50 Merc a.jpg

    So there it is. What happened to the Beverly's and their nice pair of Mercs? Are they still in the Fairfax, Virginia area? Did they give up customs and move on to another aspect of the car hobby or just decided to take up fishing or needle point or something? I hope somebody knows, as this has to be one of the best pairs of father-son leadsleds ever built!
    This has been one of the craziest summers of my life! As I mentioned above, I have to get my television situation taken care of, plus I've been super busy with home projects, car projects, working for a living and who knows what else, plus my research. I'm going to have to take a few weeks off to get things sorted out before I go crazy. My notes are a mess, as is my little office, and watching a red TV is about enough to drive anyone nuts. I have to buy a new entertainment center for my new TV, so that is the main reason I'm still watching this dinosaur. The new TV won't fit in the old entertainment center, and besides, mama says it's time for an upgrade. That means re-arranging the living room, building furniture, hooking up old equipment to a new TV and on and on and on.
    All that being said, I'm going to take the next two weeks off (August 11th and 18th) so I can get everything re-situated so I can function in a streamlined manner again. I'm hoping that is enough time to get what I need done, but if it drags out I'll let you all know. I'm pretty sure the two weeks will be fine, but we'll see.
    So I'll be back rarin' to go on August 25th. Besides, I'm sure you all need a break from my ramblings anyway, right? You all take care out there and I'll see you in a few weeks.
    God bless! E
  20. KustomLincolnLady
    Joined: Oct 17, 2003
    Posts: 1,030


    Found another shot of the back of the Merc, still looking for more lol 20200804_211451.jpeg

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    williebill, Sancho, John B and 6 others like this.
  21. Kool Mercs Ed!! I’ve never seen either one in person, but I bet they were an great sight to see.

    I (as I’m sure most of us can) sure relate to the crazy pile of things that have filled up this year. I would have thought I’d have time for a whole lot more car projects done but a whole lotta work mess and house projects piled all in there, too. Hope yours all comes together well....the bonus is that nice new TV hanging out there as a carrot to enjoy when it’s all done. I for one, will be missing your “ramblings”. [emoji4]
  22. 54delray
    Joined: Dec 18, 2004
    Posts: 1,738

    from Fremont NE

    Ed, I'll miss your Tuesday post also. Rod's Merc with the late 40's Buick grill looks great. Especially in chrome. You say you haven't seen another that way? I do recall one other mid-century Merc that featured a Buick grille but can't find a picture of it. It was light or medium blue and the Buick grill was also painted. Memory serves me, it had thinner bars, maybe a '54 grill. Plates read ALS MERC and I think it was from Minnesota.
    Sancho, John B, kidcampbell71 and 3 others like this.
  23. stanlow69
    Joined: Feb 21, 2010
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  24. Thanks for the kind words guys. The two weeks will fly by and we'll be back at it again before we know it!
    I don't remember the blue Merc Bill. I have to admit that if a custom doesn't fit the traditional style I usually don't pay much attention. I have to say that with a few simple changes over a weekend or two, "ALS MERC" could actually be very cool! E

    Those look like snapshots off of the infamous photo wall in the upholstery shop Jim. Do you remember where and when you took them? E
  25. stanlow69
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    They were on dad`s wall before he moved a few years ago. . I have all his old pic`s now. He must of liked Bob`s Merc. I have a few more to post. They were taken in Michigan`s KKOA show. An edited version of the light blue Merc. IMG_20200805_0004.jpg
  26. stanlow69
    Joined: Feb 21, 2010
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    IMG_20200805_0005.jpg Ed, these pic`s were taken at the KKOA show in Davenport Iowa in about 88. The other pictures might have been too.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2020
  27. straykatkustoms
    Joined: Oct 30, 2001
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    Sorry I'm a little behind.... Thanks Ed for posting the thread on the "Turtle Teaser." Lol!! What kool name for a kustom. I remember seeing the Mercury in a magazine and it caught my attention because it was a four door. Never saw other pictures of it until you posted it on the HAMB. The kool surprise it belong to the Butler family. I shouldn't be surprised they were the owners, they always drive kool kustoms. Thank you for talking the time to educated us. Now to move on to the green Fastback thread.....
  28. stanlow69
    Joined: Feb 21, 2010
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    Keep reading, it didn`t belong to the Butler family.
  29. straykatkustoms
    Joined: Oct 30, 2001
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    I was just testing ya guys to see if you would read my post... They were driving the Turtle Teaser, so with that extra knowledge. I should have said; I'm not surprised that the Butlers were driving something kool to the show. Lol!
  30. 57JoeFoMoPar
    Joined: Sep 14, 2004
    Posts: 6,393


    Mark and Anthony correctly filled in most of the details there. Later Manny acquired a '56 Olds that I recently acquired after he unfortunately passed away last year. I put up a thread documenting some of the stuff I'm doing towards getting it back on the road. I actually heard from Anthony last week, was good to hear from an old friend.

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