Awesome build thread! Love the details in description/photo combo Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
^^^^^^^^^^^ Thanks for bringing this build thread back to the top, great '54 build, but I like his T build as well. Bob
@punkabilly1306 Glad the cleco trick helped you out! Man, I went through this thread with my coworker yesterday and it sure made me sad about how long it’s been since I worked on the car. I really need to get back at it. I made some good progress on my air compressor shed at the house today, so hopefully I can make an update here and/or the T thread soon. Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
I am very sad to say, that no, there are no updates. Life has been getting in the way for quite a while, but things are calming down a bit now. My plan is to hit the projects hard this fall/winter and spring if necessary. A few of the guys at the shop want to come up to the house and help me too, so I plan to take advantage of that. So I should have some updates coming up in the near future.
This life getting in the way crap is getting really old! I have the same problem, things that should take a day take six months! Always enjoyed this build! Hope to see you making progress again soon. Actually I hope to see ME making progress again real soon! lol Larry
Oh man, tell me about it it! Later this month I will have closed escrow on my place a year ago, and I don't even have the compressor setup finished! First we moved my grandpa out of his place and sold the house, so I had to get all my stuff out of there and move it to my parents place. But then there was no room to work. That led to me looking for a shop to rent. I searched for months, and couldn't find anything I could afford that would work. That ended up being a search for buying a house, which took a few more months, then going through the process of the purchase. House closes, and then there is a ton of work to do moving in, making changes, etc. I spent alot of time working on the garage to make the area as good of a work space as I could. That has kept me from the projects, but I think will be worth it in the end. Then my dad retired and my parents decided to move to Ohio to be near my sister and her kids, so I spent alot of time helping my dad get the house ready to go on the market, and moving out once it sold. I still have his cars here that I need to finish a little work on so I can ship them to him. And in the midst of all that, I've put in extra hours at work to meet a few deadlines, been helping a friend through a tough time, and some other stuff I'm sure I'm forgetting! But anyway, mom and dad are settling in, so that is a load off. I was going to get the help I needed to finish my compressor system this weekend, but my friend and I spent too much time at the Ventura Nationals, then went to the sprint car races after, then the bar, so we got home too late to do it. But that was a much needed relaxing day. Anyway, enough excuses! time to get back at it. I'm tired of not having a car to drive! I hope you get to make some progress real soon too!
Well, I finally have an update, but it is not a good one. The Model T project and my ‘54 Chevy project have come to an end. I lost my garage in the Lake Fire that is currently still raging. It is quite unfortunate about the cars, parts, and equipment lost, but I’m still here, and my house miraculously made it out unscathed. I can’t believe the house was untouched, and it’s completely surrounded by such devastation. All things considered, I am still quite lucky. Time to build a bigger garage, and start some new projects. Believe it or not, the T is in the foreground in front of the ‘54. I’m basically giving the same update on my Model T build page for the people who were following that. Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
So sorry for your loss, two of my favorite HAMB builds. Happy the house and family are fine. Were was the '36 3Window? Bob
Thank you Bob. The fire stopped at the car port that held my Model A body and ‘36. I think they are salvageable, so they may be the next projects. Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
When the time is right I'm sure the '36 will get all the love and attention to detail the '54 & T got. So sad this happens every year out there. Bob
Man, so sorry for your loss. Glad to hear your outlook is positive despite the loss. As much as it hurts, it's just stuff we are blessed to get to play with for a little while. Looking forward to seeing what you make of the A and the 36.
Thank you. Long story short, there is a silver lining to me being lazy with these projects as far as insurance goes. But it has also helped me realize I need to get more busy on my projects. I’ll update that soon. Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
Oh Man,Cretin!I was so excited to see an update,and then I opened this.Sorry .So much time and talent just whisked away.If you need something for your next build , Reach out..