Brake system schematic is a good idea to be sure you have everything on hand. Just wondering if the pre-bent Mustang lines will play nice with the F-100 hose block.
Doll, I have been following your build since day one. So far everything you have done is beautiful, so now is not the time to cut corners and it looks like you are doing a great job on your breaking system. Invest in a good tubing bender and take your time and it will be not only a beautiful job but stop on a dime. Keep posting pictures.
Thanks! Especially the different adapters, and fittings. Thats my main reason for drawing it up. As far as the F100 block, I’m pretty sure thats whats on there now. (Could be T-bird or even Mopar) But the F-100 should be fine. The mustang block has a bracket, and rectangular block. I have confirmed it is a mustang 8” which appears to have the stock lines, just tweaked a little on the ends? Unless my dad bent up his own 3/16 line? Which I doubt. He always uses 1/4. Of course he can’t remember. He just says.. “ You’re doing amazing work on the 33’ Son!” Which always makes me feel good, Even if I’m 51! [emoji4]
Mentioned the hose as I remembered (from long ago) that Mustang axle hoses were odd and the lines were run different; found a pic on line.
Or maybe I’ll just buy a couple straight line pieces instead of a whole kit I’m getting a whole kit for the quarter inch stuff
I purchased all the fittings for my car's from Godman Hi-Performance and Master Power Brakes. If you can get a catalog they are very helpful.
I am so Stoke-a-Fied! I ordered My Wheels and Tires...Finally! And a brake line kit, to get me started, Still need some 3/16 lines for the rear end, and a bunch of 1/4 fittings. Getting excited!
Thanks! My Pops let be borrow his big old toolbox full of benders, and flaring tools! Plus YouTube has alot of great how to videos to use them. I plumb brass and stainless compression tubing at work all the time. I just need to master the double flare!
Head Light opinions Hey there, I’m having a little trouble trying to figure out what headlights I wanna run. -I have a nice set of Bob Drake Originals -The old Guide hot rod headlights (Chrome is pitted but could be polished) -but I like the Black and chrome OTB Guide Repops! 2 Are paid for 1 is 275$ I like the original big headlights. ... But I think the black sealed beam ones Would go alot better with my 60’s theme. What yall think?
My friend bought a set of the BLC repops from Summit (free shipping) and after thinking about painted shells vs chrome he sent the shells out to the chrome shop. They look pretty good on his '33; neither too big or too small.
I like the small chrome ones! Contrary to the current trend big headlights don't belong on hot rods. Ya just don't see big headlights on cars in old mags.
I know what I’m gonna do... Buy the black ones, put the same plugs on all 3 sets, and I can swap them back and forth whenever I feel so inclined! Yup!
Here are the BLC lights I mentioned earlier; phone died and I lost the pictures I took Monday. Returned to the shop today and got these.
I just couldn’t wait for the tires! I had to make sure they were going to clear anyway! Just picture Buick finned drums instead of 40 Ford drums! That 5” backspace in the rear is gonna bring the wheels in just enough to stick out far enough, but not look stupid ! Bitchin’ Bob! Just let me know if you’re sick of seeing a million pics of parts! Im just excited and wanna Share! The neighbors don’t seem too interested!
Thanks Looks like a life size old school Hotwheel! Cant wait to get the tires mounted! (I know...I’m a Dork Big Kid!)
Those wheels make my eyes go funny... It's the spoke reflection in the shiny rim it creates a virtual ring...
Period wheel to your period build...actually that reflection is in several images you posted...I wonder if the original period Radirs shared that show ready gleam...
This shot with the reflection or distortion what ever you call it is cool. Looks almost like a half exposed X-Ray.
So it's not my eyes......could be a digital anomaly...I don't own anything that shiny......very cool effect...can't wait to see this come together...
Cant wait to get the tires mounted! Nice wheels! What size are the fronts? what size tires are you getting?