I believe that shorter Hoodlum is Barney Navarro.. could be wrong... but I thought I read that somewhere.....
That guy is way too tall to be Bill Hines. Also, Bill was born with a spine condition where he couldn't stand completely upright. And what was Bill doing in Arizona?
The section covering “delinquent drivers” features a photograph of a nasty roadster flanked by a couple of teens "dealing with some bullshit shoveled out by a ticket writing, Colt holstering copper." Me thinks the comment is a little over the top. Policeman was just doing his job.
I try to do everything over the top man... Especially when it comes to perspective! Light hearted joke homie...
My daughter finishes her second stage of driver's ed tonight...Still can't get her to drive the Shoebox.
My oldest just got her license this fall, she drove my ‘64 Chrysler convertible this past summer, top down, grinning ear to ear, she’s already making plans to drive it this summer on her own. Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
Hmm...you were paying better attention to your kids drivers ed than I did recently. However, in my defense, my kid actually sat in a class for his. Mine did do most of his parent drive time in an old car though in case I get credit for that.
Don't know how much actual behind the wheel training your daughter will get but when my son (now 27) took his driver training from AAA they didn't teach parallel parking. Luckily my sons instructor included it after I asked about it. I guess since the California drivers test doesn't include parallel parking anymore they don't think it needs to be taught. I guess its like driving a stick. Back when I had drivers training given by my HS I learned to drive a stick in a 3 on the tree in a dual control Rambler. Also how to parallel park since it was part of the drivers test at the DMV.
Shorpy has some amazing old images. I've spent more time than I'll admit zooming in and studying so many of them.
DETAILS: How ironic, that those two hot rodders are standing in front of an exhaust header tube cap that looks like "giving the finger" at anyone. Perhaps, the guy is standing in front to hide it from the law. Legal, but to the point. Hello, Or, it could be a welded criss-cross bars for grip to unscrew the cap off and back on for some quiet. The shock mounts are pretty nice for 1953 and the roadster has a nice grille guard, but no radiator. So, street cruisers or drag racers? Jnaki The Highway Patrol Emblem for Arizona looks to be the same as in the photo. Is it harassment or a vehicle safety check? The CHP in So Cal has vehicle checkpoints that do the same thing to odd looking cars that may have some illegal things...
Nasty comments about “copper” only leads to hate from the cops. Better to maintain decent relations so we can stay on the roads. Recent letter in newspaper called for outlawing all exhaust mods. Fun to be loud but many do not like it. Now, cool looking roadster would love to see more & where is it now?
Ryan said;Pretty rad, right? These teenage hoods got themselves in trouble and then show up for their punishment in the uniform of a hoodlum while driving the very car that more than likely was the source of all the trouble to begin with. Bravado gentlemen… And possibly in front of the "beer" store it started at, hahaha, hoodlums, hot rods and beer. Some things never change.
My youngest son (now 42) got to drive my '61 Belair post powered by a 468 BBC to breakfast with me shortly after he got his license. He did good and got the spin the tires on that puppy out of his system.
Nasty comments about cops? Geesh... again, that’s a joke... but also, I don’t drive the speed limit. I do burnouts. I drive a hot rod as it was intended to be driven - like a hoodlum. As such, it’s a cat and mouse game. Hot rods, by their very nature, do not conform to law and order fellas... If you are uncomfortable with that, you are doing it wrong.
Jeebus! Some of you guys. How many in law enforcement would even know what "copper" meant? Unless they watched a lot of classic movies. Bunch of fuckin Karens anymore. The hunched back sure does look like Hines And LilT is racking up the miles here at 13. He can get his learners permit at 14. By that age I had logged thousands of miles on I90, I think my dad enjoyed someone else to be able to drive on our thrice annual 400 miles trips to see family. T also just passed his hunter safety class, every bit as cool as a drivers license here.
That cop ain`t too smart about safely carrying his revolver either.Safety strap not over weapon.Wrapped in front of holster.Real easy way to lose his weapon.Piss poor training by his dept. Good luck.Have fun.Be safe. Leo
I wonder how many people would sign up for the police force if they still had to carry revolvers. semi autos were made as early as 1894, the 1911 came out it, get this, 1911. look at the wimpy mustache on the cop. looks like a 3rd eyebrow.