Still have my uncles A2 jacket, not WWII era but ‘Nam. He was a gunner on a Huey, ‘67-8. Also my Edelbrock jacket. Picked it up at an second hand store in the late 70s.
And up in the garage attic I still have my club jacket, dress shirt and sweat shirt. Joined in ‘72 when I was 16, amazingly the jacket still fits....almost. It’s tight but I can get it on. My old plaque too.
There were 20 plaques cast, mine was member 16. Number one was a rotating plaque for the president of the club at that moment. Small club, off shoot of Pick Ups Limited. Dad joined in the late 60s.
Here's my 'spin' on Nostalgia Drag Racing decals,from our decal page at my .I was there ( announcer at Dover Drag Strip form 67 to 74) I actually designed the tracks Decals and T-shirts . Not too much screen printed vinyl "stickers' anymore.That replaced water slides about 70-71.... Been replaced with digital print methods.We did research real water slide producers...not many left and want outrageous set up fees and big quantity minimum. Still its a Water slide with it's built in problems .Most you see now are on musical intruments and cleared in. Our reproduction designing is intense ,using hours of high end softwear and precise attention to detal .With Our T-Shirts we do it Old Skool ...Design by hand at drawing board and only screen print .
If you won your class in 1968 at Thompson Drag Raceway you had your choice of a trophy or a jacket. This keepsake jacket is the first thing I won drag racing. I later added the North Bros. Drag Club patch. Kinda like saving the first dollar you ever earned.
I picked this up a while ago. I have never been able to find anything out about the Zadox team, only that a guy in a a similar but different jacket is pictured in the Life magazine article.
This was my Dad's from The Big Go! mid '60s. It's a little worse for wear, but I hold onto it anyway.
Somebody on here got a sign with that on it not long ago. I forget which thread I saw that in. Was it you?
@210superair Not me. I posted a sticker the other day. I’ve been looking for one of those signs forever. I saw them at a booth at Back to the 50’s one year, but I didn’t have any money at the time. Haven’t seen them since.
Here's a shirt from the late 60's by Roach. Please Mr. Moderator, look past the body style and notice the more "traditional" suspension and fuel delivery. It was given to me to make shop rags out of, but i just couldn't. It now resides in my "stuff".
I used to have a black Bardahl jacket (probably a size M) that I wore every day in high school. As a matter of fact I wore it to the induction center in Kansas City in 1966. Later that day I wore it on the bus to Ft, Leonard Wood, MO. I think I either grew out of it or wore it clean slick. Great jacket.
Ft.Lost in the woods.. Man I grew up near there. Very near. My grandparents river farm on the Big Piney. His property line and Ft. Woods joined each other. Thanks for your service.