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Art & Inspiration Some thoughts about the previous year.

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by chryslerfan55, Dec 9, 2020.

  1. I know, I know. Last time I did this it was regarding the upcoming year but things being as they are I think maybe switching it up just this once might be interesting. So with that said feel free to post your planned projects, ongoing projects, etc....

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    Deuces, AVater, jim snow and 4 others like this.
  2. I spent 2019 and 2020 up to this point just trying to stay alive. I have a pile of T parts in my garage that will probably get built, it may never belong me but it will probably get built.

    I hope to find time to screw my bike back together soon. But that is OT.
    Deuces, AVater, Stogy and 1 other person like this.
  3. 41rodderz
    Joined: Sep 27, 2010
    Posts: 6,540

    from Oregon

    Currently , reorganizing the garage . Shelves , storage etc. In the next day or two push the ‘48 “Effie” back in and get back to finishing the inside cab paint and insulation. Go through the four speed , mate eng/trans for mounts and the list goes on ......
    AVater, Stogy and chryslerfan55 like this.
  4. trollst
    Joined: Jan 27, 2012
    Posts: 2,104


    This last year cemented my resolve to quit building, various things happened to arrive at that decision. This coming year will be interesting as well, I pan to put miles on my 36, I built it to do just that, twenty years later, have not done what I built it to do, oh sure, the odd trip here and there, but not what I had planned. Gonna pile in her for a run to Rust Bros to see their scrap heaps, maybe over to kamloops for hot nights, down to osoyoos for some drag racing, bonneville if the border ever opens.
    I became officially old this year (65), awoke in the middle of one night realising that I am on the backside of 40, time to do shit for me before I can't. My friends are getting sick or worse, dying, two this month alone, one of them never realising his greatest goal, I took a lesson from that, the other decided it was time and switched the key off, his wife gone a long time and he was just tired of the effort of doing regular shit, so, gathered his family around and readied them, two days later, hit the master switch and left.
    Gonna run old mary hard, take lotsa pics, maybe run into some Hamb'ers, see how the year shakes out. Hope to meet some of you. LeRoy.
  5. NWRustyJunk
    Joined: Jan 2, 2017
    Posts: 481


    I'm planning more of the same in 2021. Work on my junk some more......maybe buy some all new junk for the hoard. Hopefully drive the HAMB friendly stuff more. Also, keeping fingers crossed we can get this virus in the rear view and have some shows and swap meets again.
    Ron Funkhouser, AVater, Stogy and 2 others like this.
  6. 2020 has been a difficult year, I'm hoping the next will be better for everyone, I hope to travel next year in the hot rods instead of driving to the grocery store and doctors office. HRP
    210superair, AVater, i.rant and 7 others like this.
  7. Finishing (have a few) OT projects/investments that fund my early stuff........and selling off some (a lot hopefully) of what I've stocked (saved from the crusher ) or (horded) over the years. Really would like to get the 39's and my 40 rolling....
    AVater, Stogy and chryslerfan55 like this.
  8. Well, if this Clusterf*#k of a year has had any silver lining, it is the near total shutdown of any social life has reduced my monthly expenses considerably so I've got more money to spend on car stuff....

    I'm retired, so not working is normal...
  9. BamaMav
    Joined: Jun 19, 2011
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    from Berry, AL

    Worked all year so far with the exception of when the truck was down, figure to start next year the same way. Trying to get completely out of debt by next summer or fall, if I do, after sticking a little more back I hope to hang up the truck keys for the last time. Been doing this since 1985, I’m ready to get out of it....
  10. KJSR
    Joined: Mar 7, 2008
    Posts: 2,495

    from Utah
    1. Utah HAMBers

    I plan on getting my 1936 Chevy ready and drive south to the LSRU with my son. Let's hope it happens!

    Hope to make some noise with my 37's been 12 years since I decided to "fix" a few things lol.

    And most importantly, marry my best friend
    charleyw, AVater, Stogy and 3 others like this.
  11. Planning a move to East Tennessee. Lower taxes and closer to good moon shine.
  12. Congratulations.

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    Deuces, KJSR and Stogy like this.
  13. Budget36
    Joined: Nov 29, 2014
    Posts: 14,782


    Heat in the shop so I can clean things up this time of year. I’ll deal with Summer when it comes;)
    AVater, Stogy and chryslerfan55 like this.
  14. squirrel
    Joined: Sep 23, 2004
    Posts: 58,231


    Tomorrow I'll know if we really bought a house tomorrow.

    Been a fun year, considering that I didn't get to do as much as usual. But I did get to take a 5000+mile trip in a old piece of crap in the dead of an early winter, and I also got to learn all about the Model T Ford, which I've wanted to do all my life.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2020
  15. Unique Rustorations
    Joined: Nov 15, 2018
    Posts: 623

    Unique Rustorations

    Well I thought about not posting but figured might as well. 2020 has been a really good year financially for my wife and I. I about worked myself into the grave for 20 years and sold my business on the last day of 2019. Took a great exec job and got a lot of work done outside (new parking lot). Still trying to finish the shop (26 months in) but my plan for 2021 is to start a YouTube channel, finish the shop and put the rest of the new interior in the ‘64 GTO. Hopefully stay healthy. I know many of you are facing much worse situations and challenges. Will keep you all in my prayers. Regards, Randy

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    Baumi, wraymen, winduptoy and 4 others like this.
  16. The37Kid
    Joined: Apr 30, 2004
    Posts: 32,032


    2020: Sure missed seeing everyone at the car events that have been the center point of my life. Got two major loads of parts & books for resale. Lost a good dog, got a new one, love him. Car projects look just like they did 365 days ago, some parts got moved, bought a few more odds & ends for them all. Got to make the commitment and buy a '32 frame. Turn 70 in a few weeks. Hope to post the same report next year. Merry Christmas!
  17. Let’s see, this has been the longest year of my life since i was 4 years old.
    Cancelled an engine build, buying a business and thinking of selling the 49.
    Great year.
    AVater and Stogy like this.
  18. Bandit Billy
    Joined: Sep 16, 2014
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    Bandit Billy

    I have a truck to paint and reassemble by the end of 2021 with hopes of making the 2022 Portland Roadster Show.
    If the bars stay closed I should be done by July.
    The37Kid, AVater, Stogy and 1 other person like this.
  19. wicarnut
    Joined: Oct 29, 2009
    Posts: 9,173


    2020 has been a unusual year for many of us IMO. In my time, now 73 I've never seen/heard anything like the many negative things that happened in 2020. I will say I missed the cruises, car shows that are a social outlet for me. I did spend time in shop on my last car project and finished up some DIY home projects, rotated my cars for cruises for lunch in neighboring towns or just went for 75/100 mile ride just to get out and enjoy the cars, I live in the beautiful Northwoods always a fun drive. I have been blessed that all the bad stuff has not affected me or my family with one exception, so life is good just different. Everyone Be Safe, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
    Tickety Boo, Baumi, Tim and 6 others like this.
  20. gene-koning
    Joined: Oct 28, 2016
    Posts: 4,866


    I sure missed the car stuff, shows, cruises, & swaps. My wife and I spent some time cruising around in the coupe, but not nearly as much as usual, its not much fun to cruise when you can't stop and visit with people. We had to put off our planed vacation for this year. Hopefully the place we were going to go will still be there next summer.

    On the other side, this year sure had afforded me more shop time! I was able to get the body work on my coupe done and got it painted by the end of March, all painted up pretty with no place we could go..

    I was able to sell my 39 Dodge pickup, so I had funding to started building my 49 Dodge pickup in July. I have it to the point I can drive it in and out of the shop already. Its 4x4, and the 6 bolt wheels I can not change are not real HAMB friendly, so showing pictures probably isn't a good idea. If things remain the same, I expect to be driving it next summer. Hopefully, since I'll have 2 old vehicles to drive, there will be places open we can drive to. Gene
    AVater and wicarnut like this.
  21. Wow, what a year. Had to rebuild the quick change in my 34, changed the wheels on it. Moved to a better house. Lost 30 lbs and had 10 of it return. Got Mrs. Rocky a newer daily driver and had my own daily driver turn over 112K miles. No funerals this year because of the covid virus. Had some in-laws and some neighbors die....old age problems. I sure did miss the HAMB drags this year...I remain hopeful for next year.
    But best of all my PSA is down.
    Lone Star Mopar, Tim, GordonC and 8 others like this.
  22. ..........Best news of all, Rocky.
  23. AVater
    Joined: Dec 9, 2008
    Posts: 3,318

    1. Connecticut HAMB'ers

    Turned 65 this year. Seemed to drive more regularly to no specific places than ever before despite there are almost no cruises or other car events. I now work "officially" only one day a week, however average about 1 day a week each at my son's house and daughter/son-in law's house doing some projects with them. That's been fun.
    Then there's the stuff at our house too. Not finished there and probably never will be.
    Learned to weld a little this year as well.
    Got a few things done on my shop truck project, blasted and reinforced the chassis, set engine in place and had exhaust run. Look to mount the cab soon. All in all, while it is very different, I cant believe how fast the time has gone by.
    I keep thinking "one day closer to better days ahead".
    chassis w exhaust.JPG
  24. trollst
    Joined: Jan 27, 2012
    Posts: 2,104


    Best of luck buddy...
  25. 210superair
    Joined: Jun 23, 2020
    Posts: 1,952

    from Michigan

    I didn't take a vacation at all this last year. I rarely do. Took the family to Disney in Florida last year, and that was my first vacation in like 10 years. My job doesn't do well with long vacation, I need to be there, and the boss compensates by letting me kind of come and go as I please, which is indeed nice. And I traveled extensively in my 20s, living abroad twice and getting around the states pretty well too, so I'm pretty content.


    I am thinking of the previous year and how much it sucked, and I do believe due to that reflection, at some point next summer I'm gonna jump in my shoebox and see how far I can drive before it breaks. Haven't been on a road trip by myself in a long time. Probably just get in and head southwest, and see where the road takes me for a few weeks....
  26. 1971BB427
    Joined: Mar 6, 2010
    Posts: 9,362

    from Oregon

    I'd prefer this year to have gone differently, but I have a positive outlook on it simply because I've been building my '39 Chev the last 18 months.
    If it wasn't for the lockdown rules around here, I'd of found all sorts of distractions to take time away from my build. But since there was little I could do with car activities, or social gatherings, it meant far more time spent in the shop on my car. It also meant I didn't go totally bonkers twiddling my thumbs, with nothing to do but sit home. Thank God my car build saved my sanity, and gave me a lot of enjoyment throughout this year!
    Baumi, 210superair, Chucky and 2 others like this.
  27. 31Apickup
    Joined: Nov 8, 2005
    Posts: 3,523


    Haven’t travelled at all this year, miss the swap meets and car events. On the Plus side, since working from home, I start earlier and end earlier since I’m not commuting so I spent that extra time everyday from spring thru early fall on my coupe project which I made huge progress on. That slowed down now that it’s cold and damp, plus gets dark so early.

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    AVater and chryslerfan55 like this.
  28. squirrel
    Joined: Sep 23, 2004
    Posts: 58,231



    Yes, we now have a new house. It's time to figure out how to set up my new 30x50 shop...but it has to have room to park some cars, too.
    210superair, Tim, Chucky and 5 others like this.
  29. Mr T body
    Joined: Nov 2, 2005
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    Mr T body
    Alliance Vendor
    from BHC AZ

    I have been in limbo for the last year trying to get my new garage built. The current 2 car garage and 5 cars means you spend more time shuffling and cleaning than fabbing. We broke ground a couple weeks ago and expect it to be done in March/April. The '32 drag car will have it's own lift with a spot for the body, so though it'll be busy moving, retiring and building the car, it'll be a far better year than this.
    charleyw, AVater and chryslerfan55 like this.
  30. brokedownbiker
    Joined: Jun 7, 2016
    Posts: 683


    I finally got the '51 Ford squared away late summer and got a late start on my '50 Fleetline project. This year started with knee replacement surgery and then Covid popped up; it has been a slow year, everything has seemed to take forever to get done. Parts suppliers have been slow, shipping has crawled, and everybody has been swamped- combination of lack of personnel, inability to get materials/parts, and plenty of work due to people being at home with time to work on their stuff needing work done.

    Hopefully 2021 will get back to something approximating normal.
    chryslerfan55 likes this.

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