I shopped for a car in '65 but with specific equipment. I loved the styling of the 65 Impala SS and with a big block, 4spd, Posi, etc. the stuff a car person would want I was quoted $3,800+ by more than one dealership in L.A. That was more than my $3,000ish budget would stand and I ended up with a Buick Skylark Gran Sport which turned out to be an excellent car. I always wished I had gone for the Impala though.
National Geographic Magazine June 1950 Come see more ads and other things at https://misforgotten2.tumblr.com/
National Geographic Magazine May 1960 Come see more ads and other things at h ttps://misforgotten2.tumblr.com/
National Geographic Magazine 1964 Come see more ads and other things at https://misforgotten2.tumblr.com/
I just got my driver license and after watching the races for years at Ascot on T.V. I wanted to see them in person. So I talked my dad in loaning his 1955 pontiac to me I was to use it to go only about 10 miles from home to see my girlfriend. I picked up three of my buddies and off we went. We did not know where Ascot was or how to get there. As everybody did back then we stopped at a gas station for directions. Go about 50 miles east you will run right into it. East huh? After the fourth station we found it. L.A. is a big place. Driving that night was Allen Heath the one arm driver. He was the favorite of the crowd and became mine also. He had bad luck running into the wall and called it a night. The noise the fumes and sitting on the third turn getting hit with the mud off the rear tires was one of the best times a 16 year old kid could have.