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Technical Avoiding waste of money...

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by F-ONE, Feb 9, 2021.

  1. F-ONE
    Joined: Mar 27, 2008
    Posts: 3,538

    from Alabama

    I'm deep into my 51 Ford Coupe right now. I realize how easy it is to waste money or spend too much on stuff that's never used. It's real easy to spend money on fixes that never work out. It's real easy to get tools that you'll never use. Most aggravating is buying hardware putting it away. When it comes's lost and you buy it again only to find the lost pieces when you are finished.:rolleyes:

    A project that is a wandering zero as far as direction, can bleed money.
    Sometimes doing stuff "on the cheap" winds up costing more. I'm not meaning substandard repairs, rather good quality stuff that in the end, you don't use or change direction.

    Buying used parts because "it's too good to pass up" or a "good deal " and you never use them.
    Another hidden cost is time and gas. It's real easy to shop at the parts store and buy stuff you really do not need or think you need but don't.

    Blowing money on substandard parts....this is especially true with wiring components such as splices, the splice kits and crimp on wire ends. You can use some of that stuff but to use it properly, it has to be modified. A good example are those cheap blue crimp on connectors and splices.

    I was asked why am I using a expensive replacement wiring harness rather than a universal kit or making it my self.....
    This harness is already done...all the connections. All the splices. Even the main body of the harness is wrapped in friction tape. It's pretty much ready to install.
    I know if I tried to make that I would blow a lot of money.
    It was worth it to me just to spend a little more up front than nickel and dime it. Sometimes I find nickel and diming can cost more. This is especially so if you wind up getting the expensive part anyway.

    I need some parts right now. I'm going to order what I need from a Specialty Supplier, this time CG Ford. I'm going to order all I need for this task. It's a little more and there is shipping but I feel it's cheaper than the multiple trips tp local parts store.
    One.... I have to research and find that they have the part.
    Two...I have to drive to town go in and ask for the part and they have to look it up.
    Three....If they can get the part...sometimes their websight lies, I order it.
    Four....I go to get those parts....only some have come in so...that's another trip.
    Five...Impulse buys at the parts store. Ooooh! Shiny! I need that.

    Personally It's best for me not to get too far ahead.
    How do you try to avoid the waste?
    COCONUTS, rockable, wfo guy and 8 others like this.
  2. group items for the project that you are doing, like front suspension and only get those parts, get the job done and move onto the next.

    dont dwell on other things that wont get that job done.

    Then move onto the next.
  3. KJSR
    Joined: Mar 7, 2008
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    from Utah
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    That's great advise.
    e1956v and F-ONE like this.
  4. Excellent advice. I would like to add that doing multiple project cars at the same time tends to make all projects cost more and take longer. Oh, and lets not forget the 'future project' parts gathering fixation. If you find yourself annoyed at the lack of a finished ride, just take an honest look around your shop. Sometimes tunnel vision can be your friend.
  5. F-ONE
    Joined: Mar 27, 2008
    Posts: 3,538

    from Alabama

  6. gigem
    Joined: Dec 31, 2005
    Posts: 71


    What kills me is the "while I am doing A, I might as well do B. And C. Then D...." disease.

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  7. I have had the wagon finished on on the road since 2012 about two years ago I found a box full of Dennis Carpenter rummer under the bed in the guest bed room, the box had never been opened and the packing slip was still attached.

    There was $366.39 worth of rubber in the box, I have managed to sell most of it but I looked high and low for that box, I knew I had bought it in the past but when it came time I bought it again. :rolleyes: HRP

  8. This !! This right here.! Next thing you know a simple brake upgrade turns into a complete rebuild if the car. I call it “ might as well” projects. Might as well do this do that on and on and on ...

    Also buying “great deals “. I’ve flipped a few of these and made some good money, but more often then not it sits in a shelf for years then gets sold off for “what I think I paid” for it.
  9. jaw22w
    Joined: Mar 2, 2013
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    from Indiana

    Yeah, that's me. Start to change the valve cover gaskets and end up rebuilding the whole damn motor!
  10. wicarnut
    Joined: Oct 29, 2009
    Posts: 9,173


    Been There, Done That, Look high, low, everywhere, know I have it, cannot find it, order/purchase another and Magic, it appears. Becoming a senior is a trip, have to laugh at myself, tried bitching, that didn't help LOL
  11. Budget36
    Joined: Nov 29, 2014
    Posts: 14,768


    You bring up some good and valid points. These days (IMO) it so much easier and convenient to order parts and have them waiting for you when you get home. Rounding up everything you need at swap meets is fun, but sometimes can take ages.
    Tools on the other hand, I don’t mind buying something (within reason) I’ll only use a few times in my life, even if it’s cheaper to have it done by a shop. To me it’s about the convienence of doing what’s needed on my time, and not having to drop something off and picking it up Monday-Friday from 8-5.

    The thing is if you’re starting from scratch, I think there will always be some left over stuff that wasn’t needed due to several reasons, the flip side is if you are the kinda guy that likes building say an A on 32 rails with a SBC, etc. and you’ve done it once or more times, you have a good feel for what you need and can plan ahead..similar to a shop who does it daily.
    Research is key to eliminate spending time and money not needed. Just recently I ordered a disc brake kit, I could probably piece it together, work on some brackets, trial and error it, etc, save some money. But assuming the vender put a good kit together for me, it’ll just be a 3 or 4 hour afternoon to get it done.
    rockable, Atwater Mike, F-ONE and 3 others like this.
  12. I'm a list guy.
    First thing I do with a new project is assess my project what all needs to be done, what parts/supplies have to be obtained.
    I then form my list of parts needed..once I have the part, I check it off (avoids forgetful spells of "did I order that"), I do the same with tasks that need to be done.
    Gives me a sense of accomplishment, keeps me focused, saves time.
    Efficiency is cost saving.
    F-ONE, mgtstumpy, GordonC and 2 others like this.
  13. Petejoe
    Joined: Nov 27, 2002
    Posts: 12,463

    from Zoar, Ohio

    I’ve never had extra cash to buy all the parts for a whole project.
    I’ve always compartmentalized.
    Electric, plumbing, paint mechanical were bought individually and there was always months and many paychecks between each endeavor.
    oldiron 440, Chavezk21, F-ONE and 5 others like this.
  14. alchemy
    Joined: Sep 27, 2002
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    Describes me to a T. And an A, and a 32, and a 40.
    SR100, F-ONE, Budget36 and 4 others like this.
  15. 31Apickup
    Joined: Nov 8, 2005
    Posts: 3,521


    If you look at the time going to swap meets, especially if its far away where have hotel stays, it adds up to quite an expense. As my GF says, you need to look at those types of trips as entertainment just like going to a movie or something else you may do for fun, yes she’s a keeper.
    Joe Blow, rockable, F-ONE and 5 others like this.
  16. X-cpe
    Joined: Mar 9, 2018
    Posts: 2,146


    I thought it was a rule that the quickest way to find anything was to buy it again.
    Plus you don't have to waste their time explaining what you want, when they already know how it should be.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2021
  17. pwschuh
    Joined: Oct 27, 2008
    Posts: 2,913


    I'll second the lists. I really like lists. And getting everything ahead of time as much as possible. Nothing worse than 1 days work followed by 10 days waiting for a part then working for 4 hours and then 4 days waiting for a part then working for another day then ... yada yada yada.
    1959Nomad, scoop, F-ONE and 1 other person like this.
  18. Rusty O'Toole
    Joined: Sep 17, 2006
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    Rusty O'Toole

    Buying unnecessary junk is half the fun.
  19. Have a plan and stick to it. Budgets are important also, but you do need flexibility there as it's not always easy to predict what 'vintage' parts are going to cost or even if you can find them. My experience in waiting for a 'better price' on parts usually means I end up paying twice as much as the first one I passed on and if I'm lucky it won't be junkier than that one....
    1959Nomad, Chavezk21, F-ONE and 3 others like this.
  20. In my case , I can get to the Carlisle PA flea mkt in about 90 minutes,. my wife and I take off a Thurs or Friday. I pick up my pre ordered parts around 7-8 am, save the shipping cost , then we browse and eat lunch, then walk the cars for sale and head home. She's also a keeper.
    1959Nomad, F-ONE, X-cpe and 1 other person like this.
  21. Mr48chev
    Joined: Dec 28, 2007
    Posts: 35,191


    Guilty as charged. I've got a beautiful dropped headlight bar for a 30/31 Model A with a deuce shell and full fenders sitting here boxed up waiting to hear back from a potential buyer. I bought it in a late night Ebay "Oh I am going to need that" moment and it has sat here since 2018 and the car has been sold.
    That is just one of the more expensive pieces that I have bought over the years and didn't use because things changed.

    I've also got a shop full of shop equipment that I don't get much use out of simply because I bought the equipment planning to have the shop up and it isn't up yet. That stuff isn't a huge amount dollar wise but I could have better used the money and waited to buy that stuff as I actually needed it.
    F-ONE and mgtstumpy like this.
  22. Elcohaulic
    Joined: Dec 27, 2017
    Posts: 2,213


    Old file cabinets work well for me. I have them in my shed, garage and basement. I have them marked and everything stays in order. You have to keep on it though. As soon as your done when all tired put the tools away first, then put the good parts in there prospective file cabinet, then clean up.. We I want something I may not see it right away but I know its in one of those compartments. Engine, transmission, steering, rear end, interior, body etc..

    The same goes for my work truck. I keep everything in its spot. That way when I'm looking for something on a Friday at 330 an want to go home so badly I know where it is.. I also set up a card table and put my tool boxes on it when on a bigger job..
  23. lonejacklarry
    Joined: Sep 11, 2013
    Posts: 1,498


    Are you guys trying to take all the fun out of building a car? I did notice, however, that no one has suggested that one should not drink beer in the build process.
  24. Personally I don’t feel I have ever wasted a dime on tools or equipment.
    1959Nomad, Cosmo49, rockable and 13 others like this.
  25. mgtstumpy
    Joined: Jul 20, 2006
    Posts: 9,239


    I always do that group list and itemise everything I need/require under those headings; electrical/wiring, rear axle, frame/suspension engine, transmission etc etc as wells body work, panel by panel; much like a Master parts catalogue. It seems pedantic however nothing is left to chance. Even more anal is my running sheet of parts and cost spreadsheet.:eek: As mentioned budget is critical, time frame maybe as this depends on the individual. It's all about using 'just in time' scheduling.
    Use all the available resources wisely and remember the 7Ps, proper planning and preparation prevent p*ss poor performance. Do it once, do it right! First and foremost, safety and meeting engineering standards that enable licensing of the car.
    Plans may change so always have a back up or contingency plan and leave nothing to chance. I've a few surplus components that I need to dispose of due to some changes along the way however I'm not giving them away.
    I've enough of the right tools now at my age so once the car is done I'll most likely let some of them go as I won't require them in the future.
    I'm well organised and have all the components packed up and ready for the big 'Reassembly' day when the shelves will be stripped bare.

    All I need to do is keep my other cars going whilst focusing on finishing the current project. ;)
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2021
  26. I wasn’t blessed with that gift.
    My new years resolution was to clean up the shop. I’m a month in and still cleaning.
    I can walk around in it now.
    I used to just leave the tools and change the car.
    Basically just fill the clean spot where one car was with another.
    I’m a trying to learn the other method
  27. jetnow1
    Joined: Jan 30, 2008
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    from CT
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    When I did remodeling I always warned people about this, they rarely listened. I paid my mortgage on them lol.
    F-ONE, chevy57dude and Crazy Steve like this.
  28. We are in the wrong hobby to avoid waste.
  29. wearymicrobe
    Joined: Jul 27, 2007
    Posts: 271

    from San Diego

    I am very much in a need vs want for deciding to spend money.

    Brakes, suspension and steering. what ever it needs it gets and it gets the parts I want and done the way I want.

    Everything else is a want not a need. I can sit on the side of the road if somethin breaks down. I have to have good brakes.
  30. A guy I worked with on occasion told me the wife showing up on the job was always good for at least $10K.... LOL
    Beanscoot and F-ONE like this.

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