This is not a big, fun to look at update because it's not anything major... Just more little non photogenic tasks.... But work is getting done on her. one small piece at a time. We've been kicking around Ideas for a auxiliary Transmission mount for a long time. We put in a temporary mount awhile ago. The more i think about it the more I don't like it. So If I'm going to have to drop the rear end and pull the Aux Trans anyway I should replace the flat bar and u-bolt setup we have now with a proper mount. I measured up the drop to get the mount under the aux trans and added 1" to it for a rubber / poly bump stop. Then drew it up in cad. (this is only 1/2 of the mount the other side is mirrored on the center line) But turning a piece of 1 1/2" x 3/16" into that isn't as easy as it sounds. I got this far with a torch and a bit of light gauge rail track. But I can't get the radius quite tight enough. In the corner of my folks barn was a rusty chunk of steel .... A proper anvil that hasn't been used much in a long time. When I dug it up out of the dirt floor. The whole thing was pitted (the top and the horn looked like the sides!) and under a bunch of rust (use your imagination because someone didn't think to snap a pic of it before). It also didn't have a proper stand. So after a couple hours with the grinder and an hour with the router. I came up with this. Hopefully now I can get the bends tighter. The goal is to use the 3 pieces 3/16" stock to create a u shape with the curve from the drawing. That means I need to make 6 of those bends pretty much exactly the same. Other than the few bits of heating and beating things into shape I've done on this car I've never tried any "black smithing", so this should be interesting. I've also been working on bending up a custom throttle linkage for the Carter carb out of some 3/16" steel round bar. I thought I was done but I need another 3/4" of travel to be at WOT. So I get to start over on that. This time I'm going to go through the block (there's a passage there for the throttle). Then go up and over the headers to the carb. This should clear well enough to get the extra 3/4" needed. I don't have photos of the current linkage because I ran it Through the headers and you can't really see much of it. Till next Time, CBB
Any forward progress is worth bragging about!! Nice job on the anvil. I can't wait to see how this turns out Bobby
This weekend I dodged raindrops tore off my patio roof and got to pound some steel. The rain chased me away as I have to run the furnace outside to heat up the steel. Before I had to shutdown I got on side of the bracket 3/4 of the way done and started on the second side of the bracket. Getting the 2 sides to match is taking a bit of work. But I think we're getting there. The proper anvil makes things go so much faster. What took 4 hours before was done in 30 mins this time. I'm sure a "real" blacksmith could knock this whole thing out in an hour but I'm not a "real" blacksmith I'm just a 200+ pound gorilla with a hammer. This weekend I have some help coming to put the patio roof back on. Hopefully I will get some more rain free time to finish this up so I can get this bracket welded together. CBB
CBB, your build is very possibly the greatest inspiration I've seen! Thank you for you presentation of ingenuity and craftsmanship!
Doc, Thanks for the kind words. Hopefully it will soon all come together and be on the road! Till then I just do the best I can CBB
Sorry guys not much progress to report it's graduation time of year here so some of my weekend was sucked up for that and vacation prep. I'm also having trouble heating the metal effectively in my furnace. It' likes to melt things but getting them just hot enough in the right spot it's not so good at. To help with this I started trowing together a small forge with mostly things I had on hand (which means she'll be ugly!) To start I bend up some heavy sheet metal. This was accomplished on a cheap HF brake and using a bit of 1x1" angle iron and a BFH. The second half was made the same way with slightly thinner Sheet. I tested the fit of the fire bricks before the insulation was added. The shell was welded together. The ceramic foundry insulation was added. I also added a leg and bolted it to an old car brake rotor as a base. This photo showed the insulation and the bricks test fitted in place. (you can see my current furnace (back), and my future furnace (beer keg) in the background) Like all good projects this is when I figured out I didn't have a 1"1/4" bi metal hole saw.. and it's Sunday about 7:30PM so all the hardware stores in hillbillyville (where I live) are closed. I'll have to cut out the hole for the burner later when I pick up the saw. I'll call this progress but it's more lateral progress than forward progress right now. CBB
So a family vacation later I got the forge together and working. I was able to control the heating to different areas much easier with this. After an hour and a half I have 2 parts that match one another about 90% I'll tweak them a little more before welding and shaping the top strip. CBB
So Rain kept the forge in the Garage last night and it looks like it's going too rain for the next day or two. So I switched gears back to the Throttle linkage. I had made one that went under the carb. It worked but couldn't get to Full Open throttle. So last night I made one up that came up along the block between the headers and came at the carb from the front. it takes a bit of work to fish it in and out of there but I can get Full Throttle now . In the top of this picture is the "Stock" Model T throttle linkage (it's a repop). The Middle is my first attempt that failed to push the throttle fully open. The bottom is the latest version that works great. The original ends just slipped into the carb and the lever. I'm planing on cross drilling the rod for cotter pins and washers as the carb is now oriented differently and the rod pops out after several strokes. Let me know if you see something wrong with this. Thanks CBB
IMG_20180702_191113 by Crazybillybob posted Jul 2, 2018 at 11:46 PM IMG_20180702_185404 by Crazybillybob posted Jul 2, 2018 at 11:46 PM Well that hope went right out the window now didn't it! Yep folks we're tearing back into the WarFord Aux trans again. The old case has been leaking ever since we put it back together. So now we're taking the gears out and putting them in a new non cracked case. Details too follow. CBB
So the other week I pushed the old car out into the sun and gave her a bath to clean off the shop dust that was on her. Then as teased above she was shoved back into the shop. Where the rear end and Aux trans were pulled out again. The Aux trans was then torn apart once more. This was done so that the gears could be placed into a new "less Leaky" case. This should have taken a Day or so..... But Like everything on this car a few things popped up in the way. Oh and the 4th of July (a holiday here in the states that gives us an excuse to blow stuff up in public). But eventually new Gaskets were made. And the Aux Trans was reassembled again. This time just leaking out of the input and output shafts but that's normal (no seals there). Next I have to get the new older longer Rear spring perches installed so the Rocky Mountain brakes fit. Then we'll get her back together. Till Next Time! CBB
We're still working on the old Girl.... it's been a lot of shoot, ready,aim on my part. So Pulling the rear out of the car was to help us get the Rocky mountain Brakes installed. On the Model T the last 2 years the overall height of the car was lowered 2". Most of this was in the flater spring perch mounts. Well we went and lowered it another 6-7" in the rear with reversed spring eyes, flipped rear axle, and custom drop shackles. This meant that we didn't have the proper clearances for the the RM brakes. We talked to Clayton who has done this same thing. Between us we figured out that the 1908-1925 Shackle perches are about 3/4" taller and stick out about 3/4" further from the backing plates. This space will give use the clearances we need to mount the brakes. This what our original let's call the v1 drop shackle support bracket. With the new "older" spring perches mounted it was 3/4" too short. So a new v2 drop shackle support bracket was created. In trying to minimize the effect of lifting the rear had on the rake we had we installed the spring perches upside down (this will come back to bite me in a minute... The astute among you will pick up right away on the thing that's missing in this photo. Hint it's BLUE ). I got all the holes drilled and this one mounted only to realize the brakes still wouldn't clear. To get the brakes to fit the bracket had to be sitting on top of the radius rods. This first bracket took me about 3 hours to bend up. lots of fussing and test fitting...and I get to do it again. Another cardboard template was made and v3 of the Drop Shackle support bracket was laid out. by this point I was leaving notes on the steel as to where to bend and how (part of the time of the first one was fixing the tab being bent the wrong way first). This one took about 50mins to get knocked out. Drilled and hung. A spacer was also found to be needed to help keep the spring the proper distance from the axle tube. It's important that both sides match as this sets how flat the car sits side to side in the rear. So I knocked out another bracket . This one took about 10 minutes to pound out... took longer to get the torches out than it did to forge it. I'm waiting on a few more bits to arrive in the post to wrap this up, and I think I'm going to make up another spacer to keep the spring from going too forward as well. What's the moral of the story? make sure you put all the parts that are going to be in the way on and get them clearanced before you start building brackets! Stop by again for more. CBB
I just realized it's been a bit since I posted an update. It's that time of year when everyone goes back to school, and life gets busy. I have also been waiting on some raw material. Even with that slow progress is being made. The other weekend I had a helper stop by the shop to help get the tire back on the Hot Rod! First we had to Press the bushing into the spacer. We reassembled the modified Drop Shackle system. When I shortened the Shaft that everything pivots on I managed to thread the end crooked. So one the new bits of stress proof rod come in I'll have to try again. My Shop Assistant then installed the Wheel on the rear end. In the end he had a fun afternoon in the shop. But I still have a lot of work left before we put this rear end back under the car. Till next time, CBB
Awesome stuff!! Having the little helpers is fun, it slows down the process quite a bit but the fun and memories make up for it. I'm glad you were able to find some shop time, I'm envious. Bobby
Thanks Tim and all. Had some issues with parts in the rear end had to switch to getting My lathe up and running to make replacement parts. Still plugging at the lathe hopefully I'll have some new updates soon. CBB
This looks great guys! You did a fantastic job and I'm happy I could help out. Keep up the good work, looking forward to more! ~ Mr. Model T
It's been awhile since the last post. Over the last year a lot of life has happened. I sold a house (that took a lot of fixing/up dating to get the price I needed). Rebuilt most of a basement block wall in the house I live in. Got engaged. The most exciting thing car wise is I got my 1942 South Bend lathe running. So the back story on this is I was given this lathe that was found in a trash pile. It was a little rough and missing some parts. This year I got it cleaned up and running again. The first part for the old girl that I turned out was new rear Shackle Shafts. I had made some of these before with just a die but the threads were crooked and they were hard to install. So I made these up from 4140 chromium-molybdenum Steel. This should be tough enough for the loads applied it will also allow me to get the rear end back together and back under the car. We're also working on some plans to get the upholstery sorted out soon so stay tuned for that. I'm back to work on the car and progress is being made....maybe this is the year for the road!? CBB
Any more progress on this guys? It's been over a year and you guys HAVE to have had SOME free time in the last 12 [emoji1787] Sent from my SM-G781U using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Not as much as you'd think. I work as a tech director for a school district that has held in person classes this whole year. Last spring when everyone was at home I was working OT to get devices out to all the kids and staff for remote Classes. I have been working on the Seat this winter. But it's not photogenic yet. Remaking patterns etc. Once I get something that looks like progress I'll post some more on that. Till then "I'm working on it "
Had an hour this weekend to get out in the shop and figure out where I was on the car. Got the passenger rear pulled apart and started measuring up the bolt hole placement for the new suspension mounts. Same as the other side just backwards. Still Plugging along. CBB