Take the chrome cup off it and take some picts. Most of those Suns did use the transmitter it was the best way to do it at those times.. They can be updated but you might not get it back. I had one and sent it out and never got it back.. One things for sure, those Sun gauges were the best looking gauges ever made. At night time they look so beautiful...
I think it does require the sender. I have two of the meters, one with the sender and they look exactly like this except they go to 8k. On the back is a + and a -, the sender has both of these and a distb. screw connection. I've never found a source for a new sender.
Pretty sure it requires the transmitter. I have that exact tach and I had it converted. I think the transmitter was EB 9A.
I have one just like it ( take a picture of the Back ) The one I Have go's to 8k & its Stamped on the Back the Date it was born I hooked up the wire's & it worked.! Just my 3.5 cent's Live Learn & Die a Fool
This may be a help for Sun tach guys: http://www.tachman.com/sun.htm Or this: http://williamsons.webpit.com/tachometers/ Hope this helps.
That's correct. Many years ago I found a new in the box Sun EB 9A sender at the Portland Swap Meet, $10, you probably didn't want to hear that though. I had acquired a couple of used ones but had never opened them up, found they were badly corroded inside and couldn't find a matching NOS Sun tach that was affordable so sold it ($100), found out later it was worth three times that.
@Aaron63Nova You seem to have the original box. What is the part number of the tach that you have? That will tell whether a transmitter is needed. From the picture you posted, it does look like that tach will require a transmitter. The old transmitters require a battery which is no longer available.
I think the only vintage Sun tach that didn't require a transmitter was the "FZ" series second generation Supertach....in the mid sixties. I think the swap from transmitters to stand alones started then.
I think this is the same as yours. https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/how-old-is-this-sun-tach-other-questions.729379/
Ahh this is the link I was looking for. I could only ever find Sun documentation with the earlier tachs and I havent pulled my tach out of the box in a few years to look at the back. Thanks!
I have a real 7000 SST, says Sun on face and yes, requires a sending unit unless converted like mine. Mine’s for sale in classifieds.
It’s the same as the far left one in the ad in your next post. This is the back. Finally took it out of the box this morning to get a pic. Suppose I could’ve done that before posting this thread and answer my own question.
You can get it converted, expensive ! Don’t axe me how I know ! IMO, Sun is one of the 5 legs of ‘60’s performance. The other legs being, Muncie Hurst Holley Chevrolet (479) 369-2551 Williamson Electronics Does conversions
I plan to get it converted for sure. I have 3 out of the other 4 things you listed. I have heard good things about Williamson, anyone heard about cost on the conversion for these things? I picked up a transmitter box this morning and will probably end up with electronic ignition in the car (points is a little too “purist” for this guy)
Last I heard it was slightly over $300 to get one of these converted if you include tax and shipping. These look just about as good and are a lot cheaper : https://www.amazon.com/Bosch-SP0F00...D2DK7PN3YPT&psc=1&refRID=52FS3XNWSD2DK7PN3YPT. Man! These URL's are getting ridiculous.
I might mention there are 2 “conversions”, One is conversion of sending unit as restoman posted. This is a must for ‘62 or ‘61 409 factory set up. Second conversion puts electronics inside Tach cup for stand alone SST style self contained unit.
Nice. I’d like to mention a SST goes front and center as restoman has it (or on top of dash, if one can bear drilling holes). Not to the left side of steering column or even worse, under dash.
The first tach I ever saw that was worth anything was the Autometer. That needle stayed straight as a rock while I was slamming gears in my buddys 64 Ford 427. I was amazed. Autometer still makes them.. My favorite tach is the cable operated tach. They have a cable take off on the distributor and the cable goes to the tach on the dash or hood.. This is were Chevy people have it made. You could buy a late fifties early 60s iron points distributor with the cable take off. Use one set of points and have them triggering a Capacitor Discharge box like the MSD6AL, Crane, Accel, Vertex Z-6 or one of the old time Delta Mark 10, Tiger or Heath kit boxes. Having the Multi Spark CD Ignition driven by a factory iron points distributor puts you in a class all all by itself. This is such a precise ignition, I'm surprised more people don't use it. I think it's better then a lot of these after market ignitions that I see people posting these "please help me" threads on.. That tach would look so cool on the steering column or top of the dash.. Hood mounted tach's are also very nice, just dont slam the hood..
Yep, old I know... Aron63nova... Did ya get your SST-70 converted? By who and location, how much did it cost, if you want to tell ? Thank you... 1Nimrod