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Discussion in 'The Antiquated' started by 41 GMC K-18, Mar 1, 2021.

  1. Dennis D
    Joined: May 2, 2009
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    Dennis D

    quick85 and Deuces like this.
  2. Thomas K.
    Joined: Dec 25, 2018
    Posts: 60

    Thomas K.

    I am a big Beach Boys fan and my first time seeing them was 1972. Have been married 38 years and we probably have attended about 40 of there concerts. Little Deuce Coupe always has been my favorite song.
  3. Dennis- thanks for sharing, that was really cool. Quite a thought that those people are 82 now. How to you meet up with your friends- fly a balloon- Oh the good old days.
  4. VF-1
    Joined: Jan 21, 2021
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  5. hotrodjack33
    Joined: Aug 19, 2019
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    Oh man, did I ever do it "right":D
    Took a lot of trips...but never left the farm;)
  6. I was working for a living (and couldn't afford to take vacation) when these 'outdoor concerts' were all the rage, but here's a couple of interesting/funny stories from 1970:

    The American Legion was having their national convention in Portland (Orygun) that year, with President Nixon expected to be the main speaker. There was a lot of concern about the possibility of tens of thousands of Vietnam War protesters taking to the streets, clashes with the police, security issues, etc. The Governor of Orygun (Tom McCall) had some minions meet with protest organizers to try to determine how to avoid trouble. After that meeting, the minions met with Governor Pettybone, oops, McCall to brainstorm. At some point, someone suggested they should come up with something to distract the hippies and get them out of town.
    A ROCK CONCERT!!!! Sponsored and supported by the state!
    They decided to suggest that to the protest organizers as a way to prevent problems, and worked out details... The event would take pace in a state park (McIver) about 30 miles East of Portland. The National Guard would provide medical, air-evac, food and facility support, cops would stand by, but the whole thing was to be HANDS OFF, unless something catastrophic happened. the 'authorities' were all instructed to turn a blind eye to dope, nudity (although I'm sure they weren't turning away from THAT), etc, just let it run it's course.
    It came off without a hitch, no problems at all in all four days it ran. The first and only ever state sanctioned 'hippy rock festival'.

    That same summer was the Sky River III rock festival, which was held along the Washougal River in Southwest Warshingtun. (Sky River I and II had been held in previous years in the Puget Sound (or farther North) areas)
    This was a 9 day event held on land that was bordered by the river, giving access to a great swimming hole. Some friends and I tried to get in, but the line of traffic was miles long, so we gave up and figured we'd try another day.
    Since this 'hippie invasion' was out of the ordinary around here, the media was all over it: suspected mare-uh-jewanna use, maybe even LSD!! Nudity!! Nudity along the river! (sounds like an Arlo Guthrie song, huh?). 'Civilians' were all up in arms "I didn't buy a house along this peaceful river to watch and hear a bunch dirty hippies!" "Oh, the shame!" "Get off my lawn!"
    So a few of buddies and I are drinking beer one evening and decide we have GOT to check this out! We knew where the swimming hole was, and that there was a creek that fed the river very nearby. Since the state owns river/stream beds in Warshingtun, we figured we'd walk in that way, which turned out to be a good shortcut, and we wouldn't be trespassing and getting bitched at.
    We loaded up with beer and headed to the nude-hippy swimming hole. When we got there, we could see it was just as reported.... NUDITY!!! Right at the swimming hole!!! And there were (nice) houses overlooking it, and having their peace interrupted and their sensibilities offended.
    We were talking across the river to a few of them, having a good time, when one dude swam over and bummed a smoke "I don't have any pockets in my birthday suit". We were BS'ing, drinking beer and getting a first-hand report from this guy when we hear a lady in one of the houses holler "There's one!". We turned around to check out the ruckus, and there were about 6 or 8 'old folks' (over 40) standing on the deck of one of the houses, drinking and laughing. She was pointing out to her husband.... which limbs to cut out of the trees so they had a better view! What a hoot! And so much for neighborhood complaints.
    That's the extent of my hippy-rock-festival experience, poor, poor innocent me!
    302GMC, Lepus, wraymen and 8 others like this.
  7. 41 GMC K-18
    Joined: Jun 27, 2019
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    41 GMC K-18

    Thanks @'28phonebooth , I had to look that up online about that festival, WOW! That must have been one hell of a gathering !
    Thanks for your post/reply!
  8. Deuces
    Joined: Nov 3, 2009
    Posts: 25,695


    One of my favorites from Tanglewood is "Soul Sacrifice" live from Santana.... Better than the version from Woodstock... Ummm can one of you's guys post the video???? I can't.. Sorry
  9. Deuces
    Joined: Nov 3, 2009
    Posts: 25,695


    I do... ;)
    Living down under at the time and hangin' out at the beach....:cool:
    Life was cool when your 8-9 years old....
  10. 4ty
    Joined: Jan 1, 2009
    Posts: 272


    Woodstock. I had just gotten out of the service and back at my old job at Pratt and Whitney. Working 7 days a week, didn't even know it was happening. Went to the local College full time and work full time, met a girl who went (bells on her ankle and moccasins, she had gone with four other girls, two of whom later became Nuns (!!!). Dated and have been married for 49 years this coming August.
    Paul in CT
    rod1, 67drake, hotrodjack33 and 6 others like this.
  11. A fun thread. I grew up in the 60's and 70's. So I kinda missed the 1965 HAMB cut off date with my Hot Rods. But I been enjoying all your stories posted here. We got married in 1975, and I drove my Vette to Daytona beach Fl. from Virginia on our honeymoon. I still have both of them. { Car and the Girl } Married for 46 years now.:) Ron.... 282.jpg 301.jpg
  12. Deuces
    Joined: Nov 3, 2009
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  13. jimmy six
    Joined: Mar 21, 2006
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    jimmy six

    Loved “surf” music and still do. Beach Boys, Jan and Dean. Soft spot for the Righteous Brothers and went to many of their Concerts. Was at the last Beach Boys concert in Irvine SoCal. Big fan of Buddy Holly, if your in Lubbock Tx. go to his museum. Not big but worth it. Went to JC with Chris Montez and he’s doing great things to educate Mexican-American kids I applaud him for his efforts.
    Today I can’t get enough of the Blues where the 50’s music came from. Glad I didn’t get to rapped up with the Hippie movement but knew a lot who did and payed with their lives..
  14. Dave G in Gansevoort
    Joined: Mar 28, 2019
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    Dave G in Gansevoort
    from Upstate NY

    If I knew how to get the link here I would, as I have had it bookmarkedon my tabletfor a long time since finding it. Just google santana tanglewood1970 full concert and look for the official video on youtube. I watch it routinely when I wax nostalgic for myyouth in the late 60s in the Berkshires. Being a car guy, I also routinely go to Lebanon Valley Classics to relive that era at the local dirt track that was my downfall from grace, fame, and fortune... That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
  15. stude54ht
    Joined: Dec 30, 2007
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    from Spokane WA

  16. Dave G in Gansevoort
    Joined: Mar 28, 2019
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    Dave G in Gansevoort
    from Upstate NY

    now that has caused a flashback, but let's not go there...
    Deuces and Ron Funkhouser like this.
  17. jimmy six
    Joined: Mar 21, 2006
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    jimmy six

    Janis..... hey baby......
  18. Truck64
    Joined: Oct 18, 2015
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    from Ioway

    I never cared for her too much, they played that "take a piece a my heart now baby" about fifty gazillion times on the "classic rock" station. They probably still do, I dunno. I'm sure they had other good tunes, but they never play them.

    I read somewhere that her producer thought it would be a good idea to set her up with Jim Morrison, the singer for the Doors. They would make a "cute couple", was the thinking at the time, I guess.

    Well it didn't turn out that way. Janis got pissed off at something he said, and knocked ole Jimmer out cold over the head with an empty whisky bottle. So, she couldn't have been all bad.
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  19. Deuces
    Joined: Nov 3, 2009
    Posts: 25,695


    We need some Doors videos on here.....;)
    steveareno, 41 GMC K-18 and jimmy six like this.
  20. Dave G in Gansevoort
    Joined: Mar 28, 2019
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    Dave G in Gansevoort
    from Upstate NY

    Being from Michigan,you must remember the MC5. Kick out the jambs mother fuckers!
    210superair, Deuces and chryslerfan55 like this.
  21. quick85
    Joined: Feb 23, 2014
    Posts: 3,047


    Deuces, here you go...Carlos at Tanglewood, 1970. That's some version
    for sure. Carlos was an asskicker. I still listen to him but these days he's
    more like wise old Uncle Carlos. Time takes no prisoners.

    Hey, I dig the Doors, always have. Bought the debut album in February '67
    and kept buying Doors. Saw them in Chicago, June '68 at the Coliseum,
    $6.00 for the ticket. Here's where I say let's just go to YouTube to watch
    the videos, otherwise we'll have to post Moby Grape, early Airplane and
    Dead, Cream, the Paupers, etc.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2021
  22. 41 GMC K-18
    Joined: Jun 27, 2019
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    41 GMC K-18

    I am really glad this particular video got posted, thank you @quick85 , its greatly appreciated. I had never seen this particular video, and I admit, its a great one. Since I play music, it really appeals to me, and this is a great example of just how powerful the beat is and all of the percussion that is the rhythmic heart beat, that the Hammond B-3 is screaming to and the guitar licks from Carlos. That whole band at that time was a great kick ass combination !

    It really shows just how much power that percussion section has over the fortunate people that were able to attend that concert, you can see that they are digging it and are very happy and energetic !

    Thanks from Dennis.

    Last edited: Mar 10, 2021
    chryslerfan55, quick85 and williebill like this.
  23. 20210310_230309~4.jpg Janis was funky and a lot of laughs, but I always had a thing for Grace Slick of The Airplane. This is me a few years ago at her show at a local art gallery...she still has hypnotizing eyes.
    Joe Travers, wraymen, VF-1 and 6 others like this.
  24. 41 GMC K-18
    Joined: Jun 27, 2019
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    41 GMC K-18

    Grace still has that great electric smile!
  25. Guy Patterson
    Joined: Nov 27, 2020
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    Guy Patterson

    MY son has sung on the stage in Austin that Janis sang on . OL#1 on North Lamar, it was quite the night an brought back some fun memories for me. I had played drums on that stage many times an to see my at the time 9 year old son belting out songs of my youth was a tearful night. A memory I will carry always. Most of those concerts I was visiting southeast Asia so missed all of those good times but made up for them later in life
  26. 20210311_001101~2.jpg 20210311_000931~2.jpg She's a white haired grandma now...but she was the archetypal hippy chick back in the day.
  27. Carry On! " I am Spartacus!"
    chryslerfan55, Deuces and 41 GMC K-18 like this.
  28. Truck64
    Joined: Oct 18, 2015
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    from Ioway

    Miss Slick was a bit old for a hippie, she was 30 in 1969

    Some other YT videos to check out are the Dick Cavett show, he was pretty "square" but did host the Airplane on his program the very next day after the Woodstock concert, and Stephen Stills and Joni Mitchell are there as well. Stills uh, still wearing his outlaw Josie Wales blanket poncho deal. Always wondered if he still has that hanging in a closet somewhere.
    41 GMC K-18, chryslerfan55 and Deuces like this.
  29. I remember watching that show when it originally broadcast...David Crosby was on the stage as well..he made a comment about big Corporations that didn't sit well with Cavett, Dick joked that one or two might be his show's sponsers. As for Grace...she was 28 during the Summer of she was under 30 during the heyday.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2021
    41 GMC K-18, chryslerfan55 and Deuces like this.
  30. Deuces
    Joined: Nov 3, 2009
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