Porter muffler info. Super good catalogs, one shows where to cut & block the 6s & straight 8s, and how to make the special blocking plates for Pontiac 6 &8, Buick, Plymouth ...
Fenton, AKA Standard Automotive. They made a bunch of stuff you'd probably never find today. Our local muffler shop/speed shop had that display tower thing. When the shop was sold about '72, the new owner threw it out & smashed it.
... Just don't tell Amazon management that, apparently it takes 20 minutes just to walk to and from the can not to mention lunch. Do that and you lose your production quota and out the door you go .... Sad but true !
Hey 302GMC, Thanks for posting that impressive collection of memorabilia! Makes it easier to identify all those magical parts!
Good one! Actually, I've got my 50+ years of work behind me, so I won't be looking for a job. Carry on.
50+ years for me too. When I was working as a mechanical designer, our computers were monitored and non work related activity was logged even on lunch or off hours (24/7) and noted at your performance review and in some cases resulting in dismissal. I am glad that is behind me too.
Getting ready to depart from home in Oklahoma for trip to California, near Muskogee, Oklahoma, July 1939
When I see pictures like this, it's hard to imagine what people went through during the depression. My parents went through it in North Dakota, when they had absolutely no prospects for work and a better life. I heard their stories and know how hard times were for them, but when I see photos of desperate people, not knowing where they were going and what awaited them, it's pretty heart-wrenching. They were the homeless of the times, and as I look at them, I can only hope that they found a decent life. Makes any problems I may have seem pretty insignificant, especially any complaints I may have about the current COVID restrictions.