Build inspired by 50's hot rods with track noses. Bill Niekamp, Dick Flint and Eddie Dye. That's before a belly button 32 with a $30,000.00 paint job could win AMBR. Color is Joe Nitti dark purple. Unfinished. Color, doors and hood photo shop added. Been sitting 5 years. Working on other projects.
I forgot to mention the Jacky Howerton AMBR. One of the best if not the best. Too bad the current owner screwed up a perfect car with a number on the side.
Just so you know the rules state you cannot show any pictures anywhere or at any time to the public if competing for that class until a couple of days before the show starts. So if you are serious you might want to delete this thread.
That can’t be true. Cory Taulbert’s car was in magazines before he made his run and in recent memory historical cars have tried for it as well. maybe your thinking about the tight rules around the riddler? Which also seem to have gotten fuzzy
Riddler cars have to be kept under tight wraps with no exposure before they are put on display in competition for the award. Last I read an AMBR competitor just had to be shown for the first time in competition at the show in the competition for the award. Still a big part of showing for the award is usually your unveiling the car at the show when you roll it out of the trailer to be seen in finished state for the first time. I've taken a bunch of photos of three different AMBR contenders and the attention to detail is unreal. It is easy to see where the big money is on the cars that are built by the big name shops that have a 100 an hour plus shop rate. Just the hours involved in smoothing out the outside of the flathead block on Russ Freund’s “Takeout T” Would probably cost 10K in one of those big shops with who knows how many hours of making it smooth enough so it looks like a piece of very high dollar porcelain rather than an engine block. It still takes the hours invested to have a competitive car but it is either your or your buddie's volunteer hours or paid for hours. That looks like a great plan for a spectacular car I hope you carry though with it.
There's no rule about showing pictures of an AMBR contender ahead of time. I saw Howertons roadster several times in pictures, also at Louisville when it was first started and at So-Cal's open house during the LARS. Lots of AMBR contenders have been seen in advance. I think it's the Riddler contenders that have to kept under wraps? Frames, you need to finish the roadster and test the water.
I Love this car, but the huge radial tires really stick out like a sore thumb. Tires that fit the overall look of the car would put it over the top. Not trying to bash, I really do like it.
Frames not only do I love this car I love all the cars you build. No cookie cuter cars here. (Frames)
Nice choice on the Plymouth speedometer with the color changing speedometer needle, cluster fits the dash really nice.
It was displayed at the 50th GNRS, as a chassis, with minor sheet metal. Perhaps the most unique, and finest craftsmanship I have seen in a HOTROD.
The reason the Plymouth cluster fits so well is because the dash is Plymouth narrowed 5". Eliminating the radio on the left of the center grille and the ash tray on the right. Metal work on the very ends also required for a nice fit.
A rod builder has expressed interest in finishing it and entering it in the LARS. I think it takes a shop with several employees. I think he is going have to come up with a buyer with lots of money. Who pays the bills when you are putting in thousands of man hours for a flawless AMBR?
I don't consider the tires huge. By the way. The rear tires did not look good on 8" or on 10" wheels so I narrowed the rears to 9". Now the front and rear side walls are a near perfect match. I think that is called attention to detail. PS; I hate narrow wheels and tires.
Yes it is exactly the same except for a LOT of dust. I did have a very detailed build thread on here from the frame up. Maybe it was more than 5 years ago.
Love your "A" it's a winner. Please replace the modern windshield with a traditional 28/29 Model "A" one. The one on there just doesn't make it. JW
A great big thank you guys for ALL the comments. Even a couple of stupid ones. IE; Fat tires. 28 windshield posts. UGH!