His post is still wrong whether you like it or not. How the fuck are we supposed to pass along our knowledge when folks bastardize common terminology!?!?!?
My ‘31. Sold it a few years back. Missed it immediately..... Sent from my iPad using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
@uncleandy 65 You are clearly paying NO attention to any posts and displaying your ignorance of Ford nomenclature. I'm not going to quote all the previous posts about this (you can scroll back for yourself) but these will do.
Fuckin-a right we don't! Lol.... Man I always thought of realllllllly older stuff when I heard the term Tudor. When does the term begin and end? Is my 51 coupe a Tudor? I certainly don't consider it so just because it's a two door Ford.... Like hrp's car, that's what I think when I think Tudor....
It started when it was first used in the Ford body styles list and ended when Ford stopped using it in the body styles list. I'll let you do the research on that
That kinda language sure ain't knowledge!! Don't think many on here want any part of that rude crude uneducated "knowledge " facts are facts ignorance is a choice ! Oh here's my 2 door .
LOVE your car !!... I generally REALLY don't like blue but I have seen that shade blue on multiple early FORDs ( factory color isn't it?) and on a curvaceous body it is gorgeous!!
Thank you !had it almost 5 yrs was painted when I bought it p.o.said tried to get as close to Washington blue as he could. Not really a 40 ford color .
"It started when it was first used in the Ford body styles list and ended when Ford stopped using it in the body styles list." If this true, then no, correct? From what I've read it was only listed in the body styles list for the model a, thru the model b, model 18, model 46? My body style list is a Ford custom coupe. Nowhere does it say Tudor. Many folks consider any 2 door Ford a 'Tudor', and by that definition, is not a brand new mustang is a Tudor? I never considered a car a Tudor just because it's a two door Ford. I always thought it was a model A thing... If I'm off someone correct me with something definitive. Information appreciated.