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Technical Sign of the times I guess

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by olscrounger, May 11, 2021.

  1. ratrodrodder
    Joined: Feb 19, 2008
    Posts: 414

    from Boston

    As one of the "kids" being referenced here, I'm reading this with great interest, some sadness, and some hope. I don't have a lot of play money right now, so I've got to find deals where I can. I feel like I'll never be in a place where I could afford a '32, for instance, but I can buy pieces and parts here and there and cobble something together.

    That collection of flathead intakes you've got hanging on your wall? No, I don't need (or even want!) them all, but that doesn't mean I want to see any of them go to the scrap heap to be melted down. So what to do with your collection of vintage auto widgets that you've carefully collected over the last 30-40-50+ years? If you can't find a buyer or buyers, I certainly understand your dilemma. I don't have an answer just yet - my 1 car garage is already occupied by a non-running OT car, so while I'd love to have some Model A rpu, or a '32 5 window, etc., until I get more space to park I can only dream and buy bits and pieces.

    I strongly encourage all of you to talk to anyone who looks interested in your stuff - your car at a show, your flea market table, even the youngster wearing a hot rod-themed t-shirt at the grocery store. Hell, some of us just want to hear your stories and try to gain some of the knowledge you've got stuffed between your ears. Yes, I can go watch Youtube to learn how to set timing on a flatty or replace a set of points, but it'd be a heck of a lot cooler (and I'll likely retain the knowledge better) if you can take the time to show me on your car.

    Story time: I was at a car show (remember those? ;)) a few years ago, looking at an OT old car that was very close to my own. I mentioned to the (older) owner that I was having trouble with it, and wondered if he could help me. He told me how to "fix it" in one sentence, and then went back to talking to his buddy. Sound familiar? Now, I know how to hold a wrench and all, but I'm not a mechanical genius. So sure, tell us youngsters how to fix that part, and if you can take the time to show them the same part on your car. Talk them through the process, let them know what to watch out for. Or, if you're comfortable with them, invite them to help work on your car. Many of us will even work for free (okay, I don't know if that's true - but I'll help ya for an afternoon just for the experience and the knowledge transfer)!

    I promise, the next generation(s) are out there, looking for cars, parts, and knowledge. But if your door's always closed, we're never going to meet. Speaking of meeting, I'll be at the Jalopy Showdown in southern PA this weekend - hope to meet some of you there! :)
  2. X-cpe
    Joined: Mar 9, 2018
    Posts: 2,142


    Took a pick-up load of stuff to the Westminster swap meet a few weeks ago. Sold some things I didn't think would sell and brought home some things I thought would sell for sure. Did OK, went home happy. The next week I found out on a thread here that somebody got a hell of a deal on a Hurst Auto Stick. Doesn't bother me, had decided I wasn't ever going to use it and it's not on my shelf any more.
  3. jnaki
    Joined: Jan 1, 2015
    Posts: 10,500



    It is amazing that those people that have a ton of stuff, just keep it for “the future.” "Someday, I will use it and make something great…” sounds familiar throughout the old car scenes across the USA. Then the old barns, garages and yards become overstuffed with just “stuff.” Some of it valuable and others just left out to go to pieces. It is too bad that it takes an "event" to realize those past ideas weren’t the best and they should have spread out the “stuff” to others in the family or friends over the times of ownership.

    Just think about the stuff in the garage drawers and shelves. Some useful stuff and others, just waiting their time for becoming useful or for a project. But, when will that time period show up and when will those parts/cars get used? It seems endless…


    When my wife and I have looked at what is in our house and garage, it is a little overwhelming. No, we do not have a line up of old cars in garage stalls under covers. But, we have always been the sell one, buy another and work on it until we are satisfied for long road trips and vacations. We just don’t buy to have, so our two cars are paid for and are daily drivers. Well, they were daily drivers prior to the pandemic and the locked in place directive for us old folks.
    Even when we had a nice 1940 Ford Sedan Delivery, it was one of two cars that fit in the garage/ then carport. It was a daily driver, not a garage queen. It had its purpose and usefulness for both of us, as 20 somethings. Currently, our household is streamlined as much (well, the newish garage cabinets need another round of purging) to keep the necessary stuff and out goes the fluff. (things for later use or just to have)

    So, if and when it comes time, our son/granddaughter won’t have a mess to go through. It is laid out in fashionable order. (well they will have a terrible time in the garage with my organization and stuff) But, the household items are neatly in files and photo albums are digitized as well as in book form. Tons of digitized scrapbooks and memorabilia files, but also the actual books in neat order for the next generation’s closets, storage facilities or the dump.

    The idea of “Less Is More” hit us a few houses ago and since then, we could have a dumpster can out in front for all of the stuff that has been re-organized. Mainly, if we did not use it in the last two-three years, then out it goes. Whether to younger family members, local donation stores, or to the local dump.

    The bad thing is, since the pandemic, we have noticed that there is a one day delivery for just about anything ordered, so that is something to beware of for stock piling stuff, car stuff, tools or just about anything. It might be a curse... or two.

    Just the other day, we purchased several smaller physical versions of the latest in a larger 4tb external hard drive for our emergency back up and escape package items. The old ones were "zero'ed several times," taken apart and destroyed. So, we would not just have it laying around, just because.
  4. BamaMav
    Joined: Jun 19, 2011
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    from Berry, AL

    When I finally got my pre 48 car, I started selling or giving away a mass of OT stuff I had collected for my previous car. Some things got scrapped, but others went to different homes. Still have a set of complete glass for a 71-77 Ford Maverick that I had stored, seems nobody needed it and I can't see just throwing it away.

    I recently bought a rolling tool chest and did some tool reorganization. Most of my tools are older name brands that I have accumulated over the years by buying pieces here and there and buying small boxes of used tools at yard sales and the like. I went through my boxes and sorted out the best ones, keeping at least two of everything name brand, and putting the rusty and off shore stuff in a large plastic tool box. I'm giving it to a guy who works for me doing stuff I can't or don't want or have time to do, kind of a handyman of sorts. He's a recovered addict who's trying to get his life back on track and doesn't mind working. He can do what he wants with it, save it and use it or sell it, doesn't matter to me. It's out of my way and my stuff is now sorted and under lock and key.

    My wife and I have been having the end of life discussion lately. Her parents are quickly approaching the end, and we know their estate will be hard to clean up. He and his brother in law are pickers, and drag home stuff to resale all the time. Much of it is junk, they have gotten to the point of making bad judgement in buying, so we will have a lot of junk to dispose of. And her Mother is like Jack Benny, she doesn't want to let go of anything, we are having a hard time trying to convince her we need to know where everything is and we need access. She doesn't want anyone to get her money or anything else. Hard to convince her otherwise.....
    Just glad my Mom has a will, we know what to do with her stuff. My wife and I are fixing to have one drawn up for ourselves. Everything will be going to the Grandson IF he turns out to be capable of handling it. Right now, that is still an uncertainty as he's only 8 and has his own problems. If he isn't able, we will probably arrange for the sale of everything to go toward his care.
  5. alanp561
    Joined: Oct 1, 2017
    Posts: 5,133


    You're a good man
  6. $um Fun
    Joined: Dec 13, 2008
    Posts: 662

    $um Fun
    from Nor Cal

    I need to start getting rid of stuff. But my problem is there is always one more car. Its a never ending cycle.
  7. 327Eric
    Joined: May 9, 2008
    Posts: 2,187


    I have pulled my last project home. I have one for sale I have no plans on building. I have assigned parts to every project I have. What is left goes to the swap meet for fun, and when I pass will go to auction, ebay, whatever, except family, cash on the barrelhead to pay for my wifes needs. At the swap meet I price high, and take whatever is offered. the goal is simply to leave empty. People don't quite understand the concept, when they tell me they were waiting to the end of the day to offer me 50 bucks for something I sold for 10 bucks at 7:30, or offer 10 bucks for the factory fan i was asking 80 bucks for, and get it, but I come home with a wad of cash, and whatever I bought while there. I leave my wife in charge often. People are jerks and try to rip her off all the time, which in itself sucks, but the strategy sells more stuff, as guys get greedy and buy more than they may need when trying to rip off a woman. Seriously, 10 bucks for a holley double pumper I paid 5 bucks for works for me still.
    Deuces, koolbeans and Desoto291Hemi like this.
  8. Marty Strode
    Joined: Apr 28, 2011
    Posts: 9,451

    Marty Strode

    For those who are concerned about their heirs disposing of their collections, cars and equipment, I have a suggestion. Take a simple camera with a movie option, and video as many pieces, while explaining what the item is, what it fits, and a rough value. When you are done, pull the card from the camera, place it in an envelope with a label. That way, it will be far easier to advertise and sell the items, they will have a better chance of getting into hands that will put them to use, and not be scrapped.
    clem, rod1, Beanscoot and 5 others like this.
  9. A inspiring and at the same time a sad thread to read. Inspiring that so many want to help out the young rodder. Sad, because some of us can relate to how we ended up with our stuff. My dad(66) and grandpa(94) died a month apart 22 years ago. All 3 of us had/have collections of stuff and junk. All 3 of us never thought of dying. None of my kids or grandkids have any interest in my grandpa's stuff, dad's stuff nor my junk.
    wicarnut, warbird1 and Desoto291Hemi like this.
  10. Zax
    Joined: May 21, 2017
    Posts: 785

    1. 1952-59 Ford Social Group

    My dad is just finishing up liquidating his collection. Him and mom are selling the house and having a small cabin in the mountains built. He sold both his '50 and '55 Buicks and bought a newer Corvette. Gave about 75% of his tools and shop contents to me. Now my garage is so full I need to build a new shop.

    He really seemed to enjoy talking about the stuff in his shop he was giving me. How it was used or how he got it. It was a little sad but also a little fun.
    clem, Just Gary, wicarnut and 3 others like this.
  11. bobd1976
    Joined: Sep 24, 2010
    Posts: 97

    from Illinois

    Here is a heartbreaker. Just last week was talking to a 73 yr old friend of mine. Making a long story short. He had a 29 Model A rumble seat roadster his dad had completely restored 60 yrs ago when my friend was 13. This car had not had 20 miles put on it since the resto all those years ago. I asked him about the car and he told me that he gave the car away to another good friend of his. Yes free, signed the title over. True story!
  12. mrspeedyt
    Joined: Sep 26, 2009
    Posts: 1,028


    my folks both died in their mid eighties about ten-eleven years ago. left lots of cool shit. being the oldest it fell on me to go through their shit. man. overwhelming. then i had some serious talk with MY kids and MY shit. turns out they’re only interested in one percent of my shit. soooo.... i’ve been selling off slowly all of my shit. Dollarwise I am 3/4 happy with what I’ve sold. and now it’s the small shit that I need to focus on and clear out. i’m down to less than a half dozen cars which includes my bad ass Prius and my scion. they’re all for sale including my 68 impala wagon and my 56 Pontiac project that I inherited from my dad and my 41 Cadillac. it’s just amazing to me what a sickness it is to collect all the stuff and then leave it to the kids and the rest of the family to deal with. especially when they have no interest in it. I can enjoy looking at somebody else owning my shit. besides my focus is changed. I’m honestly more into enjoying making memories of enjoying some other human relationships that i didn’t do earlier.
    Last edited: May 20, 2021
  13. lake_harley
    Joined: Jun 4, 2017
    Posts: 2,263


    Great idea, Marty. I've started to label some things saying what they are and a "value" . Putting it all on video would be great but if we don't die quick enough technology will advance and no one will have a device to play the antiquated video. I'm being a bit tongue-in-cheek here, but really, it's not to far from the truth. My 6 or 7 year old laptop was referred to as "old" when my wife was talking to a techie about some problems we were having with our computers.:confused:

    Desoto291Hemi likes this.
  14. phat rat
    Joined: Mar 18, 2001
    Posts: 4,995

    phat rat

    I was at an auction Sat that the fella had one heck of a collection. Cars, trucks, farm machinery, gas pumps, signs(one sold for 15K). He died and the family was selling it all and from the way prices were I would think it easily topped 750K. The auctioneer announced that the guy had also had a big sale 8 years ago
  15. gimpyshotrods
    Joined: May 20, 2009
    Posts: 24,025


    I have watched way too many "piles of gold" hauled off by scrappers because nobody wanted Grandpa's "junk".

    Even if you label it all with a description and value, your grieving family may still not want to deal with it.

    I knew a guy who had a ton of old FED stuff, in mag and aluminum. He might have had $500k in sales value at current prices. He had an inventory sheet, part numbers, and all that. The inventory sheet went in the trash, and 1-800-GOT-JUNK got the rest. THEY PAID TO GET IT GONE! A whole goddamned barn full, all to scrap.

    If you pair down, you get to control where it goes, and you get to distribute the money as you see fit.

    I am 51 and I paired down everything that is not involved in my two active (and only) projects, except for one Hemi. That one might go to my brother.
    mrspeedyt, warbird1, K13 and 3 others like this.
  16. John Stimac
    Joined: Jan 15, 2008
    Posts: 601

    John Stimac

    I'll be 77 in a month, full of arthritis-these are the first two I am going to part with. IMG_0558-1.jpg IMG_1981.jpg
  17. spudshaft
    Joined: Feb 28, 2003
    Posts: 670


    This whole topic somewhat sucks, but with multiple people saying their kids/grandkids have no interest, and knowing there are young people out there who like this stuff without a hot rodder dad etc., it would be great if there were some kind of matchmaker service to pass the stuff off to people who care.

    On a personal note, my dad is almost 90 and sadly can’t work on his stuff anymore. I noticed he gave a decent effort at labeling stuff but my mom said he told her I’d know what it all is. I love the vote of confidence but stuff like random brake assemblies and engine parts I have no idea.
  18. koolbeans
    Joined: Apr 12, 2015
    Posts: 633


    I fully understand.
    I purposely collected memoribilia, posters, paintings and parts with some fleeting anticipation of someone inheriting.
    Lots of excellent valuable parts by default for modifying and building cars. (You don't understand..LOTS).
    Now at 78, the last one standing in family, no children, I'm in the same boat. What to do. In my demographics no one is collecting and are facing the same challenges.
    So, the thought is to create a meca-clearing house. A place to feel, touch, absorb the "eras".
    I have and had many fleeting thoughts and ideas. Not a museum as such, not a flea market as such, but an absolute target for collectors, estates, hoarders, to go to and feel confident that there is a good home for historical well keeping.
    Just some thoughts.....more than willing to listen, plan, formulate, invest.....

    Sent from my XT1710-02 using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
    Last edited: May 21, 2021
    warbird1 and wicarnut like this.
  19. chevy57dude
    Joined: Dec 10, 2007
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    1. Maryland HAMBers

    Setting up at swap meets is one of the things I really enjoy about the car scene. Sell sell sell!
  20. Okie Pete
    Joined: Oct 29, 2008
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    Okie Pete

    I was blessed by a couple of Mentor / Friends that gave me parts for my 45 Harley project and left over parts from their projects. I’ve been trying to do the same thing . When I can . If we don’t give / help out a young hot rodder and pass on our passion for hopped up things on wheels. Everything will wind up in the dumpsters . I know where 3 HAMB type cars are sitting in the same spot for the last 50 years. The owner now has health issues. The kids aren’t interested in the stuff but the owner still thinks he will get to the cars and fix them . Guess that’s what keep us going .
    Desoto291Hemi likes this.
  21. olscrounger
    Joined: Feb 23, 2008
    Posts: 4,812


    Lots of great replies. When I started this thread it was about helping my friend with downsizing his stash.
    Placed ads here and he has had some response and a few sales too-glad to help him. My stuff is all labeled and marked but I may start selling off a bit too-at 78 maybe only one more 40 after current one-maybe not. Lots of demand for 40 parts it seems too. Have had lots of calls for 40 grilles and nose pieces.
    Last edited: May 21, 2021
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  22. Budget36
    Joined: Nov 29, 2014
    Posts: 14,748


    I’m near 60, did a downsize many years ago. But still have a lot to get rid of, I’m past the point of selling, I just want to see some stuff go, but I’ve offered a 36 Ford PU cab, and bare frame, with two decent front fenders to some younger guys. They wanted it all, but when looking at what it takes (physical work) to get to things. Too much work for them. I don’t want to sell it, then I have to do the work to get it out. What the hell, let it turn to earth and in 30 years they can talk about me.
    I mean I’m willing to give it away, if you (third person) is willing to put some muscle into taking it.
  23. Most things in my garage are labelled, and once I've shuffled off to sing in the choir invisible there are 3 guys listed in my will to help distribute or sell my garage contents. In my mid-50s I'm hoping I've got a ways to go, but I've already had one heart attack and I've lost a few friends in the last couple of years so you never know.

    I've also been helping my father find new homes for a lot of his garage and car stuff. At 86 he's not wielding too many tools anymore, but he's still got 2 old cars in the garage that he drives regularly. More often than not if he wants to get rid of tools I get rid of my cheapo stuff instead and keep his old high quality stuff.
  24. Another option for you guys, is to call in someone like me, either before or after you're 6 feet under and sell the whole lot in one deal. Makes it easy for you and you get a large chunk of money at once vs. Trying to sell it all individually.

    Just sayin. Beats the scrap yard and keeps your next of kin from having to do all the work.
  25. shorrock
    Joined: Oct 23, 2020
    Posts: 163


    Hello John
    Please let me know how to contact you, I might be interested in that green Beauty.
    lothiandon1940 and olscrounger like this.
  26. Budget36
    Joined: Nov 29, 2014
    Posts: 14,748


    If you are also in tune with 1800gotjunk, come on down!
    Desoto291Hemi likes this.
  27. olscrounger
    Joined: Feb 23, 2008
    Posts: 4,812


    shorrock-I like John's Merc too!
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  28. John Stimac
    Joined: Jan 15, 2008
    Posts: 601

    John Stimac

    Call me at 414-828-1708 , or E-MAIL me
    34 5W Paul and Hamtown Al like this.
  29. John Stimac
    Joined: Jan 15, 2008
    Posts: 601

    John Stimac

    !cid_5BAD2535005A484CACD19D83D4CEA43A@StimacPC.jpg IMG_0234.jpg IMG_0273 (2).jpg IMG_5155.JPG IMG_6916.JPG
  30. partsdawg
    Joined: Feb 12, 2006
    Posts: 3,697

    from Minnesota

    Few years back in a Studebaker Drivers Club chapter I belong to a friend and I gave a talk to the members, most are retired and the tape measure doesnt show much time. We called it The Hardest Discussion You Are going To Have.
    It was all about the "stuff". We brought up most everything that has been posted here and sort of challenged them to at least think about what's going to happen when they are gone.
    3 members out of 15 contacted online sellers within a month and cleaned out leftover parts as well as household and personal item. A few more have been whittling away at stuff while others have at least had conversations with kids.
    A few are determined to take it all with them. Even though I buy and sell I stayed out of it because friends can get quite nasty when something doesn't sell for what they think it is worth or if you have to explain that a 30 year collection of club magazines don't really have much resale value.
    I have been turning down offers to buy parts and memorabilia collections lately. The highly desireable stuff is still good sellers but the common or off brand car parts are marginal in my eyes. Plus I have my own stuff to move.
    clem and Budget36 like this.

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