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Event Coverage Tapatalk & The H.A.M.B. App

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Ryan, May 28, 2021.

  1. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
    Posts: 21,931

    Staff Member

    The Basics:

    The H.A.M.B. App is ran by Tapatalk. On top of that, some of you use the generic Tapatalk App to access the site as well.

    The History:

    We began using the BYO App and supporting Tapatalk very early in the game. As such, we were sort of grandfathered in to their old TOS.

    The Change:

    Since we've changed from VB to Xenforo, Tapatalk no longer wants to honor the original TOS.

    The Effect:

    If we run on the new Tapatalk TOS, Tapatalk will gain access to your forum cookie and begin tracking you even when not on They also store all external link clicks from websites indefinitely with no ability to delete the data or stop the tracking. One top of this, it would be well in their rights to sell this data that they collect - including your email address.

    These offenses are so bad, that Tapatalk was removed from many app stores earlier this year.

    The Atomic Reaction:

    Under no conditions will I allow our user's data to be accessed, collected, or sold.

    Tapatalk's Reaction:

    They've refused to communicate.

    What Does This All Mean?

    There's a very high likelihood that Monday will be the last day that H.A.M.B. (or any forum in the Atomic Network) will support Tapatalk or the native apps they built for us. Regardless of user feedback, usability, or anything else... I refuse to be the guy that lets data leak and privacy be intruded upon. It will not happen on my watch.

    So... This is just a warning fellas. I'd say there's a 99.9% chance that all Tapatalk support is removed on Monday. I just wanted to make you guys aware so you can prepare and do what ya need to do before that happens.

    And to be honest, We've been talking about ditching the app and Tapatalk before all this went down. Both suck anyhow...
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2021
  2. typo41
    Joined: Jul 8, 2011
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    Member Emeritus

    That sounds like FI stuff, over my carb head,,,,,,
  3. ClarkH
    Joined: Jul 21, 2010
    Posts: 1,453


    Thanks for the heads up. Those terms are unacceptable and I'm glad you're watching out for everyone's privacy.
  4. I personally don't use the app, but I've watched over the years just how many folks have problems with it, I say good riddance.
  5. Nice to know you have our best interest at heart. thanks Boss. HRP
  6. Is there going to be another APP to use?
  7. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    Not initially... I have started to setup meetings in an effort to build my own.
  8. Moriarity
    Joined: Apr 11, 2001
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    the full site is real easy to navigate on a mobile device with no app , try it just use safari or whatever your phones browser is and see for yourself. the app sucks anyhow....
  9. Thanks for doing the right thing.
  10. I appreciate looking out for our (member) interests in the data mining world.
  11. Haven't seen a reply from anyone using the app. They won't know what hit them lol
  12. lostone
    Joined: Oct 13, 2013
    Posts: 3,149

    from kansas

    I've never used any app on this site and 99% of my time on here is thru my cell phone so an app is NOT necessary to enjoy this site :D

    And a big thank you Ryan for having character and not giving in to them. Its great to see you stand your ground on behalf of our privacy. Thank you again...
    48fordnut, Thor1, loudbang and 5 others like this.
  13. ken bogren
    Joined: Jul 6, 2010
    Posts: 1,057

    ken bogren

    I don't use the app, but do sometimes surf the HAMB on my phone usining the browser, works fine.

    It's hard to overstate huw much I appreciate your stand on user privacy.
  14. looks like my browser defaults to the app, I will try it after it goes down and I uninstall.

    Edit, works just fine in Chrome on my phone. I will just delete the app
    Last edited: May 28, 2021
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  15. BrerHair
    Joined: Jan 30, 2007
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  16. Kevin Dana
    Joined: Aug 10, 2020
    Posts: 23

    Kevin Dana

    Well, I guess I’m the minority here as I prefer, and only use the H.A.M.B. app. Understand and agree that data privacy is key though. Bummer.

    Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
  17. Well I a a sort of a luddite and still use a computer for internet access. That said I am both saddened and blissful at this news.

    Sad for those who depend on the app to use the forum and happy that the Boss has the integrity to hold his ground in this brave new world we live in.

    Don't despair, I have known @Ryan for m ore than a minute and there will be a solution to this problem.
  18. Junior Stock
    Joined: Aug 24, 2004
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    Junior Stock

    Not a problem for me . No offence Ryan but I never really liked the APP any way.
    loudbang likes this.
  19. Rehpotsirhcj
    Joined: May 7, 2006
    Posts: 1,512

    1. Northwest HAMBers

    I use the app almost exclusively and the base Tapatalk for the Ford barn. I had no idea how invasive Tapatalk is, total strokers!
    Kill it, we’ll live.

    Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
    Texas57, Thor1, wraymen and 2 others like this.
  20. I just use my web browser. Way better than the app anyways
  21. I’ve been using the app for since I joined the forum, never had any real issues with it. Of course I realize data privacy is paramount for any online service.

    Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
  22. 19Eddy30
    Joined: Mar 27, 2011
    Posts: 2,620

    from VA

    Thanks Ryan , It has popped up alot on my end , never used it to get On the HAMB , thanks for looking out for US/Me to keep our privacy private !!! from big tech and the One's thinking they know whats best for Ourselves.
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  23. blowby
    Joined: Dec 27, 2012
    Posts: 8,661

    from Nicasio Ca

    If the App is crap,
    Listen to Pap,
    Don't be a sap,
    Give it a zap,
    And call it a wrap,
    Don't fall for their trap.
  24. I use the app 95% of the time- have had very few issues- so for me it will not be quite as accessible for the ‘short stops’ I make here throughout the day- but dang it- we don’t need to be spied on either- so I appreciate the heads up that this will go dark.( and that you are looking out for us Ryan)
    I’ll just find a different way to come here and hang out.
    Wurger, slv63, Thor1 and 1 other person like this.
  25. I have never been a fan of apps and just use the full site on my phone anyway. But, glad to hear you are watching out for us.
  26. 210superair
    Joined: Jun 23, 2020
    Posts: 1,952

    from Michigan

    I used Tapatalk on a boat forum before, it's terrible. I refuse to use it. So it won't hurt my feelings none.
  27. Don't think my flip-phone is going to know the difference ;)

    And my computer won't care...
  28. jnaki
    Joined: Jan 1, 2015
    Posts: 9,932



    That is wonderful that you are ditching that app. The app has had plenty of bad incidents in the past years of any other older forums. But, my wonderment is, why would anyone want to use a 4 inch screen that has to turn sideways to see this forum or any forum for that matter.

    Yes, the screen can be enlarged to read the questions or topics, but isn't the phone for map GPS usage and communicating to friends and family? You can also throw in business calls and emergency services, too. But, to use it for viewing a 4 inch screen over a 17 inch laptop is ridiculous for viewing or reading.

    When the small window forms came out in the early cell phones, people were stuck with what was there. Over the years, the screen has gotten larger and better screen image quality. But, it still is 4-5 inches unless the expanding service is used with the pinched fingers.


    Thank you for watching out for anyone who used that app. Also, the unfair information grab that no one wants to be dispersed forever. We never used the app because of other friends using the app on different websites/forums over the years and had major problems.

    But, then again, we are not the kind of folks that watch movies on a 4 inch screen, either. YRMV
    partssaloon and chryslerfan55 like this.
  29. squirrel
    Joined: Sep 23, 2004
    Posts: 57,037


    In with a reply using the app, for posterity. Thanks for looking out for us.

    Sent from my Trimline

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