Not much is known or at least being said, but I have read on my Facebook from our First Friday’s group of Costa Mesa that we lost Dano, Daniel Patten, in a tragic accident. You may follow him on Facebook “Danolive” as he travels all over Southern California covering auto gatherings of all kinds mostly cruises and charity events. Apparently he was at an illegal street racing event photographing it when one of the participants got out of control and hit him and maybe others. I have no idea why he would be attending. I was at the Donut Derelicts this morning arriving at 5:15 am and noticed he was not there. I did not hear anyone discussing it.
That sucks... I watched a lot of his show coverage. I quit going to street races in So Cal many years ago because they were getting outa control. RIP Dano
This is on the web. Might be the incident. Very sad indeed. Illegal Street Racing Event in Carson on Christmas Day Leaves 1 Dead and Several Injured – NBC Los Angeles
Sad and he will be missed by a lot of people. Early in the news cycle floating around Facebook I watched the video and wish I had not. I did see a post that some of the regular crowd in that scene had left early thinking it was getting out of control. People lining the street along the whole length the cars were racing. To add to the tragedy, no one called for help. They all left, including the drivers in the crash. I assume they will be caught as the cars are on a lot of video.
Its so sad. I really enjoyed watching his event coverage. It always kept me informed on the SoCal car scene. He will be missed. R.I.P.
Very sad to hear of this. Street racing is dangerous , people-spectators tend to stand way to close to the action . I have seen many at no prep track events standing right beside and behind cars launching at the starting line. Some of the guys who film with 1320 video have nearly been hit on occasion . Very horrible thing to have someone loose their life.
This is sad news, but not unexpected (by me at least). About 25 years ago in the area where we lived, there was a on-going tradition of having "unofficial" snowmobile radar runs on New Years Day. Same thing; there was an accident and someone got killed. That was it for the "tradition".
This showed up on hotrod dot com a bit ago Well-Known Social Media Videographer Killed by Illegal Street Race (
I saw news of this on my FB feed, with several folks posting about it including John D'Agostino. There were some videos that he had shot and posted of people racing before the incident, and the first commenter said something to the effect that this wasn't good, that he shouldn't be promoting street racing, and that someone was going to get hurt or killed. Sadly, seemingly minutes later it was him. This is a sad, but predictable outcome.
So sad, my condolences to his family and the many friends he had. Never met him, but liked his coverage and knowledge of the many cars he put on YouTube for all of us to see. One last fist bump for Dano!
This is "Dano right here, my good friend used to stand at the entrance of Donut Derelicts every Saturday morning doing the video. I just spoke to him earlier that day Christmas morning.Thats me pulling in just as the light came up.This whole area of Huntington Beach is pretty much a hotrod & car guy meca. Our whole community felt a great loss. There was a paddle out town at the HB Pier. Shook me up pretty bad.
Jimmy, Dano was one of my very best friends. I live right down the street from Donuts on Adams. I live in "Seabridge" on Adams between Newland & Beach Blvd.I will tell you the whole story sometime.
Jimmy, as you can see in my avatar that is Dano talking to me as I'm driving in to Donuts one morning.
Dano, was a great friend of mine. I watched him start from nothing and built his business. I remember Dano telling me that he got to his first million followers and he was so excited. I talked to him early that morning (Christmas)and ask him if he was having dinner with his brother or Ms T his girlfriend. He said neither because of COVID-19 at this point he told me where he was and I told him to get the hell out of there, but of course he said he had to stay. Later that day we all heard about what happened. The whole Hotrod community was blown away.