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Where's the Purple People Eater gone to?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Alfster, Mar 2, 2003.

  1. fab32
    Joined: May 14, 2002
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    I have never seen the car first hand, but would sure like to. From the pictures I've seen I have to agree with those who have serious doubts about its drag strip potential. Does anyone know what it would take to pass tech? I'm thinking, too much work, money, time.
    That said, Ryan hit it right on the head, its the poster child for the Rat Rod movement.
  2. 1. Drag strip? does the car really have to proove a point? Not in my book.

    2. I reckon it's kicked hot rodding butt like few other car's built in the last decade due purely to the fact that there isn't a `hot rodder' who doesn't like it.

    3. Marky can park it in my living room any time he want's to.


  3. hemi
    Joined: Jul 11, 2001
    Posts: 1,959


    Daign- The rails are boxed and braced, and the cage ties in near the firewall area. The car has revved up pretty high to my knowledge without problems at Squeaks here in far as just collapsing, I don't thnk it would realistically, but I don't think it's as sturdy as it would need to be to do some serious racing.

    I'll put my interior and rear suspension pictures up later this evening....
  4. racer5c
    Joined: Nov 30, 2002
    Posts: 2,218


    With the moor that high it would have to get tons of forward bite. (Open wheel dirt track lingo for traction)



  5. Germ
    Joined: Apr 11, 2001
    Posts: 1,329


    If marky RUNS that car, I will be there to support it, because it would be cool as hell, to SAY he DID it,,,

    I think it rules that he is GOING for it,, with the cage what use to be a MODEL, might end up to be a fun little dragster,,,

    Good fucking kid... I love the idea of seeing it actually RUN down a STRIP, regardless of the times it makes,,,

    I never thought it would even GET a CAGE,,,,,


  6. Killer
    Joined: Jul 5, 2001
    Posts: 1,569


    I've got 100 bucks that says it makes it down the track smoking the rubber off the hides the whole way...

    If you saw the grin on that kids face everydamntime he drives it, you'd know EXACTLY why he built it.

    Germ loves you,

  7. Broman
    Joined: Jan 31, 2002
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    from an Island

    SBC......PPPPPTTTTttt!!! I Know you were kidding, but this car makes a point very good about the SBC cookie-cutter arguement. If he'd have put a SBC in this car noone would be talking about it. That's why I would never build a SBC car - just to be different. Sorry to all of you SBC guys (RYAN included) but thats the way I feel and I will never change.

    Now that I have stirred that pot - I have always dug the PPE. It captures the same excitement as any Roth car or custom ever made from this era or the one we are always looking back at. Pure pleasure - even as impractical as it may be. I am sure it is hell to see around that engine do drive even in a straight line, and I would be she rides like a hardtail Harley too. Plus, if that Poncho makes half as much torque as it looks like it can make it would be a bear to keep on the road even if you could see all around you. Regardless of all of that it is still rad....

    Don't take me for my word, I'm not the sharpest peanut in the turd.
  8. hemi
    Joined: Jul 11, 2001
    Posts: 1,959



    We don't STOP at no stinkin' yellow lights..

    [This message has been edited by Hemi (edited 03-03-2003).]
  9. ShortBus
    Joined: Dec 31, 1969
    Posts: 916


    I'm thinkin he'll need to move that fuel tank too...


    I shot it in late 2000 (pre-cage) and it still had a few things that were still in a mock-up state (tack welds), most likely so they could get it together for Paso and such. I thought of it as a 1:1 scale model but Marky talked about making it strip ready, even back then. I watched him DRIVE it into a Mooneyes show once (whomp-whomp-whomp, viva blower surge!) and you couldn't have pried the grin off his face with a crowbar. If/When he does run it, I'll be there holding hands with Germ.

    If I remember right, the rails were boxed, then drilled inside and out.

    [​IMG]Think of the dog... Now 16% cooler!
  10. Gracie
    Joined: Apr 19, 2001
    Posts: 1,257


    I'd do Marky in that car... and isn't that part of what its all about? I bet there are gals all over O.C. wanting an E ticket ride with Marky in that car!
  11. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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  12. nor cal nic
    Joined: Feb 26, 2003
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    nor cal nic

    hey ya'll, two years ago at the mooneyes xmas party the ppe made a grand entrance, yes, maybe it was unloaded off a trailer down the street, but it was bad as hell seein' it drive up and down s. norwalk.

  13. hemi
    Joined: Jul 11, 2001
    Posts: 1,959






    Left to right: Nick O'Teen, Dan Collins, and Marky



    We don't STOP at no stinkin' yellow lights..
  14. Germ
    Joined: Apr 11, 2001
    Posts: 1,329


    Cage looks cool,,

    The thing that bothers me about this POST the most, is the fact that the KID is building something he actually wants to RACE..
    Sure it started out as a damn HOT WHEELS car, a big attention getter....
    And when I looked at druring its deate at PASO, I skratched my head too,,,,,,

    but I think he really has the DRIVE to change some things around and give it a shot at the strip...

    I think he is more concerned about JUST GOING DOWN THE TRACK with something he BUILT. rather then worrying about THE TIME,,,,

    Grab a BEER and LET the KID fucking run with it.. If he ran a 14,
    his dick would be hard when he got out of the car....

    Thats good enough for me,,,,

    and also I kinda BOTHERED BY THE JOCK-O MENTALITY that is filtering the HOT ROD world with us YOUNGER guys???

    did the fucking FRAT HOUSE CLOSE DOWN, ???

    RUN with it DUDE,,,

    fuck it,,

  15. Sam F.
    Joined: Mar 28, 2002
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    Sam F.

    im tired of LABELS,...i thought that thing was bitchin the first time i saw it and I still do. i see past all the "WAIT A MINUTE, HE CANT DO THAT!" and the " WELL,.. THATS NOT LEGAL!"'s .i agree with JACK-O if marky wants to run it down the strip ,THEN marky WILL run it down the strip... to many nay-sayers in our "SPORT" which is fine,just makes the REWARDS that more tastefull for the ones who go AGAINST THE GRAIN...

    just my two PESOS...
  16. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    I'm not a nay sayer. I'm a drag racer.

    And I think I've been taken out of context a bit. I love Marky's car. I think it's all spades man - really. I too was at Rat Fink the year he drove it in. In fact, I helped him take it off the trailer in a parking lot a few blocks down and then rode in with RF and his brother. I had front row seats to watch the kid smile. It was cool. Real cool.

    My point is, that it is not a car built with any kind of functionality in mind. It's not a race car, cuz it's not fast. It's not a street car, cuz it ain't legal. It's art. And I think it's an awesome piece...

    Ryan Cochran
  17. Sam F.
    Joined: Mar 28, 2002
    Posts: 4,225

    Sam F.

    Ryan,wasnt directed at your post or really anybody on this thread,i understood what you were saying and i agree he'll need ALOT of work to get that thing to pass a tech inspection, but i just give him credit for originally stating his goal from the git-go and from what i can tell he's still trying to acomplish it. i just think its cool. when i said "nay-sayers" i was mostly refering to all the flack the people writing into R&C talikng shit when it original debuted.
  18. Germ
    Joined: Apr 11, 2001
    Posts: 1,329


    Hey jerk-O why don't you STOP typing(tm) LIKE me,,,, your bothering me...

    WILL you HOLD my Beer for me at PASO????

  19. axle
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 4,008

    from Drag City

    wow !!!!!!!!
    i'm hardly ever on here these days and when i click on my lil bro and his ride are a topic again. allthough ryan made some good points shortbus,killer,and germ HIT the bullseye!
    the PPE has taken more shit than a latrine.
    will a legal nhra sanctioned drag strip ever pass it? from what i've read and discussed with people....i dont think so. but that doesn't mean anything.theres independant drag strips being built all over riverside/san bernardino county right now....and like palmdale's antique nationals there will be a place where he IS going to run the car.and you can bet your ass i'll be there for support. if its a single exhibition pass so be it! who gives a shit! i know pontiac engines and i know the motors potential but i dont know what the car will do with that motor in it. in 59' that engine went 149 mph in a the PPE who knows....who cares! personally he's the only brother i've got and if the car smokes the tires halfway down the strip and he only turns 12's so be it! that's alright by me cause he's havin nothin but fun!
    the car is not finished! our buddy julio from san diego's bean bandits built marky a bitchen roll cage for it,marky just installed a 57 pontiac rear end . the floor,gas tank location,seating arrangment,tires,slicks,fuel line,battery location is all going to be redone.
    the car has received more hate mail than praise and thumbs rick amado once said..."i'd like to see some other 21 year old kid build something like this"....maybe some of it is jealousy? i dont know.....dont really give a shit....and i know marky doesn't!

    what no one....and i mean no one knows untill now is the PPE (or something like it) was built in marky's head years ago! he's been drawing stuff like the PPE since he was riding a bike. i've got a picture of him in my hallway. the picture is of him at age 7 sitting in a primered black radio flyer wagon that he blew's got big and little wheels,primered black,he cut a hole on the bottom of it and bolted a shifter to it,set an intake and carb in the damn thing and cruised the neigborhood with it. it's allways been in his blood....he was born with it!!!!!

  20. Alfster
    Joined: Jan 15, 2002
    Posts: 1,174


    Wow, I never expected this sort fo response to this post.

    Personally I love the car, it's crazy and neat. I don't care if it's not practical or if it ever goes down a dragstrip, it just looks neat.

    All I was concerned was that it had not been cut up and the parts used to make another car which so often happens.

    I have four car garaging at home with everyone of them full but I would find space for it in an instant.



    I thought about being rich but it don't mean much.
    Look at Henry Ford, all those millions and he never owned a Cadillac!
    Joined: Nov 6, 2002
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    I wasn't going to post on this....but I can't resist after reading Axle's message. I love that pic of Marky as a kid.

    This brings me to my insignificant .02. My favorite "BS-ing about cars sessions" are done with my 10 yr old nephew. He KNOWS what is cool.
    Marky knew what was cool as a kid and he didn't lose that growing up.

    Thats a lot more than I can say for a lot of people who are supposed to be "rodders". Fat asses busting the ass out of their lawn chairs, wiping down their red cars with the billet wheels. People say "Why did Marky build this thing??" "What is it for?" I say....."Why build a cookie cutter billet machine just so you can go to a car show and get a bad sunburn and just set around". That seems like a bigger waste of time to me. Dontcha think?? Hot rodding is supposed to be over the top for crying out loud.

    Kids know what is cool.....Just look at that pic of Marky. PPE is a high water mark for the hot rodding world.

    Just my .02....Willys.
  22. RocketDaemon
    Joined: Jul 4, 2001
    Posts: 2,082

    from Sweden

    i wouldn't be supprised if there would come out a 1/24
    or 1/25 model kit of that car... would be cool with a 1/8 kit, i would sure buy it anyhow
    cool huge toy car is what it is, i bet he has alot of fun with it,

    am i the only one without a tagline?
  23. hatch
    Joined: Nov 20, 2001
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    from house

    I love the letter to R&C was one of the ones published in favor of the car. Still one of my favorite R&C covers in a long time.

    I also believe it's better to look good, than run fast. If you add up all the hours you are looking at your car, and compare that to all the hours you are actually in the car and driving it, you will understand my point.

    That car could be stored in my garage and never be driven..wouldn't bother me a bit. Hear that??free storage!!! I'll wait by the road for ya! .[​IMG]
  24. ShortBus
    Joined: Dec 31, 1969
    Posts: 916


    thanks Hatch, it's one of my favorites too. Definitely one of the most memorable shoots I've done.


    [​IMG]Think of the dog... Now 16% cooler!
  25. That's inspirational Alex, the shot of him as a kiod with his sleeves rolled up driving his hot rod wagon... it is so true about jealousy rearing its ugly head... I think the thing is bad ass and hope to see it run down the track some day... maybe Palmdale?
    It also sounds like he has his ducks in a row with some of the tech.
    ...and I know what you mean about the nay-sayers... even with my little SBC drag project going together, I catch a lot of "You know you have to have a legal cage... they don't let altereds run anymore... the short wheelbase is gonna make it unstable..." Well, no shit!
    It blows me away at people who would send HATE MAIL... they just don't get it I guess... well, their loss, our gain.
  26. hemi
    Joined: Jul 11, 2001
    Posts: 1,959


    Axle, thank you, you just made me grin from ear to ear reading your post. That car just does it for me, and I've maintained that from the get-go. Hell, I built the damn website even.
    The kids got heart and the car has soul, and that just doesn't lose regardless of what people say.

    And Ric, that is my favorite magazine cover of all time, and I've read a bunch. I have like 4 copies put up fer the kids and what not. I don't think there has ev been another cover that smacked me in the head like that one did.

    I had seen the PPE, and was looking for reference shots to build a model car of, and all I could find were small pictures and some web stuff, and then BAM!!!!! You nailed it.
  27. Django
    Joined: Nov 15, 2002
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    from Chicago

    People actually sent hate mail??? [​IMG] That's bullshit. I nearly blew a nut the first time I saw that thing in Vegas 2000. Hmm, I wonder if I kept that issue of R&C. I don't think I did. [​IMG]

    thirtysix and fortysix
    Chrome Czars Motor Club
  28. Samantha
    Joined: Jan 9, 2002
    Posts: 130


    That pic Axle posted...worth a thousand just says it all.
  29. Killer
    Joined: Jul 5, 2001
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  30. hemi
    Joined: Jul 11, 2001
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    Hey look, it has the same wheelbase! [​IMG]

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