Anyone know if there is an electronic replacement for the Model A speedometer/odometer? I'd like to have a cable-less speedometer that looks stock.
Gonna go waaay out on a limb and say nope. The market is way too small for anyone to tool up such a thing. No ROI. But I've been wrong before.
I think some companies make electronic units that spin a traditional cable to use a regular speedometer. I think most use GPS to figure out the speed.
Agreed; the Model A's horizontal-rotating speedometer would probably have to be driven by a servo or encoded motor and a circuit interpreting engine speed. The odometer would need a separate mechanism. Thought I'd ask, though.
On my A I had a rebuilt stock speedo connected to a 700R4 trans. All I needed was a cable with the correct ends. It was accurate even with 3:00 rear axle and big/little tire combo. There are adapters available if speedo turns out to not be accurate enough.
Speed hut offer a conversion unit that uses a cable drive to the original speedo.