Found this neat addition to my collection about a week ago. It’s been locked in a container for many years. Trying to find some sort of history or old pics. It’s been in La Habra and has a 1963 California plate. Thanks in advance H.J.
A lot of shiny chrome at one time, perhaps a four banger motor? 58 Chevy tail lights may help to date it.
Should be labeled as a container find. Yet, for some reason container find does not sound as cool as BARN find. I like the rear bumper and front fenders, with the channeled body. 1963 plate says the time period correctly.
Amazing. Hot rodding very nearly died in the '60s as the muscle car craze took hold. Muscle cars were the thing and lots of hot rods were put away and all but forgotten for a while. And it looks like that's what happened with this one, and it's been hiding since.
I’m pretty sure it was built as a hotrod in the 50s and updated in the 60s. Before it was candy red it was metallic blue. It also has 1938 Saturday Evening Post newspapers with blue over spray on it in the doors.
The radiator inlet and outlet and offset hood scoop make you wonder about what powered it. Any other clues?
Congrats @hudsonjoe49, what a time capsule... Knowing your passion for vintage Hotrod I'd say it's in very good company...was there any history shared from the one you bought it from?
Great find and thank you for sharing. Can’t see much in the way of motor mount clues but with the indent in the firewall wonder if that’s to clear a Y block distributor??
I'm no hot rod expert by any means. But that very first picture, the head on shot, had me confused for a moment. I thought, "Where's the front spring? Why would someone take the spring off this car?" But the next few pics cleared up the mystery. Everything's just been neatly tucked up beneath the radiator and the picture was taken from just the right angle. All in all, this makes for a very clean front suspension. Maybe this layout was a lot more common than I suspect. Maybe it wasn't the absolutely best suspension to use on one of these cars. Maybe it was. Either way, I've got to start paying more attention to this kind of stuff.
...this sure reminded me of what you've found...this was 54 so fast forward to 63...but I don't think so...
Looks like good workmanship overall. Shouldn't take a whole lot to make it a running driving car. Don't like the scoop on the hood but otherwise looks like a good project that you could be driving soon.