Do any of you out there have "exploded" diagrams of the SCoT blower? (no I don't mean blown up!) I need drawings to show the internal rotors, the rear bearing(s) and the drive gear arrangement. Thanks in advance. Should be some old flathead guys that ran/run them.
I love these blowers! The best look a flathead can have, except for one with Ardun heads and the blower. I would like to see any info on them anyone has as well. Thanks, David
If you don't have drawings, does anyone have any pictures of a SCoT disassembled? While I'm at it, who can do (or does) refurbishing? (new bearings, races, etc.) Also need the specs on the rear bearing preload.
theres an old issue of street rodder(1970s) with a decent article on them. Ill try and dig it out for you. Louie
Louie that would be much appreciated. Ryan, believe it or not, I contacted BDS this afternoon by email. Who ever replied, had never heard of a SCoT!
Charley Price at said that he had a source able to make the internal gear that is usually bad.
A friend of mine Joe(SIXCARB on the hamb) has a scot blower that he was having someone do some work on. Maybe he can help.Louie
Everytime I've talked to BDS, they have a "Receptionist" answer the phones. This person can look up part numbers etc and can have you talk to the right person but they don't know much more than that. That being said, I asked them about rebuilding a S.Co.T blower I found and they referred me to the guy they thought would know about it. He didn't... Said he never heard of them either... I hung up with the impression they did not rebuild S.Co. T. blowers. I still hear people say they do though. FWIW, there's a reason why Barney Navarro, and Tom Beaty, etc, didn't run S.Co. T. blowers on there record making, blown, land speed/drag cars... They're quirky and prone to failier. Most guys in the know will tell you to pass on them, especially at current prices.
Morning, I know a gentleman in Burbank, CA. That specilizes in S.CO.T Blowers. He rebuilt mine for me a couple of years ago and I put it back on my 331 Caddy in my 40 coupe and it has never run so good. He does updates on them and makes them all very streetable. I have a number for him, but will have to find it. PM me and I will send it. Davey <font color="red"> </font>
Hey everyone, appreciate the information. Just to fill you in on what is going on, I already own a SCoT blower. I ran it on another flathead for several years. (steet use mainly) I'm building a new engine that will be installed in my new '28 "A" Tudor Hiboy. I'm using one of Mike Bishop's "mounds bar" crankshaft along with a set of French connecting rods. So I would like to "fresh up" the blower. Now for some responses... daveydeuce Thanks for the offer, PM should be in your mailbox. Kilroy As much as the SCoT isn't the best blower for racing, mine will mainly be for street use. (plus I already own one!) And, I like the looks of them!! LA32 Thanks for the lead. SIXCARB you out there? Ryan Thanks. Anyway to get in touch with Jimmy White? Bruce Thanks for the name. One of the internal gears is suspect as well as one of the "cogs" that engage the rotor(s). (when I try to check clearence between the rotor blades, I keep getting different measurements) 22track Thank you for that. I just hope I still have that issue. Thanks again everybody!
I figured you already made your decision based on more info than I have, Digger. I was mostly aiming my comment at the people asking for general info about S.Co.T. and Italliamechanica, blowers. I was also trying to point out that it probably isn't best choice for a hard driving street car even more so than a race application. Longevity being the major problem.
hey there, I just got my scot back, I had a new gear made for it and had to have the rotors lined to repin the new gear, I'm not sure where to get the bearings or the spacing on them but I will try to find out where the guy got them from, my machinist is an 86 year old test pilot, he's hard to grab on to, I will try to grab him by monday. As far as the gear goes a company in Newark NJ made me one for $500, I'll find out what I can. Joe "Mutahheads"
[ QUOTE ] I figured you already made your decision based on more info than I have, Digger. I was mostly aiming my comment at the people asking for general info about S.Co.T. and Italliamechanica, blowers. I was also trying to point out that it probably isn't best choice for a hard driving street car even more so than a race application. Longevity being the major problem. [/ QUOTE ] Killroy, you make a good point. SCoTs are sort of like Picasos. Rare, fragile, hard to find, WAY over priced when you do find one for sale, but ... when you got one; Flaunt it! I aggree it is probably not the best choice for a "hard driver street machine" but this hot rod will be a "short haul" driver. I do not plan on squezzing too much boost out of it and they sound a lot different than a GM blower. Oh, 22track wouldn't you know it, I'm missing that issue. Am I a little "nuts?" Yep; but what the hell, you only live once!
SIXCARB, thanks for jumping in. Sounds like you and I are in the same "boat." My original request for information was to see if anyone had some specs. daveyduece sent me the name of a fellow that rebuilds SCoT's so maybe I'll be able to get more info shortly.
Evening, If I ask real nice, Could you possibly Email me the S.Co.T Article from Street Rodder. I probably have the issue but its packed away and has been for years. I have a S.Co.T on the 331 Caddy in my 40 Ford. Thanx, Davey <font color="red"> </font>
[ QUOTE ] Digger Dave: I emailed you that 4 page article. [/ QUOTE ] Received; MUCH THANKS! Ryan or Grim the TECH article from Street Rodder on SCoT's is a good one; how much copyright problems would you run into, if it was posted in the HAMB TechOMatic ???
@Digger_Dave Theirs a couple here See post 124.