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Projects 1931 Ford 3W Build "Marilyn"

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by DylanHill1931, Nov 14, 2016.

  1. Cool build ya have there. 29 Steelback cowl with a slant windshield modified to fit. I like it
    chryslerfan55, loudbang and Stogy like this.
  2. That’s a fair point. Okay I’ll do the trick! Thanks man.
    loudbang, Bandit Billy and Stogy like this.
  3. Stogy
    Joined: Feb 10, 2007
    Posts: 26,840


    In case you didn't notice Billy is one helluva shiny Guy...even if the gasket was there I couldn't see it but I'll take his word for it...:D
  4. The37Kid
    Joined: Apr 30, 2004
    Posts: 31,985


    Thanks! I'm using the '29 rear section as well, shorter than a '31 Steelback. The fact that a '29 wood kit is around $3,500, and four years of my life to install made the '31 Slantwindow center section a no brainer.
  5. E12F6D43-86F9-427E-85FB-48751808742A.jpeg 77A0FC89-3341-4C99-96A6-74838A532D6A.jpeg 180E9C98-3B29-4E24-883E-8C112DBBF771.jpeg EF21C0DA-8EB8-46FA-BEA5-8EBAD86C444B.jpeg C86F676D-572A-4D38-82DE-9D7B3406C7F6.jpeg C895DB35-8E5C-4AE6-A5AF-77815B5E1075.jpeg 87DEE9B8-9ECC-4A22-A3F4-C47EFB348768.jpeg 331E0DBA-53D9-4879-9164-173FF45CB86A.jpeg 25E3321D-B143-4108-9161-EC885097B040.jpeg 8E686578-B6D7-4C50-A853-352AC22B1996.jpeg 453A63AD-DC96-448C-9202-AC43FD31AED5.jpeg 69A1DFB8-1FF2-40C9-AB81-C108A80F2A48.jpeg 8923EC64-0A1C-4226-862C-F2388A9D2800.jpeg 1CD394B8-2BB6-49FB-BB67-59AEF5091445.jpeg 4800B579-8F70-4D67-8020-E5CD327A2F72.jpeg 911ABC2F-7432-4FE5-8713-B4145AB075DD.jpeg 88FF0747-2EBD-4F00-A068-3477513FD865.jpeg 237A08AD-2824-443B-B9DB-D7D009F1EA56.jpeg D0C41F39-86C0-4DAC-A53D-818C66702B6D.jpeg 74373C31-3A4A-4E4E-887A-67674A60652B.jpeg A58B876A-9BA2-497B-80B9-C0277660C781.jpeg 9558317F-0196-437B-985E-2CD7C0A69899.jpeg E3B0FC09-8531-4D08-BA6C-E0BFE829DB69.jpeg 2D451EAE-C4DC-4A79-86EE-5797A8D31E6A.jpeg Small update on the coupe been staying busy on it switching from weekends to at least every other day before work. Getting all the gaps fitting better. A few spots on it like the rear corner just absolutely gave me a fit. Cutting and splicing to get the lines at least half good for mud work (eventually) back window as well as the rest of the car could definitely benefit from a planishing Hammer however it will do for now. Gutters are welded and trunk supports are welded. Decklid hinges as it should and fixed my gap issues from those wonderful repop panels! Lots more to do motor will be back Wednesday or Thursday and will find its way in the car soon. Planning on wiring it Memorial Day and hoping for first start soon after then it’s a mad dash to finish for Pinetree Jamboree. Thanks everyone for following along. Learning alot every day hoping to do that much better on the next car. I’m sure I will redo this car in the future lol
    hotrodjack33, Tim, patmanta and 9 others like this.
  6. IMG_3569.JPG BE4D88CB-7863-4309-9D86-8CA510BD7A2F.jpg IMG_3606.JPG 67564402550__50FE6DBA-DE52-45F2-AA5B-F8273CEEC918.JPG 7C0EF282-73B8-4B9A-A551-4361FFC15AF3.jpg 4B4A30ED-7457-4B65-B60C-297D24B3636A.jpg 67608175961__3B7B7FBE-C38E-49B5-B425-E3CEFB6444FC.JPG 67609186862__145317EF-7828-4767-8C70-FEFE6FCD3F27.JPG cleaned up the interior and painted so wiring could begin.

    I opted for a Tanks Inc 16gallon universal tank in the trunk and electric fuel pump. I had plans to run the stock tank but was getting too complicated trying to figure out fuel pumps on a 49-53 engine with a 59a style intake. Between pushrod sizes and bushings to the pump arm and ventilation/oil fill with running a stock tank so I put the kibosh on all that and ran a tried and true setup. Cut the gas tank to make clearance for my gauges and found a lot of sand inside so I’m glad I went that route.

    The car is now wired from the key to the engine to be able to fire it from inside with big thanks from my friends Brian and Dylan.

    The engine is in final assembly and am just waiting on an oil slinger to finish assembly. Trans is done swapped the detents and it shifts extremely smoothly now! Not sloppy feeling any more. Thanks Brian for the rebuild!

    Need to finish metal work on pass side and then pull the body off for the last time to paint underneath and work on the brakes, fuel lines, and finish the drivetrain up clean and paint etc. still shooting for Pinetree jamboree in August 19-21 in Winterport, Maine.
    Crusty Chevy, brEad, Dannerr and 8 others like this.
  7. Tim
    Joined: Mar 2, 2001
    Posts: 18,720

    from KCMO

    DylanHill1931 likes this.
  8. Thanks bud, happy to see the finish line in the distance
    Dannerr and panhead_pete like this.
  9. chiro
    Joined: Jun 23, 2008
    Posts: 1,248


    Looks great. What is your "tried and true" electric fuel pump?
  10. Thank you and the tried and true phrase was referring to the rear mounted tank with electric fuel pump not the brand of pump itself…as far as the fuel pump is concerned I don’t have experience with it yet but it’s the Edelbrock electric micro pump on every auto parts store shelf. I wanted the most basic pump from a known company that way if/when it shits the bed I know the local store should have one in stock. 67570360006__5664CE81-FBB3-43A5-B48A-3D547EE98210.JPG the fuel setup I’ll be running, I will have a secondary filter on the pump to carb side that is cleanable and between both I shouldn’t run into much of any issues with fuel.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2022
    brEad, patmanta, TomT and 2 others like this.
  11. panhead_pete
    Joined: Feb 22, 2006
    Posts: 3,510


    Still one of my fav builds here, great to see you getting closer Dylan although in a LONG weekend you could chop it, only buying glass etc once ;) :)
    DylanHill1931 and Tim like this.
  12. chiro
    Joined: Jun 23, 2008
    Posts: 1,248


    ^^^Thanks. BTW and FYI ... I've had very bad luck with those dial type fuel pressure regulators., including the Mr. Gasket one shown. They don't seem to like fuel with ethanol. They have failed on me multiple times. Also, the pressure regulator that most are using is the Holley one rated for low pressure (there's two types). NAPA sells their own brand of electric micro-type pump made by Facet that puts out 1-3 PSI which is much more compatible with the carbs you will be using on the flathead and is used by many. Pretty much every Napa store has them on the shelf. The one you show puts out too much pressure for either the Stromberg 97's or the Holley 94's. I'm running the stock mechanical pump on my flatty mostly because I've read that deleting it is a hassle. Apparently, from what I've read here on the HAMB, the fuel pump push rod needs to be in place because there's an oil gallery hole in there that supplies it with oil and without the rod in place that hole just pushes out oil and the resulting drop in oil pressure will starve other areas of the engine causing failure. Just leaving the rod in place is also a hassle because it will just bounce around in there without a pump arm to be pushing causing it's own issues. I've read some pretty interesting ways around this problem, like re-building the mechanical pump so it becomes just a pass-through for the fuel when running an electric fuel pump, or inserting some type of plug into the fuel pump rod bore to close off the gallery port. I kind of forget exactly how that was done but you had better do some research on that.

    Reason I asked is I have been having some fuel delivery issues on my flatty (I think maybe clogged filter or failing pump due to ethanol) that I have been trying to nail down and have been considering going to an electric pump. It's been driving me crazy actually. My pressure gauge also failed, staying stuck at about 2 lbs, (which is supposed to be perfect for the strombergs or holley 94's). But I tapped it with my fingernail and the needle dropped. Keep your eye on everything. Thinking of switching to non-ethanol fuel because I can buy it here but then what if I'm going for a long cruise then and need to fill up? I have been using the Lucas upper cylinder lubricant additive (which is also a lead replacement). It has stopped my needles in the carbs from sticking (also an ethanol issue) and Star-Brite Startron ethanol additive. Don't forget to use high zinc oil in the flathead. All the above may be stuff you already know but I'm just talking from my experiences to try to help you out.
    DylanHill1931 and tomkelly88 like this.
  13. Thank you very much and hahaha I know I could I’m personally a big fan of the gentleman’s chops but one day I’ll likely do it.
  14. From my knowledge 1-2 psi is recommended, my carbs are basically strombergs but are speedway 9 super 7s rebuilt with stromberg parts. The Edelbrock pump limits to about 4 psi the mr gasket regulator is what my friend is using on his flatty and so far he’s had no issue but I know it’s a crap shoot. I’ll look into the napa micro pump.

    As for the oil galley/pump rod that’s already been done with a plug in the rod bore.

    Just bought my oil for the engine today I run Valvoline VR1 oil in my 55 after a hard lesson learned on a fresh rebuild without zinc additive I also buy the Lucas zinc additive and dump that in on every oil change.

    As for your carb issues my friend with a mildly built engine and dual carbs running this mr gasket regulator had to turn it down to 1 to get the car to run properly he had it at 2 with a single carb before the rebuild so possibly try that and let me know. Your mechanical pump diaphragm may also be giving out on you not uncommon on mechanical pumps throw a rebuild kit in it if it tests bad! Should be all that’s wrong with it
    chiro and Dannerr like this.
  15. Looking good man! Cant wait to see it! Im shooting to be up at the Pinetree but if not i hope you can make it to TROG.

    Constantly check that fuel pressure regulator, seen a bunch of them crap out, but last year was the worst. On the way to Bonneville my club brother Del was cooking down the road in front of me when all of a sudden he started spraying fuel all over me. Car was still running no issues, but it was spray fuel right out of the side of regulator. not at a fitting or the knob, right out of the side of the body!!! Insult to injury it was 2 weeks old, He put it on just to make sure it didn't crap out on the way! When we stopped to see what the hell was going on, i touched the regulator and the whole thing just fell apart. We got him hooked up on the side of I 80 in Nebraska, but made for a scary moment for sure.
    I use the Holley 1-4 PSI regulator on the 39, works great. Quick Fuel makes one too that i just picked up for my stude motor since the Holley one was not in stock. I've had good success with quick fuel stuff so i figure its good. cheap insurance after seeing that one come apart last year.
    DylanHill1931 likes this.
  16. Big update on the coupe. CCF7E97E-851F-482A-9682-C55FA1C3FFAB.jpg
    Modified the oil pan and added a crankcase breather IMG_4329.JPG
    Was able to put it on the lift for about a week and get the frame painted and brake lines run and finished up. Did some metal work but still a long ways to go IMG_4571.JPG I modified this old 32 4 cylinder gas pedal into a v8 style and mounted to the firewall IMG_4584.JPG Firewall and frame painted starting final assembly and the big push to Pinetree Jamboree that was in August IMG_4583.JPG Rolled on this paint, came out pretty good! IMG_4669.JPG Engine is in and final weld on the motor mounts. 67945889066__1CB92029-21B2-4BF9-93D4-F5F7CA999008.JPG finalized the clutch and brake linkage 67945871490__7C010EB2-C787-4280-9103-FA785C072375.JPG Thrash mode so excuse the mess but made up a small torque tube tunnel sorry no pics after I welded it in IMG_4842.JPG Quick battery tray made up and my kill switch. IMG_5595.JPG chromed rear bones moved in on the axle to clear the frame and final assembly of rear end (ended up having to add a stock spring pack to get the clearance I needed even with my C notches IMG_4952.JPG Back outside in the tent, buttoning up all the loose ends IMG_5001.JPG Got it to fire up but very quickly noticed a big issue the aluminum flywheel was rubbing on the splash shield/starter mount as it was a 59a flywheel. So I sourced a clutch and flywheel from my spare Flathead in storage and got it fired up!
    hfh, Dannerr, Shadow Creek and 7 others like this.
  17. oliver westlund
    Joined: Dec 19, 2018
    Posts: 2,646

    oliver westlund

    Awesome build, enjoying reading through...i am building a traditional hot rod AND building it to my vision without anyone telling me how it should be done haha best of both worlds. Wont be anything vermin related to it when its done, she will be painted and purrrdy. Love the builds though!
    brEad and DylanHill1931 like this.
  18. oliver westlund
    Joined: Dec 19, 2018
    Posts: 2,646

    oliver westlund

    Wow this thing weny from a pile of parts to built really quick!
    DylanHill1931 likes this.
  19. IMG_5002.JPG can see where the aluminum melted…it would start run for about a min and with literally seize up…the friction got so intense it stopped the motor IMG_5003.JPG only reason I used this flywheel was because it came off my 49-53 Merc block what I didn’t realize was they clearanced the shield to prevent it from rubbing. IMG_5028.JPG all back together and noticed that now the engine wouldn’t turn over at all…hmmm so I removed the spark plugs and sure enough water shot out of cylinder 8. My nice Fenton heads were cracked so I threw on these Merc heads to make the event…if you haven’t learned this it pays to have backups lol (Fenton heads are now fixed but still running the Merc heads for now) IMG_5082.JPG Gas tank mounted and plumbed IMG_5046.JPG we got a runner! My 3 window next to my buddy Isaac’s Homeschool Hotrod 28 ford pickup built it way 14 years old he just got his license this month! IMG_5300.JPG we made it! One test drive to the gas station the night before and loaded it up to go racing the next day…what a helluva push! CFA66991-53A9-40CE-A17C-B21D5361586D.jpg my buddy Brian and I in the pits. Tented out for 3 days. Such a killer event IMG_5270.JPG successful trip and surprisingly enough didn’t break anything!
  20. A few cool shots from Pinetree Jamboree 2022!
    8800C931-CFEB-4488-97C3-B6889DBA5BBE.jpg 9E1A89BB-68E0-4806-9F35-F87E9F5C9E17.jpg IMG_5295.JPG 093748C2-0B33-4081-8B60-43EBA41C921F.jpg
    hfh, Dannerr, Shadow Creek and 7 others like this.
  21. Mounted my BLC headlights on an old 32 headlight bar that was broken in half. they are a bit high however I don’t mind, kinda gives it an early 50s vibe. 3D5233BD-B093-4CA2-B4BC-6F18B9832128.jpg second car show a lot further down in Massachusetts at the Tyrods Old Timer reunion…great show and really top notch cars IMG_5861.JPG raised the rear up and decided to try driving into work! Car is doing great so far! IMG_5935.JPG you know you got a good woman when your car is left outside and you are at work and it starts raining and she drives to lowes and tarps up the car in the rain…imma lucky man! IMG_6071.JPG IMG_6090.JPG IMG_4861.JPG IMG_4862.JPG out front of the cove in Wildwood,NJ We towed the coupe down to TROG and tooled around Saturday before the bottom fell out of the sky on Sunday. Still had a great time!
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2022
    brEad, Dannerr, Shadow Creek and 6 others like this.
  22. IMG_6150.JPG IMG_6220.JPG IMG_6222.JPG 1D2D6E7C-73D3-46DD-AD3E-4326AA328101.jpg first breakdown of course 3 and a half hours from home in Connecticut driving down for the Hotrod Fallout. Brake pushrod broke in half. My fault it happened luckily I was able to get it stopped and no one or nothing got hurt other than my pride hahaha 822F0F9F-A8A7-4D4E-B9DD-D9C662A23630.jpg my vision chop wise just photoshopped in this picture F7B90549-9A30-468D-A014-E90D1BAD2CBB.jpg got the breaks fixed and better than they were! Made it to the Jalopy Hillclimb in Campton, NH IMG_6923.JPG IMG_6942.JPG Dylan Colored Down.jpg D10916DB-BA35-4129-B272-266C9B20EBD5.jpg IMG_6939.JPG and now we’re all caught up! If you guys want I’ll continue to post my events and randomness on this thread…but the majority of the build is complete. Just chop and patch work to finish and a overall tidying up which I’ll continue to post all of those as they happen
    brEad, Dannerr, Shadow Creek and 8 others like this.
  23. oliver westlund
    Joined: Dec 19, 2018
    Posts: 2,646

    oliver westlund

    Keep postin, i bet your old man is grinnin ear to ear! Looks great, chop looks great too!
    DylanHill1931 likes this.
  24. Tim
    Joined: Mar 2, 2001
    Posts: 18,720

    from KCMO

    Absolutely keep posting!
    DylanHill1931 likes this.
  25. The coupe turned out great Dylan – the proportions are perfect and the placement of the ancillary components is on point.
  26. Man that thing is great Dylan!!! I was hoping to catch up at TROG, but they canceled the event just as we were leaving town so just went back home....... Hopefully see ya next time!
    DylanHill1931, D-Russ and TomT like this.
  27. Very mice ride! Congrats!
    DylanHill1931 and D-Russ like this.
  28. The37Kid
    Joined: Apr 30, 2004
    Posts: 31,985


    Not sure if you need to chop it. My Fordor will have 10 inch tall windows after I chop it. Check with D-Russ to see what Miss Vicky has. Bob
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2022
    DylanHill1931 and D-Russ like this.
  29. Will do then! Ahaha yeah he’s in shock for sure. He hasn’t seen it since May when it was just parts so he’s excited to see it in person
    Dannerr and oliver westlund like this.
  30. Thanks buddy, really appreciate it. The roof is coming down hopefully this winter…2.5” just like someone’s Vicky cough cough.
    Dannerr, D-Russ and oliver westlund like this.

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