Neil Thompson leaning over the left fender. Over the years his Studebaker had every Comp Coupe record with all kinds of engines including a slant 6 in F. Back in those days there was no designation for gas and fuel…all were fuel only. You gotta love white pants and shirts…
Chicago’s Lake Shore Drive January 26-27, 1967. We were hit hard by a blizzard, 23+ inches in 24 hours.
Rich Guasco in his younger days. He still has the roadster at 85 years old. Jerry Anolik, who was a partner at J & G autobody in San Francisco in the mid 1950's. The T-bird now has the Cadillac engine that Jerry got from Ted Leventhal earlier.
Barbara Hamilton drove herself into the history books as the first woman to receive a National Hot Rod Association (NHRA) license. She used that license to drive a supercharged dragster, a 1937 Willys coupe from 1964 to 1971. She was a great champion and leader, who also became a great role model.